The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1574 Each has his own backer

The "King Crab" in front of me, to be precise, is the king from the starry sky wandering race - the Blue Underworld Crab Clan. He probably has mid-level five strength.

The strength of the Green Underworld Crab clan is probably close to that of the Hu Ya people. In addition to the King Crab with level 5 strength, there are also three level 4 Green Underworld Crabs with good strength.

During the years when the Kryptonians were living in the Sea of ​​Chaos star field, due to the shortage of resources and the narrow living space, conflicts often broke out with the surrounding starry wandering races.

Let alone those weak interstellar groups with low strength, they simply do not dare to compete with the Kryptonians.

The Green Underworld Crab clan is one of the few astral clans that dare not give the Kryptonians face.

Including King Crab himself, who has level 5 strength, he has fought against level 5 Kryptonian warrior Karazo more than once.

It's just that back then, the Blue Underworld Crab King was not Karazo's opponent, including the crabs under his command, and the strength gap with the Kryptonian warriors was quite large.

Naturally, in a confrontation, you will win less and lose more, and you will often suffer defeat.

Now that they meet again on the battlefield, their old and new hatreds are superimposed.

"So it's you!" The Blue Crab King narrowed his small eyes and glared fiercely at Karazuo in mid-air.

The crab clan in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Region has always walked sideways.

But since the remnants of Krypton migrated there many years ago, the good days of their Green Underworld Crab clan have come to an end.

The Kryptonians have just arrived and need to seize the living space.

The small interstellar races are not opponents in the first place. They are at the lowest level of the ecology, so the impact caused by the arrival of the Kryptonians is actually not great.

The ones that are really affected the most are interstellar groups like the Green Underworld Crab Clan, which are already pretty good.

There are no level six creatures in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory, although there are rumors that there are level six creatures in "Free Star City".

However, when the wizard civilization army crossed the border and completely occupied most of the Free Star City and Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory, no level six creatures were seen jumping out, which was enough to prove that the rumors were just "rumors".

Or maybe the sixth-level creature ran away long ago after hearing about the wizard civilization.

The fifth-level creatures are almost the most prominent figures in the Star Territory around the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Nowadays, there are so many level 5 powerful people coming to the wonderful plane at the same time, which is a bit crowded for this low-level plane.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.


Zuo and Qing Ming Crab King were not friends, so they started fucking each other as soon as they got together.

The huge blue crab claws, shining with the light of law, hit Karazo in the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a mountain peak is flying over.

Karazo moved forward with one hand, and dense energy light bullets surged out from his hand.

Back when the Kryptonians didn't get the gray crystal deposits around Blue Star, the Green Crab clan was no match for them.

Now that all the Kryptonians have returned to their full strength with sufficient inert crystals, the green underworld crabs in front of them are naturally even less likely to be the Kryptonians' opponents.

However, it is worth mentioning that the carapace of the Green Underworld Crab is really hard!

With this golden armor, many members of the Green Underworld Crab clan below the first level can adapt to the harsh and changeable environment of the star world.

Moreover, the reproduction ability of the Green Underworld Crab Clan is really exaggerated.

When there is no suitable food source, these green underworld crabs can even barely maintain their body functions by chewing meteorite minerals in the stars.

Thain had only seen this kind of "earth-eating" racial skill in the Minotaur in the Centaur world before.

"How much harder does your carapace seem to be?" Karazzo couldn't help but sigh as he released energy bombs to attack, and then flew rapidly to the gaps in the Blue Crab King's carapace to strike.

"Hmph, you Kryptonians have wizard civilization to provide support, and we, the Blue Underworld Crabs, naturally have our own backers now!" King Crab snorted coldly.

A large blue and white law bubble was ejected from the mouth of the crab king.

In addition to having certain toxins, these bubbles also have some psychedelic law factors.

"Your backer? Is it the ancient desert wasteland world, or the Gallente Federation behind them?" Karazo sneered.

As a high-level Kryptonian and someone who has dealt with Thane all the time, Karazo certainly knows who their biggest enemy is now.

At this time, the surface of the Qingming Crab King's body shimmered with a layer of bright silver metallic luster.

At first glance, it may not be noticeable.

But if you look closely, you can see that the silver metal on its surface is very similar to the surface protective armor of the Gallente Federation's giant battleship.

The Gallente Federation actually injected this special alloy directly into the body surface of the Blue Underworld Crab King, greatly improving its ability to resist strikes!

It’s not just the Blue Crab King, now

On this swamp battlefield, the number of Green Underworld Crabs wandering around exceeded two million.

These green underworld crabs seem to have varying degrees of evolutionary variation.

Sure enough, only by taking refuge in a more powerful world civilization can the ethnic group's strength undergo a qualitative change in a short period of time.

The Kryptonians and the Green Crabs all had different choices in this war.

There are approximately 400,000 Kryptonian warriors brought to the wonderful plane by Karazo this time.

There are only over 700,000 qualified warriors above the level of the entire Kryptonian remnant clan, and many of them have been lost in the Sanok Star Territory. This is also the letter of submission they submitted to the wizard civilization back then.

Four hundred thousand versus two million, Karazzo felt that he had a good chance of winning.

Because Kryptonian warriors with powerful single strength are definitely not comparable to ordinary alien cannon fodder.

Including the nearly one million legions brought by Thane this time, there is no weak one.

It may be that the wizard civilization is also very concerned about the local battlefields around the Sea of ​​Chaos star field. In short, whether it is the tens of millions of legions sent to Trilis or the combat troops deployed around Blue Star, they are all considered "elite".

But these blue crab legions that have been strengthened by the Gallente Federation's special genes will undoubtedly make the Kryptonian legions suffer even greater losses.

Thinking of this, Karazo said to several fourth-level Kryptonian warriors around him: "Let the warriors be careful and don't be careless."

The Crab Clan are not the only ones who have been strengthened by the special technology of the Gallente Federation.

The Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion, the Sea Planet Legion, and several other small interstellar wandering mercenary legions have also increased in strength to varying degrees.

For example, the 200,000 knights army that rushed out from the three space fortresses first faced long-range attacks from the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet army.

The weapon used by the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion is a special throwing device that can throw powerful bombs and some special crystals around the Wizard Civilized Legion.

Although it looks relatively "original", its power cannot be underestimated.

Especially those specially made particle bombs, which have nothing to do with primitiveness. They are standard arms provided by the Gallente Federation to the ancient desert world.

As for the technological weapons used by the Sea Planet Legion, in addition to some individual electronic spears, there are also giant metal sharks rolling and circling in the sky and deep in the ocean, which are very eye-catching!

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