The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1595 Civilization Heritage (Additional update)

In addition to discussing the situation in the Sethus Star Territory, Bev also mentioned the situation in recent years between the wizard civilization and other fronts of the Gallente Federation with Victor, the seventh-level true spirit mechanic.

This mechanical spirit named Victor should be considered a staunch supporter of Ms. Bev.

Today, in the wizarding civilization, Ms. Bev is officially presiding over the 25th Wizarding Alliance Conference, which has roughly confirmed her overall leadership position on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

But in fact, there are quite a lot of hills inside the Wizarding World.

This also extends to the fact that there are also different attachment relationships among the many member planes within the Wizards Alliance.

There is nothing that can be done about it. The wizarding civilization is not taking the path of dictatorship.

It is basically impossible for one family to dominate the wizarding world.

This situation of mutual checks and balances may be suitable for the current situation of wizard civilization.

But ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Also because of this, some internal friction and nepotism are inevitable.

Even top powerhouses and civilization leaders like Ms. Bev are no exception.

For example, at this time, Ms. Bev said with a smile: "The edge battlefield where we are fighting against the Gallente Federation forces is called the Blue Star perimeter."

"In addition to discovering a batch of inert crystal veins with considerable reserves, several top-level civilization relics were also unearthed."

"This time it seems to be a relic of a top-notch technological civilization tens of millions of years ago."

"Are you going to see it?" Bev asked.

"I've also heard about the situation of the inert crystal mineral veins."

"Relics of top-notch technological civilization... I really want to see them."

"However, recently, the frontline troops in the City of Steel have been under a lot of pressure. It would be better for me to sit on the frontline for a while." Victor said.

Victor's answer made Bev smile even more.

Perhaps, this is the answer Bev most wants to hear.

"Since what happened in the Sethus Star Territory, the Gallente Federation has launched active attacks on all major fronts of our wizard civilization. Even the frontier battlefield of the Underworld Star Territory where I sit is not quiet."

"If you have this idea, it's naturally the best." Bev said.

Among the ruins of top-notch technological civilization, the most attractive thing for wizard civilization is probably the group of mechanics.

However, the excavation work of the ruins there has just entered the preliminary stage, and no core secrets about the top technological civilization have been discovered yet.

If Victor wants to go, there is really no rush for this moment.


It can also be seen from here that whether it is Bev, Victor, or other true spirit masters of wizard civilization.

They may have some selfish motives in some decisions and arrangements, but in general, they are still willing to serve the wizarding civilization for free, and even directly sacrifice their lives.

Ms. Bev has been working hard for wizard civilization for a long time. Her two younger brothers and sisters have all been promoted to level eight, but she is still at the peak of level seven.

From some perspectives, Bev inherited the most network resources and authority of wizard civilization from her father.

But she is stuck at level seven. Is it really because her talent and potential are not enough?

How could the offspring of a ninth-level creature have no potential!

After all, he still paid too much for wizard civilization, which slowed down and delayed his own cultivation progress.

Talking about ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ When it comes to the Gallente Federation war pressure that other star field battlefields are facing, Victor endured it for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but said: “Because of the Gallente Federation’s endless "Light', many gods from other worlds in the Wizarding Alliance are panicking, including many fourth- and fifth-level creatures in our wizarding civilization. They have also been a little impetuous in the past two years."

"I wonder, does our wizard civilization have the means to block the endless light of the Gallente Federation?"

"Do you want to take out the Supreme Knight Master Suit from the secret realm of Knight Continent in the Western Islands?" Victor asked.

As he is also a true spirit master, Victor cannot decide to use the master suit. At most, he only has the right to vote in the imperial meeting.

To use the ultimate foundation of wizard civilization, you need suggestions from civilization leaders like Bev.

When Bev heard this, she shook her head and said: "For this war in the underworld star field, before setting off from the wizard world, Master Douglas gave me the light of wisdom to accompany me, just in case."

"Although I did not use the light of wisdom during the war in the underworld star field, I did take out one of the treasures of our civilization."

"The Gallente Federation took the lead in mobilizing the foundation of civilization. In my opinion, it was a helpless move after falling behind."

"The Supreme Knight suit does not need to be called for the time being, and even if it is called, we will not be able to select a suitable user in a short period of time." Bev said.

It is best not to use the ultimate heritage of civilization lightly.

The Gallente Federation took the initiative first. It seemed that they had regained their momentum in the Sethus star field, but one of the actual consequences was that the wizarding civilization was already prepared for such similar methods.

Even if the Gallente Federation activates Endless Light next time, it will be difficult to achieve such an unexpected effect.

Civilization treasures are better used in extremely important large-scale battles. For example, before arriving at the battlefield of the underworld star field, Bev brought the light of wisdom with her.

The Gallente Federation had just shown its endless light, and the wizarding civilization hurriedly took out the powerful knight suit to deal with it. On the contrary, it would reveal the lack of confidence of the wizarding civilization.

Today, wizard civilization is still performing normally on all battlefields.

Facing the Gallente Federation's aggressive attack, they also responded with a positive and calm attitude.

This approach of the wizard civilization will make the Gallente Federation somewhat unclear.

For example, what Bev and others don't know yet is that after the Gallente Federation emitted the endless light, the data obtained by their ultimate quantum computer showed.

Although the winning rate against the wizard civilization has increased by several percentage points.

However, the improvement value did not meet expectations, and the improvement rate was relatively slow.

The occurrence of this situation made many federal senior officials feel a shadow in their hearts.

Ms. Bev's answer made Victor nod.

In fact, regarding the choice of users of the Xeon Knight Dominance Suit, there are three alternatives in the Wizarding World, and there is also one in the Wizards Alliance.

However, no decision has yet been made as to who will be used specifically. The requirements for using the Supreme Knight Dominator Set and the possible side effects are too high.

In terms of practicality, the Supreme Knight Dominance Set is not as useful as the Light of Wisdom.

Even though that suit might be stronger and more destructive!

But what Ms. Bev did not point out to Victor was that the reason why another civilized treasure should not be used is - after bringing the light of wisdom to the frontline battlefield, it is best to leave one civilized treasure behind the wizard civilization to suppress it. foundation.

In fact, in the history of the wizarding civilization, the several catastrophes that occurred were all related to the war directly hitting the homeland of the wizarding civilization.

With the Supreme Knight Dominator Suit left in the wizarding world, even if the wizarding civilization only has one seventh-level knight guarding it, it will be an insurmountable shock to those creatures of other civilizations!

From beginning to end, the Wizarding Civilization never underestimated its opponents.

The high-level wizard civilization has plans in all aspects, and Master Victor, the seventh-level mechanical spirit, quickly figured out the joints. -------------------

PS: Today is still the fourth update, and 66 chapters need to be added~

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