The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,546 Weirdness and Confusion

After leaving Cuilis, Thane did not get a direct answer from the master.

However, Thain has done everything he can do. Next, it depends on the master's own considerations.

"Wild Orangutan World? I remember that the situation in that star field is quite complicated. There are two medium-sized world civilizations around it, which are biased toward our Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation."

"I didn't expect that after the Civilization War broke out, the situation there would be more corrupt." Thain sighed.

After leaving the Jade Fire Fortress, Thane was not in a hurry to return to the Ember Fortress, but instead stopped by the Jade Source Fortress where his mentor Lu Lianman was.

Just as Trilis had told him before, Thain can indeed come to his mentor's place and walk around more if he has nothing to do.

After all, he is a powerful level 4 or above magician who came out of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin. After arriving at the Blue Origin Fortress, Se‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏En actually met several people one after another. An acquaintance.

One of them is Jessica, a demigod-level magician who serves as the dean of Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy.

We haven’t seen each other for some years, and this Jessica magician... doesn’t seem to have changed much.

Quietly glancing at Master Jessica's buttocks, Thane seemed to see some special device under the other's large magic robe.

Jessica showed great respect and respect to Thain, who had been promoted to level five at this time.

Thain's deeds have spread at least in the Sanok Star Territory.

After all, Thane led the Kryptonian army and rescued so many trapped knights and magicians on the battlefield.

From one word to another, Thain's reputation gradually spread.

Especially among the low-level magicians, many spellcasters respect Master Thain as a person.

The meeting with Jessica was just an accidental situation after Thane entered the Blue Origin Fortress.

However, after Jessica passed by, Thain slowly stopped, then took out a potion from his magic robe, and walked back to Jessica.

Jessica was a little surprised that Master Thain had left and returned, but she still maintained her etiquette.

Thain looked at the woman in front of him with admiration. He thought that when Yuli was in the demigod stage, she might not be able to bear having such a foreign object in her body, but Jessica seemed to be fine.

At least the other party has strong endurance, Thain thought to himself.

"Mage Jessica, are you still facing the same troubles you had back then?" Thain asked aloud.

Thane's problem

It seemed too sudden, leaving Jessica stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

But soon, Jessica's face turned very red and her complexion became worse, making it difficult to maintain the same etiquette as before when facing Sean.

Perhaps due to psychological factors, Jessica's originally calm body suddenly began to tremble slightly.

When she faced Sean before, she could act as if nothing happened, but at this moment, she seemed to be unable to bear it any longer.

There were many knights and magicians coming and going in the surrounding space fortress.

Affected by this, Jessica collapsed faster.

Only a few of these magicians are magicians from the Holy Tower of the Origin of Jade. The other magicians and knights are from other holy towers and knight halls in the battlefield of Sanok Star Territory, and belong to strangers.

Because most of the registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin are plant magicians, the most common supplies sold in the Holy Tower Fortress are also various types of magicians. A restorative medicine.

At this time, the Sanok Star Territory, where the war was basically over, was also a big market.

Not only the knights and magicians in the wizarding world, but also the alien creatures of the Alliance who are still alive are trying their best to find their own channels in order to obtain more resources and living conditions.

For example, a magic potion from a wizarding world pharmacist may, after several twists and turns and price increases, end up in the hands of a second- or third-level alien creature from an alliance.

Among them, the circulation of magic coins has played a great role.

Coming back to the present, Jessica, who was faced with the possibility that Sean would discover her deepest secrets, faced such an exposure, and her trembling body became even more uncontrollable.

Thain took a look at the surroundings, and first used the power of the elements to prop up a small shield and barrier.

With Thain's exquisite elemental manipulation power, the surrounding knights and magicians didn't even notice when Thain disappeared.

Within the barrier, Jessica suddenly relaxed when she found that there was no one around her.

The body that was originally standing also collapsed to the ground.

Soon there were even some water stains seeping out from under her magic robe.

Thain stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

As a demigod-level magician, Jessica's control ability does not seem to be as strong as Thain had expected.

However, considering that fourth-level Kryptonian warriors like Kram had been in similar situations on the experimental bench by Thane.

From this point of view, this special physiological reaction sometimes has nothing to do with the level of life.


As long as there is desire and a sense of touch, anything is possible.

"I made a fool of myself in front of Master Thain..." Jessica trembled her lips slightly, a little weak, but seemed to be venting, and said after indulgent satisfaction.

This is the first time that Thain has seen Jessica's habits and situation.

So in Thain's opinion, the other party is also a good observation target.

"It seems that your situation is not simply due to your temperament and preferences." Thain said while touching his chin.

Jessica was a little weak but kept listening carefully.

She used to hate her state, but she couldn't help it every time.

Thain is right. This is not because Jessica originally liked it, but because of some external factors interfering with it.

At the beginning of the first and second levels, this kind of interference was nothing, but it accelerated her advancement and exploration of the truth.

But since Jessica was promoted to level three, this shortcoming has become more and more obvious, and even affects her ability to climb to higher levels.

"There are very few magicians in the wizarding world who have mastered the secrets of two conflicting elements. For example, water and fire are difficult to fuse, but there are a very few talented magicians who have explored the secrets of the elements of ice and fire."

"I have a friend, that's the case. He is now the tower owner of the Holy Tower of Annihilation." Thain said.

"Is it Master Green? I've heard of him." Jessica nodded.

Thain and Green are both strong men who came out of Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy.

Therefore, the college has always used propaganda intentionally or unintentionally.

It has to be said that Thain and Green made a lot of contributions to Lu Lianman's recruitment of academy disciples.

Some magic families will travel all the way to send their members to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin to study.

I just hope that another level four strongman will appear in the future.

Thain nodded and said: "It is indeed Green. He created the way of annihilation after merging the power of ice and fire elements. Compared with my Ashes Mystery, it is not inferior by much."

"But you seem to be the combination of plants and fire."

"You are also a demigod-level magician. Let me ask you, what is the specific path you took after merging your plants with the mysteries of fire?" Thain asked.

Jessica's eyes showed confusion at first, and then confusion, or confusion.

Jessica murmured: "I don't know."

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