The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,485 New Combat Instructions

Master Midic looked young, as young as Thane.

Among the fourth-level magicians, both of them are considered "young people".

However, Master Midic is still Thane's senior after all.

Especially the help when Thane was weak cannot be ignored under any circumstances.

Master Midici came to visit Thain. He must have heard from some channels that Thain had already led the Ashes Holy Tower Army on the front line.

Master Midici's Holy Tower of Enlightenment is now on its first expedition.

Midic, who has a more cautious personality, also wanted to learn from Thain this time and absorb some of Thain's combat experience on the frontline battlefield.

Of course, Thain knew everything about Master Midici's visit and his intentions.

He mainly talked about his understanding of the Gallente Federation Fleet Legion, and elaborated on some of his war experiences to Master Midici, and his views on the Federation. Fleet view.

The conversation between the two Holy Tower owners lasted for nearly two days.

Master Midic is really a careful and gentle light magician. He doesn't feel any awkwardness just because Thain is his junior.

When Thain told him about some frontline war experiences, the master took out his crystal ball and recorded everything that Thain told him. During the process, he also humbly asked for advice and asked many details.

Thain was not the only Holy Tower Master that Master Midici visited before his expedition. With his good popularity and good connections, Midici also visited other Holy Towers and tower masters who arrived at the front lines of the civilized battlefield to fight. Hall of Knights.

Every time, Master Midici is so modest.

"Sean, you seem to know the underlying fleet of the Gallente Federation and the operating system of the other party's technological civilization better than others." Master Midici couldn't help but sigh while asking for advice from Thane.

Thain went to the Gallente Federation on an infiltration mission. At that time, the two top civilizations had not yet fought. Naturally, what he saw and learned was more profound than what he had on the battlefield.

In response, Thain pursed his lips and did not explain much.

In addition to humbly asking for advice from Thain, Master Midici also sighed and told Thain a piece of bad news - the fourth-level knight Bakda died on the battlefield frontline in the underworld star field.

The fourth-level knight Bakda is one of Master Midici's lifelong friends.

Master Midici has many friends, among whom Bakda is one of the few strong knights.

Regarding the memory of the fourth-level knight Bakda, Thain is more of a black magic apprentice. It was this knight in shining armor who brought Thain to Midic.

Only later did a series of

List things.

Thain is a person who has a clear sense of grudges and grudges. He will remember whoever treats him well.

At that time, the Bakda Knight was only at the second level.

The Knight of Bakda died due to the previous wizard civilization's tentative counterattack on the underworld star field.

That war was the second major defeat experienced by the wizard civilization in the underworld star field. Thain, who was on another battlefield at the time, heard about it and expressed his confusion about the failure of the wizard civilization.

Now the wizard civilization has regained its place in the underworld star field.

In the past hundred years, more and more good news has come from the underworld star field.

The shadow of failure back then is no longer worth mentioning.

But among these good news, there is a bit of bad news, which is the news of the death of powerful wizards such as Bakda, which has not been reported until now.

Thain couldn't help but sigh.

He thought of his experience in the radiation arc world. In the context of civilized war, the lives of fourth-level creatures like them seemed too fragile.

Whether in a superior war zone or a disadvantaged war zone, there is always the risk of death.

It just depends on the probability.

Is there any absolutely safe place?

Perhaps only the mother plane of wizard civilization is the safest.

The two magicians, who had known each other for a long time, couldn't help but sigh a few more times.

Before Master Midici said goodbye and left the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane stopped him and stuffed a golden apple potion into Master Midici's hand.

At this time, Thain only had three golden apple potions left. He gave one to Master Midici, leaving him with only two.

Not only is it a way to repay the kindness of the past, but it is also because I don’t want to lose this old friend who is both talented and virtuous.

Thain looked at Midic and said: "Master, I hope we will have the opportunity to fight side by side in the future."

Midic looked at the potion in his hand in astonishment. Before he came, he really didn't expect to get anything from Thain.

He wanted to refuse, but was held in place by Thane's elemental power.

Thain's strength has indeed surpassed Midic by a lot!

He is definitely not an ordinary fourth-level peak magician, but has almost touched the fifth-level realm.

Feeling this, Miracle nodded slowly and replied: "Okay."

After Master Midici left, Thain once again devoted himself to daily practice and research.

The civilized battle situation on the front line is still urgent, but Thain, who is at the rear, is trying his best to "stabilize" himself.

The fourth level of peak realm is indeed not a hurdle for Thain. He just let nature take its course and broke through to this realm.


Because the previous knowledge reserves and accumulation of foundation are enough.

The fifth level, on the other hand, is the shackles of life that Thain needs to face next.

When meeting Master Midici, Thain's breath and momentum were not as controllable as before. This was caused by the instability of the life magnetic field on the eve of his breakthrough and transformation.

"It seems that we need an opportunity to advance to level five." At night, standing at the top of the holy tower, Thain looked at the stars and suddenly felt something.

After staying in the Holy Tower of Ashes for another 12 years, Thane received a transfer order from the wizard civilization.

"According to the war memorandum, Master Thane has previously performed combat missions in the star field where the Beholder World is located, and performed well."

"The mission assigned by the alliance this time is to hope that the master will go to a logistics transfer base in the star field where the Beholder World is located to conduct a garrison mission for a period of time."

"This‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is not a mandatory mission, because I learned that Master you have already performed several dangerous missions in succession."

"Even if you refuse this deployment, the Holy Tower of Ashes will still have a rest period of no less than two hundred years." In terms of wizard civilization, the fourth-level magician sent to issue war deployment orders to Thane said sincerely.

Not only has the right to refuse tasks.

Moreover, after it has been resting for a hundred years, the Wizarding Civilization can still let the Holy Tower of Ashes rest for another two hundred years.

This is a great care for Thane and the Holy Tower of Ashes.

But Thane did not intend to refuse the wizard civilization assignment.

Wherever he is needed, Thain has the consciousness to go.

In the context of civilized war, no one can stay away.

Moreover, the Holy Tower of Ashes and Thane himself have indeed basically restored their combat capabilities after more than a hundred years of rest.

However, what Thane wants to go to now is the battlefield of the underworld star field.

Not only because almost all the members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect participated in the battle there.

Another reason is that the underworld star field is currently undergoing a raging war of encirclement and suppression from all sides. I heard that the Gallente Federation's original extremely arrogant and radical vanguard fleet main force has been taken over by the wizard civilization.

More than a dozen masters were engaged in a melee in that star field.

It may grow to more than twenty people in the future!

Looking at the various star field battlefields currently on the frontline between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization, none of them are as intense and highly valued as the ongoing battle in the underworld star field.

This may be a major battle that determines the direction of the next civilized war between the two top civilizations.

As a member of the wizarding world, wouldn't it be a pity if Thane couldn't participate?

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