The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1610 Dragon Beast Family

"Sain, what are you doing during this time? Thank you very much for the potion you gave me last time!" Mo Yan, who gave Thain a dragon hug, said with a cheerful smile.

Bai Xing had a lot of headaches about his younger brother, but Thane thought that he was okay and he was a relatively enthusiastic and easy-to-deal with person.

"Well, some of the experimental subjects I have at hand are not over yet..." Thain said in deep thought, touching his chin.

Seeing this, Mo Yan waved his hand hurriedly, "Okay, okay, don't tell me about your experiment. I'll get a headache when you talk about it."

"How do you magicians do it when you are bored in the laboratory every day?" Mo Yan looked at Thain in confusion.

The difference in personality made it difficult for Mo Yan to imagine the meaning of staying alone in the laboratory to explore the truth.

But this didn't stop him from becoming friends with Thane.

Sai‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏En didn’t mean to explain too much to Mo Yan at this time. Anyway, if he said it, Mo Yan might not understand it, let alone like it.

Ignoring Mo Yan's complaints, Thane turned to look at the other two level four beings behind Mo Yan.

These two level four beings appeared in front of Thane in human form.

Their auras are very similar to Mo Yan's, both have a strong "dragon aura".

Mo Yan had already introduced them that these two were his cousins.

Unlike Mo Yan, who possesses the laws of water and has a strong affinity for the water element, these two cousins ​​of Mo Yan possess the attributes of laws, namely earth and fire.

Thane had seen the scene when they started fighting.

How can I put it, they both look nothing like Mo Yan!

The one who masters the law of earth is named Qixiu, who is Mo Yan's cousin. He has an earthy yellow obtuse horn and dragon scales on his body. When he runs, the earth shakes and the mountains shake, and even the surrounding space seems to be faintly moving. shock.

The one who masters the law of fire is named Han Li. He is Mo Yan's cousin. He doesn't seem to be much younger than him. Han Li has a slim body, but has huge nostrils and a thick red mane around his cheeks. Mao, when he unleashed the power of law wantonly on the battlefield, the dragon flames he spewed made even Thain look at him with suspicion.

There is this relationship between Bixi and Mo Yan, two dragons who have just arrived in the wizarding civilization.

Before they could figure out what was going on, they were "deceived" by Thain into entering the laboratory, and each collected a lot of blood and body tissue samples.

It can't be said to be a lie. Thain still follows the principle of equal value transactions.


Thain has really understood the characteristics of living things over the years.

For these two level four dragons, Thain just took out a few high-quality gray crystals from his collection and tricked them into agreeing to accept a few small experiments of his.

The two dragons claim to be from the Fairyland Civilization, which is a top-level civilization on the same level as the Wizarding Civilization. It seems to have a good relationship with the Wizarding World, otherwise it would not be possible for them to be related to Tourmaline and others.

Thain didn't know much about the fairyland civilization. He only had some contact with it in the library of Sky City.

There is also the Panda Brewmaster in the orc world, who claims to have traveled to the fairyland civilization.

So far, Thain has not figured out what the secret of the chubby panda that always holds the wine barrel is.

The fairyland civilization is extremely far away from the wizarding world, so far that even ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures have difficulty crossing it.

Panda Brewmaster was able to travel to the fairyland at that time because of a special opportunity.

The long and far distance in time and space also makes it seem that the Fairyland Civilization and the Wizarding Civilization have no direct conflict of interest.

From the limited information, Thain is not able to understand the whole picture of the Fairyland. Perhaps only when Thain has the opportunity to go to the Fairyland in the future can he explore the mysteries of this top civilization.

But one thing that Thain can be sure of is that inert crystals such as gray crystal are not only in short supply in the wizarding civilization, but also in the fairyland civilization, they are almost never seen!

The two relatives of Bixi and Mo Yan should be as wealthy as them.

But when he saw the gray crystal that Thain took out, his eyes still lit up.

Dragon creatures' pursuit of treasures and shiny things is instinctive and irresistible.

In the end, they only paid a little dragon blood and dragon scales in exchange, and the two dragon beasts actually felt that they had made a profit.

Mo Yan's two brothers were both young, and they seemed to have been instigated by Mo Yan to come to the front line of this civilized battlefield.

Thain still remembers that when Bai Xing saw these two guys for the first time, his beautiful big eyes almost popped out of his head.

If he wasn't on the front line of a civilized battlefield, and there were a large number of powerful men from the Wizarding World, Wizarding Alliance, and Sea Clan around him, Bai Xing would probably be able to fan Mo Yan to an unknown distance into the starry sky with a single fishtail.

Facing his sister's angry look, Mo Yan just laughed "hehe".

Thain didn't know the situation of that large family, but he had to say that these two level four dragon beasts were actually

The power is still good, and it can be regarded as reducing the pressure on the battlefield here.

And Thain accidentally heard Mo Yan mention that the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce will pass through here soon. At that time, there will be a large number of rare resources from alien star regions, and even alien gods will participate in the wars in the surrounding star regions in the form of employment. .

The level four and above creatures hired from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce are not the wandering gods and wandering tribes that were struggling to make ends meet in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory.

They are professional hired thugs, and many of them have their own mother plane. However, in order to hone themselves, witness a wider world, and touch a higher realm, they accepted the invitation of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce and traveled around the vast star realm.

Some of these level four and above creatures even come from large worlds and even top civilizations, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Although the Bai Xing family and Qixiu and Han‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏熘 are related, they should have different attributes from their parents.

The members of the Baixing family, including Mo Yan and Bixi, are all dragon beasts with a "water element".

As for Qixiu and Hanliu, one is earth and the other is fire. No matter how you look at it, it is unlikely that they are from the same parent.

Thain also asked Tourmaline how many uncles she had and how many related brothers and sisters she had.

Bixi opened her big eyes and counted in confusion for a long time, but she didn't even know the specific number for Thain.

The main reason is that Bixi is too young and has never been to the fairyland civilization. Bixi also doesn't have much contact with those relatives.

On the other hand, Mo Yan and Bai Xing may be more familiar with their relatives in the Immortal Realm.

The final result that Thain got was just that the dragon beast family behind Tourmaline had a large pedigree, with many members, and each of them seemed to be at the same level and all had extraordinary potential.

Thain also saw the weapons used by Qixiu and Hanfu. The former used a diamond and the latter used a flaming flag.

No matter how he looked at it, Thain felt that these two things were a bit like world-class secret treasures.

Are world-class secret treasures already so common in the fairyland civilization?

Or should I say, the dragons in the star realm are all so rich!

No wonder the topic of dragon-slaying warriors can endure in the star realm for a long time.

In the process of talking with the older Qixiu, Thain also learned that the fairyland civilization had indeed made great achievements in the field of "weapon refining".

This made Thain, who was also an alchemist, couldn't help but be more fascinated by the civilization of the fairyland.

"The dazzling star realm, the prosperous and powerful fairyland." Thain couldn't help but sigh.

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