The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1635: The elixir (more updates)

After being temporarily out of danger, Thain and the others around him continued to fly in the direction of the established target.

At this time, besides dozens of second-level to third-level knights and magicians around Thain, the ones that most attracted Thain's attention were two fourth-level research magicians and the three Mo Yan brothers.

Two fourth-level magicians, one male and one female, named Lot and Geli respectively.

From their appearance and their previous combat performance after turning on the elemental avatar, Thain could tell that these two fourth-level magicians had never experienced much combat!

The advancement of magicians in the wizarding world does not depend on combat, including the acquisition of resources.

After a brief exchange, Thain learned that these two fourth-level magicians had decided to embark on the path of research magicians starting from the first or second level.

Before the fourth level, they were "academic magicians" of Holy Tower Academy.

Because of his solid academic foundation and experience in teaching and management, he was enthusiastically recruited by many holy towers.

In the long academy career, after saving enough resources to advance to the fourth level, and successfully promoted.

The two fourth-level magicians did not build their own holy towers, but continued to affiliate themselves with other more powerful holy towers or towers of true spirit to carry out their own exploration of truth and magic.

The growth path of these two fourth-level magicians actually represents the trajectory of a large part of the academic magicians in the wizarding world.

They are not good at fighting, nor do they like fighting, and are only willing to follow their instinctive desire for research.

For example, the fourth-level female magician Ge Li is already 50,000 years old this year, which is not a young age.

She started out as a water element master, but later gradually became interested in the mysteries of earth elements, and even had the experience of settling in the purple diamond world for nearly ten thousand years.

Because he delved into the mysteries of the earth element and gradually dabbled in the fields of archeology and ancient civilization studies, Master Geli became a master in this field and was directly sent to explore the ruins of the Ai Youlandie civilization.

The situation of the other Mage Lot is similar. He is also much older than Thane, and he also has extremely in-depth research in archeology.

But like Master Grei, their combat capabilities are far behind Thane's.

They were able to break out alive. On the one hand, they were lucky, and on the other hand, they were relatively "young".

In the previous battles, many of the fourth-level magicians who had died or disappeared were old men and women, and their age might be close to 100,000 years old.


Among magicians, there is a saying that the older you get, the stronger you become, but these academic magicians themselves are not very outstanding in combat ability.

Fifty thousand years old is really not that old among fourth-level magicians.

Because Master Ge Li mastered half of the law of water, her skin seemed to be well maintained. She was slightly older than Lu Lianman, but she was still a young woman.

The other Master Lot was probably several thousand years younger than Geli, and he only looked like a middle-aged man.

After leaving the battle, the two academic fourth-level magicians each took out restorative potions to treat their injuries.

Regardless of these two, their fighting ability is not very good, but their treatment methods are quite professional.

Geli also brought several elemental potions she had refined to Thain, but Thain declined the offer because Thain had better ones at hand.

As a plant element ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Lulu Lianman, who is more dedicated to pharmacy, the magic potion she refines is obviously much stronger than Geli.

What Thain was having a headache at this time was the fourth-level dragon beast's rare injury.

After escaping from the Gallente Federation's pursuit and escaping from the underground metal passage, Han Liu's injuries worsened.

There were many wounds on Han Liao's body, but when Thain looked around, he found that the wound that caused the most pain and was the most troublesome came from a bowl scar on Han Liao's back near the spine.

This wound should have come from the gallente federation's fifth-level mecha, which was not afraid of death and self-destructed at close range.

If it was just a skin injury, that would be fine. The trouble is, not only did the explosion impact Han Liao's spine, there was also a special radiation force that eroded into Han Liao's body.

After thinking about the explosion of the level five mecha at that time, Thain did remember that there were indeed waves of special nuclear energy similar to the power of radiation spreading in all directions.

Thain was also very close to the center of the explosion at the time, but nothing happened to him. After thinking about it, it should be related to Thain's body tempering experiments that he had carried out all year round. He also tried radiation body tempering.

The cells in the body have become resistant to this special radiation.

In the early years, Thane participated in battles in a low-level plane called "Radiation Arc World". It is estimated that at that time, he also developed some of his body's radiation resistance properties.

"It should be the power of special radiation that is constantly eroding his bone marrow and spine." The fourth-level water magician Ge Li also said after getting closer to investigate.

"What should I do? How should I treat it?" Jiaolong Moyan asked anxiously.

Mo Yan was also seriously injured, but he appeared to be

However, I am more concerned about Han Liao.

After all, Han Li was also his cousin. If something bad happened while fighting with him this time, not to mention that his sister Bai Xing and other family elders would not be able to spare him, and Mo Yan himself would not be able to live with it either.

"It's not life-threatening for the time being, so don't worry." Thain frowned and said.

Thain still has two golden apple potions on hand, and there are definitely a lot of good things in the hands of these three dragon beasts.

It's not even life-threatening, but Thain has to consider where to start treatment.

While Thain was still bowing his head in thought, the water magician Geli on the side had already handed several healing potions to the three-headed dragon beast.

These treatment potions are all water-related potions, which may not necessarily have an effect on their abnormal state at the moment, but they can definitely restore some of their vitality.

Qixiu then spat out a golden gourd from his mouth. The gourd opened and poured out several round pills.

It was the first time for Sean, Geli and others to see this diorama of storing magic weapon equipment in the stomach, and they couldn't help but look at it in a daze.

As for those round pills that exuded a special fragrance, Thain and others had never seen them before, but it did not prevent them from getting to know each other.

"Is this the elixir produced by the fairyland civilization? It is close to the magic potions in our wizarding world!" Geli exclaimed.

This fourth-level magician deserves to have lived for so long. He has experienced a lot and knows many things about the fairyland civilization.

As a top civilization, the Fairyland Civilization has made great achievements in the fields of weapon refining and alchemy.

Medicinal pills or equipment used by creatures above level 4 are generally labeled as "elixir" or "immortal weapon".

Occasionally, some props from the fairyland civilization will spread to the wizarding world.

Although the wizarding world has not had as many connections with the fairyland in the past tens of thousands of years as before, it has never been completely interrupted.

"Oh, I'm so confused. Why did I forget that there is a fourth-turn golden elixir!" Mo Yan, who had transformed into a human form, slapped his forehead suddenly, and then poured out a few rippling special elixirs from a jade bottle. The law of pattern elixir.

The moment these elixirs appeared, Thain, Geli, and Lott all opened their eyes, and they all stared directly at Mo Yan's hand holding the golden elixir of law.

Other low-level magicians around, especially those demigod-level magicians, obviously also noticed the abnormal fluctuations here.

But they only dared to watch helplessly from a distance, and were not qualified to get closer to see what was going on.

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