The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,495 Turbulence of Time and Space

The dense Gallente Federation ray strikes quickly and completely engulfed Thane and the Flame's original location.

Such dense energy strikes, such high-frequency waves, and such powerful elemental rays are enough to prove how much this federal shadow fleet hates Thain and the two.

The sixth-level knight from the Ebalut Empire arrived a little late.

Because he suffered a strong blockage from the Black Secret Fleet.

After the wizard civilization re-blocked the outer space, this dark and special fleet became a turtle in the urn.

Perhaps realizing that it would be difficult for their main fleet to leave, this shadow fleet also erupted with extremely strong resistance.

When the sixth-level knight arrived at Thain's previous location, there was nothing around him. Almost all the ruins and debris had not been erased, leaving only some small spaces‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏ ‏The cracks are still healing slowly.

When the Gallente Federation raided the logistics base where Thain and others were located, they had the power to reinforce the surrounding space.

The purpose is to prevent Thain and other level 4 or above magicians from tearing apart space or escaping with the help of space magic.

Later, after the wizard civilization army arrived, the surrounding space was reinforced again.

The goal this time is to prevent the Gallente Federation's shadow fleet from escaping.

After two rounds of space confinement, even sixth-level creatures will find it difficult to tear apart the surrounding space.

At this time, there are still many small space cracks appearing in the starry sky, which only shows how exaggerated the power of the "space railgun" released by the Black Secret Fleet was.

Raising his hand to recall his golden buckler, the sixth-level knight looked at some dents and damage in the center of the buckler, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

What troubled him even more was that he didn't notice any fluctuations in Thain's aura.

"Has he already fallen?" the sixth-level knight said with regret.

The sixth-level knight also witnessed the blow just now.

He didn't think any level 4 creature could survive such a blow, even level 5 creatures would be stifled!

At this time and place, it is impossible for a sixth-level knight with a rough personality to carefully look for traces of Thain in such a situation.

Glancing around, the sixth-level knight flew straight towards the area where the Heiyin Special Fleet's firepower was the most intense.

After the sixth-level knight left, affected by the continuously strengthening space power around him, the space cracks in the starry sky became smaller and smaller until they completely disappeared.

not see.

This star field is the death place arranged by the wizard civilization for this federal shadow fleet. At least the main fleet group within it cannot escape from here.

Even if a few fish slip through the net, it doesn't hurt.

Suffering such heavy losses, the Gallente Federation, which is behind the battlefield of the Beholder World, will no longer be able to have any major impact on the wizarding civilization.

"I do not go!"

"I want to stay with my fleet!" Three-star Admiral Noxa said in the flagship with his eyes red.

At this time, the Black Secret Fleet actually has several single escape capsules with outstanding short-range space jumping capabilities, which have the ability to escape from this restricted space.

After all, this fleet is extremely good at space jumping and attacking behind enemy lines. It is normal to have several secret escape capsules.

But the main body of the Black Hidden Special Fleet is ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ and it is impossible to escape from this encirclement.

Unless the wizard civilization army has become fools and blind men, they will be allowed to leave again.

Compared with last time, it is obvious that the wizard civilization arrived at the battlefield faster this time and invested more power.

Those two fourth-level creatures that have lost their life fluctuations, including the previously killed fourth-level knight Ben Laming and his space fortress vehicle, as well as all the wizard civilization legions in the logistics base, are all "baits"!

Three-star Admiral Noxa seemed to understand everything in an instant.

"Take the situation here and the information collected about the rear of the wizard civilization front and bring it back to General Awell Senhow."

"It is my destiny to stay here." The three-star general suddenly said in a calm tone.

This is not the first time that Thane has experienced the cutting of the power of space.

When he was just a black magic apprentice in his early years, Thane went to the yellow sand demiplane not far from the wizarding world. Later he went to the continent of Faerûn. When performing an infiltration mission in the Gallente Federation, he also experienced small The oppressive feeling of space wormhole.

The mysteries of space science can be regarded as one of the most profound knowledge genealogies in the wizarding world.

At least it's much more obscure than ordinary elemental magic.

Thain has also dabbled in a lot of space knowledge over the years, but he does not feel that he has reached a high level.

There are countless space cracks in the star realm.

Even in a normal plane, space collapse and space cracks may occur due to some special reasons.


What will be on the other side of the crack? This answer is not conclusive in the wizarding world.

It might be another starry sky, or it might be a regular and dangerous land. Of course, it might also be that it has no end at all.

If you are not careful, it is very possible to lose yourself in the turbulence of space.

For this reason, every knight and magician in the wizarding world with a normal mind will not enter an unexplored space crack for no reason to make a big gamble.

Unless you are like Thain, you have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, so you can only bite the bullet and break in.

The tearing feeling coming from all parts of his body let Thane know that his true body of law had once again been shattered into large pieces by the power of space.

But it was this kind of pain that let Thain know that he was still alive.

The situation of the Flame at this time seems to be more serious than that of Thane.

Fortunately ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Fortunately, the robot feels no pain, and with the blessing energy of the Rubik’s Cube, the Flame can still manage to maintain itself.

"You can't stay in the space turbulence for too long. Danger is only one of the factors. Another problem is that if I stay here for too long, I won't know which star field I will be in when I get out."

"If you are extremely far away from the wizarding civilization, wouldn't it be equivalent to being exiled by time and space?" Thain muttered while enduring the severe pain.

The star world is so big that even Dominator-level creatures cannot explore it to its fullest extent.

The power of space is notoriously weird and changeable.

If Thane is sent to a distant star field that even the Lord can't reach, how will he come back in the future?

Spending your life alone in a foreign star realm?

He also has his own family and mentor in the wizarding world!

The sooner he breaks through the time and space barrier and returns to the material star realm, the lower the possibility of Thain being exiled.

He and Lieyan kept staring at the surroundings. In this endless space-time turbulence channel, Thain quickly discovered an obscure space window with the help of his phaseless mask.

"This window is barely big enough for us to get through, get through it!" Thane said to the Flame.

The powerful magic element merged with the main gun beam of the Flame, and the violent energy impact caused a lot of movement in this space-time passage.

The violent power factors and space backlash fluctuations once again caused heavy damage to Thane and the Flame in the turbulence of time and space.

But the good news is that the barriers to the time and space window in front of us are much thinner.

"Come again!" Thain said in a deep voice after suppressing the injuries in his body.

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