The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1531 Planet Sass (Additional update)

Three hundred thousand green seeds, as soon as Thain came up, he made a big splash!

The plant monsters spawned by these green source seeds may not all have first-level combat power, but they are physically strong and have tenacious vitality. They are indeed high-quality battlefield cannon fodder.

This can be regarded as Lu Lianman's unique ability.

Even if Thane wants to raise slave cannon fodder, he has to search the slave plane under his command.

However, Lulianman can be cultivated in the laboratory.

And these plant giants cultivated by Lulianman can selectively modify their cultivation plans according to battlefield needs, in the hope of ultimately achieving better battlefield effects.

Thain judged from the perspective of a spellcaster, and he had to admit that these plant monsters cultivated by his mentor were superior to his army of worms in every aspect.

I just don’t know, what’s the cost?

Three hundred thousand plant monsters, as Thain flew across the sky, gradually crawled out of the black soil mixed with steel bars below.

This living planet, which originally belonged to the Sanok civilization, had long been reduced to a pile of ruins.

The arrival of Thane and others only made the place more chaotic.

In a plane full of black soil and ruins, a large green creature suddenly crawled out. It did not bring much joy to the indigenous creatures in this plane, but instead brought them mostly fear.

"I've never seen him use this ability to activate giant plants before." The fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior Kram said in surprise.

In recent decades, her body has recovered as before, and her strength has even improved greatly.

However, Thain no longer dares to carry out risky experiments like before. In recent years, the research on Kram's physique has been quite satisfactory.

He also formulated a training program for Kram that was suitable for her, and specially modified the training room with gray crystal.

The final results were so remarkable that Kram was already considering asking his best friend Missori to practice together.

"You have never seen many of the master's abilities." Yuri, who was piloting the Flame golem, suddenly said to the fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior as she flew past Kram.

When Kram turned to look over, Yuli had already flown away.

Kram, whose lines were much softer and more beautiful than before, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Affected by some subjective psychological factors, Kram has gradually begun to learn how to dress up in recent years. For example, she now wears very light eye shadow, and it was Missori who helped her


This made Kram, who used to be a tomboy, look more feminine.

After taking a look at his chest, which seemed to be one size larger than before, Cram then flew straight in the direction of Thain.

The wizard civilization legion stationed on the planet Sass originally had five creatures of level four or above, three of whom were knights and magicians of the wizard world, and two were alien gods from the alliance.

However, due to the sudden increase in troops from the Gallente Federation, this wizard civilization army that was too aggressive in the previous war was finally trapped here.

Eleven years have passed since this wizard civilization army was waiting for help on this planet.

In the past eleven years, the Sanok people's counterattacks at all costs and the saturation coverage strikes of the Federation fleet group have caused heavy losses to this wizarding world combat legion.

Among them, the two foreign gods of the alliance and the main army under their command have perished one after another in these years of hard battles.

Another fourth-level knight in the wizarding world was also in a coma due to severe injuries and lost his basic combat ability.

Currently, there are only one fifth-level knight and one fourth-level magician left among the upper-level combat forces available on Planet Sass.

And according to their strength and resource reserves, they can last for up to three years.

Three years later, will the Wizard Civilization Support Corps arrive? no one knows!

The sudden fierce fighting inside and outside the planet Sars caught the Gallente Federation and the Sanoks off guard, and also cheered up the wizarding civilization legions stationed here.

Not long after the fierce battle began, the fifth-level knight Azaria contacted the fourth-level magician Gargamel.

"Did our support legion show up? Should we immediately respond to them?" Level 5 Knight Azaria asked anxiously.

Although Azaria is stronger, during the years he has been clinging to the planet Sass, the fourth-level magician Gargamel has impressed the fifth-level knight with his erudite wisdom and calm combat experience.

Gargamel is a wizard. In the wizarding world, where only witches are currently prevalent, Gargamel struggles to explore the mysteries of witchcraft as a wizard, which shows his talent, character, will, and potential.

Unlike the handsome Thane, Gargamel looks like a bald, middle-aged man. Many people's first impression of him when they see him is "obscene".

Gargamel, who wears black magic robes all year round, has a hooked nose, and holds a dead wood staff.

He has always been unpopular in the wizarding world.

The fifth-level knight Azalea also looked down on this guy at first, but in the subsequent interactions and fighting side by side, Azalea believed that he was a magician worthy of close friendship.

Some people and some things cannot be judged based on appearance alone.

At this time, Gargamel, who was in the main control room of the space fortress, leaned forward, staring at the somewhat blurry elemental light screen in front of him with a pair of clear-pupil eyes.

The combat legion that appeared outside the planet Sass was by no means any wizard civilization combat legion that Gargamel was familiar with.

Even among alliance creatures, Gargamel has never seen similar species.

With a cautious or rather eccentric personality, when faced with this situation, his first reaction was to wait.

"If the Wizard Civilization Support Corps arrives, we don't need to do anything. We will continue to stay here and the mission will be completed."

"But what if the creatures of unknown origin that appear outside the planet Sass have ulterior motives?" Gargamel said.

"I feel the power fluctuations of several level five creatures. Even if they have ulterior motives, what can we do? Why don't we rush out and fight those federal legions!" Azaria rolled her eyes.

If he hadn't been accustomed to Gargamel's eccentric temper and way of thinking that was beyond the ordinary, Azaria would have led his army of knights to rush out long ago.

Gargamel frowned, but he still insisted: "Take another look and don't make a decision in a hurry."

Gargamel's statement made Azaria roll his eyes, but he still decided to abide by Gargamel's advice.

However, before long, Gargamel sent another emergency signal: "Hurry up and take action! This time it is confirmed that he is really one of ours!"

"Ah?! How are you sure?" Azaria asked strangely.

He saw neither the wizard civilization combat legions nor the more distinctive and eye-catching space fortresses. He still had a lot of doubts about these Kryptonian legions that suddenly appeared.

Gargamel pointed at the giant plant monsters that appeared one after another on the fuzzy elemental light screen, and then pointed at the sky where Thain was vaguely bursting with power and turmoil.

The fifth-level knight Azaria still looked confused and confused.

Gargamel didn't say any more nonsense this time and said to Azaria: "Just listen to me and attack with the whole army!"----------------

PS: Chapter 86 needs to be added~

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