The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1588 The Sea Clan War

War is coming sooner than imagined.

When the sea planet army appeared at the end of Thain's field of vision, Thain also noticed that a special combat army with special equipment and a razor-shaped head also appeared in the opponent's camp.

That seems to be the Apocalypse Great World Army.

As one of the important supporters of the Gallente Federation, Apocalypse World has directly invested troops in the surrounding star field battlefields.

On the front line of the Black Bat Civilization battlefield where Master Thane Cuilis is located, there are a large number of Apocalypse Great World Legions.

And the Apocalypse Legion that appeared on the battlefield in the strange plane before them could only be considered a minority.

The water element in the surrounding starry sky environment becomes more and more active and rich.

Affected by the concentration of these basic particles on the battlefield, the momentum of the sea legions and the large number of sea kings led by Bai Xing gradually became higher and higher.

Not long after the confrontation on this starry sky battlefield, the first ones to launch the attack were the Sea Planet Legions.

Most of the sea planet legions are water-based creatures. As species that live and inhabit the ocean, if you look closely, you will find that these sea planet legions have some similarities with the sea tribes in the wizarding world.

Just like the indigenous creatures in different fire elemental planes have some similarities, in such a battlefield environment rich in water vapor, the fighting legions of both sides can maximize their strength.

Like a wave, the sea planet army surged directly towards the front line of the wizard civilization army, with no end in sight.

On this battlefield, the enemy's legion composition includes, in addition to the sea planet creatures and a few Apocalypse World legions, there are also many interstellar mercenary legions.

After all, the sponsors who pay to hire these creatures are mainly from the relatively wealthy planets of the sea.

Before Sea King Orm arrived at this battlefield in person, he also called his mercenaries over.

The Blue Underworld Crab King, who had just suffered a loss in the mysterious plane not long ago, led his people back this time.

Because they escaped relatively quickly at that time, and the carapace of the Green Underworld Crabs was strengthened by the Gallente Federation’s genetic medicine, the strength of this interstellar wandering group was pretty good.

The Crab King himself is even more capable of fighting!

"There seems to be no level six creatures on this battlefield. Swallow them and transform this place into another Mercury for us!" Orm, the level six sea king sitting on the Coral Throne, said while looking at the battlefield in the distance.

The vehicle that Orm is currently in is a large Water King's Court.

This is something developed and created by the Planet of the Sea itself, and does not involve Gallente Federation technology.

And if you observe carefully, you will find that several medium-sized world civilizations in this star field have more or less developed certain technologies.

Thousands of giant metal sharks rolled their huge bodies and flew towards the wizard civilization front.

These metal sharks, which are often hundreds of meters in length, are products made by the Planet of the Sea.

Rather than flying, these metal sharks appear to be swimming.

Therefore, their forward movements in the starry sky are quite eye-catching.

In addition to these giant metal sharks, there are also many sea planet legions in this starry sky battlefield who are in large square blue metal pools.

The diameters of these metal pools are much larger, ranging from hundreds of meters to thousands of meters.

These blue metal pools seem to be war platforms developed by the Planet of the Sea, and their functions are equivalent to the space fortresses of the wizard civilization.

But unlike the space fortresses of the wizard civilization, which have functions such as cross-star jumps, super strike capabilities, and fortress protective barriers, these blue metal pools on the sea planet seem to only have the ability to carry troops.

Densely packed sea planet creatures are crowded in these blue metal pools.

Creatures of level one or above with basic combat capabilities in the starry sky are also a minority on the planet of the sea.

Most of these astonishingly powerful sea planet legions are still lower-level cannon fodder. They can only exert a certain combat power in the dense water vapor areas covered by these blue metal pools.

As the Sea Planet Legion approaches, the giant mermaid Bai Xing takes the lead in appearing on the battlefield and waves the Poseidon Trident in her hand.

The huge White Star has been the most eye-catching focus on this battlefield since its appearance.

The special power of bloodline origin and the compatibility with certain ocean laws of the wizarding world allow White Star to command almost unconditionally all Neptune species.

And his lofty bloodline and prestige also make all sea creatures look up to him.

The first to respond to White Star's call were thousands of simple-minded but strong Neptune species.

The life levels of these Neptune species are generally between the third level.

This is because with the huge size and long growth and development cycle of the Neptune class, if it is only the second-level Neptune class... it is likely that they are not adults, so Bai Xing did not bring them to this battlefield.

The ocean of the wizarding world is so vast


Just the background of the Sea Clan is probably enough to stand alone and support the strength framework of a large-scale world civilization.

The sea clan legions and sea kings that Bai Xing brought this time were not many.

If she needs it, she can continue to apply for assistance from the wizarding world behind her.

Moreover, the Sea Clan led by Bai Xing were not all the Sea Clan participating in the war on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

I heard that Avril, the master-level creature mermaid king, led several elite marine legions to participate in the war.

Among Bixi's brothers, her second brother and her fourth brother Mo Yan, who is more capable of "tossing around", are also on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

Bixi's second brother mainly led the Sea Legion, while Mo Yan led his group of Warcraft brothers to make money everywhere.

Many of the giant Neptuneoids on the battlefield are bigger than those ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Metal Giant Sharks on the Planet of the Sea!

These sea kings were also stubborn. As Bai Xing made a special sound from his mouth, these giant sea kings rushed towards the sea planet army regardless of the matter.

Only about a dozen of them, the fourth and fifth level sea kings, still had some clarity left, and during the charge they did not forget to respond to the wizard civilization army behind them.

At the same time, it was the roars and roars of these fourth- and fifth-level Neptunes that made the charging third-level Neptunes restrain themselves a lot.

As soon as the Neptune class moved, the Sea Clan legions under Bai Xing's men naturally also moved out.

As a relatively wealthy marine race, these marine legions under Bai Xing can be regarded as elite.

At least according to Thain's observation, they are all composed of the main combat creatures of the upper sea clan and the middle sea clan.

Including these sea clan legions, there are also several special-model space fortresses that are covered with green algae and are green and blue in color.

In the early years of Thain and his mentor Lu Lianman, because the Holy Tower had just been built, it was difficult to operate resources in all aspects. Therefore, in several plane wars, the lower sea tribes in the Endless South China Sea region were recruited to participate in the war.

The lower sea tribe has a large population, but is extremely poor and has very low strength.

Naturally, they are inferior to these middle-level sea clans and upper-level sea clans in all aspects.

Thain had also had close contact with sea creatures of different classes. At first glance, at the elite level of Bai Xing's sea legions, he couldn't help but sigh. Those low-level sea creatures he hired at cabbage prices were really poor and poor. "Beggars".

Not to mention war platforms such as Space Fortress, many low-level sea warriors don't even have any weapons at their disposal.

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