The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,669 Tongtian Building

After the last federal agent was penetrated by Han Li with sharp claws, Mo Yan and others came to Thain and asked what to do next.

Thain was standing in front of Master Wei Li at this time.

The old lady is old, and her reaction speed and fighting ability are the weakest among them.

The battle with the federal special forces just now was not long, but the old lady still suffered a lot of injuries on her chest.

Master Gilbert had already treated her skin injury. Thain had already noticed that the relationship between the old man and the old lady was unusual, but it seemed that they were not a couple.

Master Wei Li's internal injuries are not so easy to resolve.

The old lady’s physique is not as strong as the knight’s. After handing over a few more potions to everyone, Thane said: “I don’t know what the situation is in the subspace now, and we can’t contact you for the time being‎​​‎​‏‎‏ ​‎‏​‏‏‏Master Howard and the others don’t know anything about the direction of the battlefield after that.”

"So I decided to speed up the pace of exploration. We will not go to some law fluctuation points that are of little value or are far away."

"Next, we will fly straight towards the center of the Ruins of Steel."

"I think there may be some remaining core secrets there," Thain said.

"What happens after that? What do we do next?" Gilbert couldn't help asking.

Glancing at Gilbert and the injured and weak old lady Weili in his arms, Thane frowned slightly and replied: "Then we will find a way to join the main army of wizard civilization that has entered the secret realm of subspace!"

Thain's decision was recognized by everyone around him.

There are many treasures in the Ruins of Steel, and there are many world-class secret treasure fragments waiting for people to develop.

But these treasures, if you have a life to take them, you also have to have a life flower.

The people around Thain have made enough profits recently.

Like Master Gilbert, they also want to join the main army of the Wizarding World after wandering for a long time.

This is also the reason why most intelligent creatures like to join groups to stay warm.

After quickly leaving the ruined building that was even more damaged by the battle, Thane and his team flew straight towards the center of the Ruins of Steel.

The Ruins of Steel is indeed the largest prehistoric city in the secret territory of the Aiyoulandie Civilization Center.

It took nearly two months for Thain and others to finally reach the real core area here.

During this period, Thain and his team discovered many Aiyoulan butterflies along the way.

Civilization ruins node.

Facts have proved that the closer to the central area, the more relics of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization with law characteristics.

It also marks that this place was definitely the political, economic, and military center of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

A month ago, after absorbing two more groups of law sources, Thane's Rubik's Cube entered a state of dormant transformation again.

But this time, not all functions of the Rubik's Cube have been blocked.

Thain and others can still use the Rubik's Cube to find the approximate direction of the central control area of ​​the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Thain can also use the Rubik's Cube to locate the eight-winged angel Fumila and his angel robots.

What is worth pondering is that the eight-winged angel Fumila never left the Ruins of Steel, but lingered in the central area of ​​the Ruins of Steel.

Although the angel robots under her ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ have also awakened low-level wisdom, they still seem to follow the superior and inferior procedures for Fumila and do not Get out of Fumila's control.

Tens of thousands of angel robots are nothing. Thane remembers that there are millions of angel robots that have entered the subspace of the Ayrandie civilization.

If all those million angel robots were to be instigated and controlled, it would be quite a force.

Previous battles have proven that the combat effectiveness of this type of angel robot is generally better than that of ordinary cannon fodder robots.

I heard that the angel clan is the most perfect combat weapon.

I don't know if this is true.

Two months later, Thain and others came to a Tongtian Building.

In fact, a month ago, Thain noticed this sky-high building from a distance.

Many people in their group have seen the Tower of True Spirit in the Wizarding World.

After all, several fourth-level magicians have lived for tens of thousands of years.

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of scale and towering, this towering skyscraper is no worse than the Tower of True Spirit in the Wizarding World!

What's even more exaggerated is that this is a dilapidated building that has been reduced to ruins, with obvious collapse and damage everywhere.

Even the Tongtian Building in a damaged state was so majestic.

One can imagine how exaggerated it must have been at its peak!

"This..." The faces of the fourth-level magicians Ge Li and Lot who were traveling with him showed some enthusiasm and excitement.

They have extremely in-depth research on ancient civilizations and know that buildings of this level are most likely related to dominant-level creatures.


and Lot's partiality in the field of exploration of truth and mysteries made their path to promotion extremely difficult.

Maybe they had already given up the idea of ​​reaching a higher realm.

But the exploration of this secret realm of top civilization made them seem to have found an opportunity to attack the fifth level.

Master Gilbert, who was supporting Old Mrs. Weili, had a slightly solemn expression on his face.

Having lived longer, in addition to opportunities, he is also very sensitive to the smell of danger.

And he also discovered some special circumstances, so he walked to Thain and said through mental transmission: "The energy field here is very strange. It is indeed the center of this secret realm of subspace."

"And I discovered that the content of inert crystals here is very high. There must be an unprecedented giant inert crystal inside or below this sky-high building. Rich ore!" Gilbert said solemnly.

"How does it compare to the inert crystal mineral deposits found in the center of Blue Star?" Thain asked.

"It's bigger and more pure than the veins there." Gilbert replied without hesitation.

"In other words, there will be some top-grade crystals like the ones you traded to me before," said Thain.

"There must be, and maybe there are even better and more cutting-edge inert crystals!"

"I've never heard of a crystal of that level, so it's just speculation right now," Gilbert said.

"I suggest that we not rush into it, but find a way to contact the wizarding civilization army, and wait until other powerful people in the wizarding world arrive, especially beings above level six, before we think about it." Gilbert said for stability.

After all, older people are not as motivated as young people.

Thain didn't blame Gilbert, because what the old man said did make sense.

But in the end, he just shook his head and said: "We don't know whether the wizard civilization or the Gallente Federation Legion will arrive here first."

"Since this sky-reaching building is the center of this subspace secret realm, and we are a part of the wizard civilization, we should explore it first for the sake of the wizard civilization."

"If there is any secret, you can discover it in advance."

"If the Gallente Federation army arrives early, we can also find a way to destroy certain things." Thain said.

Facing Thain's firm words, old man Gilbert finally nodded slowly.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the towering building in front of him, Thain took the lead and flew into it.

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