The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1805: Stubborn

It belongs to the four planes that Thain is responsible for, and the attack is not difficult.

Even the "Huo Xuan Port Plane" where many federal legions are stationed.

In addition to the fourth-level knight Jean, the most outstanding strongman among Thane's legions is Carl, the fifth-level warrior of the Kryptonian Legion.

I recall that Carl was able to resist his mother clan for the sake of Blue Star creatures.

This is a level 5 strong man with pursuit and belief.

But since joining the Wizards Alliance, Carl's psychology should have changed a lot.

At least when he attacked the Gallente Federation Legion again, he didn't show too much hesitation or intolerance.

One after another, scorching rays shot out from Karl's eyes.

Kryptonians are really good at fighting.

Seeing this fifth-level Kryptonian warrior, leading his legion to kill all sides on the front line, Thane couldn't help but lament that when the Gallente Federation destroyed the Kryptonians, in addition to extracting the kryptonite from their bodies, did they also treat these Kryptonians? Interested in the excellent fighting genes it possesses.

Thain has also dissected and studied many genetic warriors of the Gallente Federation. Thain has a certain say in the genetic enhancement technology of the Gallente Federation.

"Tell Jean and Carl on the front line that I don't care what their final number of gains and kills is. But I want them to ensure that the Gallente Federation Corps will try to prevent the Gallente Federation from initiating self-destruction procedures on various heavy factories!" Inside the Space Fortress , Thane gave the order through the crystal ball.

The absolute strength gap makes it difficult for the Gallente Federation to make any splash when facing the attacking legions of the wizard civilization.

But these federal left-behind legions also made their response choices-that is, to destroy everything and not give the wizard civilization a chance to reuse those technology-heavy factories.

This situation not only happened in the war zone that Thain was responsible for. In fact, after the wizard civilization completed the encirclement of the entire Golden Rock World Group, many heavy industry planes have entered the "self-destruction process" under the settings of the federal program.

Even if you lose it


, and unwilling to let the enemy get it, makes many powerful wizards and civilizations hate it.

But faced with a similar situation, Thain and others had no good solution. They could only order their legions to reduce losses in this area.

It took Thain's legions six years to fully occupy the four target planes first assigned to Thain by Fatis.

After the war, the damage status of these four federal planes was 71, 54, 47, and 38 respectively.

Among them, the damage to the Port of Fire plane was the most serious. The Gallente Federation Legion there put up extremely fierce resistance, and nearly three-quarters of the entire plane was reduced to a sea of ​​ruins and flames.

The Gallente Federation Legion is still worthy of respect from the wizarding civilization in some areas.

The percentage of Union soldiers who surrendered on the battlefield has always been low.

As for general-level existences, they are even rarer.

During this period, many federal generals whose main fleets had been destroyed were unwilling to be controlled by others or captured by the wizard civilization.

The moment the wizard-civilized creatures break through their flagship, they will end their own lives by drinking bullets.

Of course, there are also some clever undead magicians who will use the corpses or genetic information of these high-level creatures in the federation to stop the self-destruction process of the heavy industry plane that has been started, or to order other small groups of legions that are still resisting to surrender.

But that’s all for another day.

He did not dispatch, including the eight-winged angel Fumila, who was not sent by Thain. He ended the war in the four planes in six years. Thain saved face for Master Fatis.

Thain also knew that this sixth-level light elementalist definitely didn't like him, and he didn't bother to stay at Fatis University.

On the division's responsible front, the performance was too out of the ordinary.

However, in the subsequent war assignments, Master Fatis did not show any obvious behavior of "putting small shoes on" for Thain.

Instead, Thain was assigned combat missions as usual, and all aspects of resource supply did not forget Thain's legion, so much so that Thain couldn't help but sigh in private, "This Master Fatis seems to be cold on the outside and hot on the inside." Magicians, too, there don’t seem to be many light magicians with extreme personalities.”

The subject of elements affecting temperament has been concluded in the wizarding world hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Just as the psychology of dark and death magicians tend to be slightly darker and more extreme, plant and light elemental magicians tend to have more affinity than other magicians.

Of course, this impact is not absolute.

The wizarding world also has light elementalists with extremely twisted personalities, or necromancers who love life...

The war that broke out in the Golden Rock World Group unknowingly passed for another 42 years after Thane joined.

During these 42 years, Thain led his legions to seventeen planes or starry battlefields.

Almost every 2 to 3 years, a plane battlefield can be conquered, which is enough to show how smooth the battle situation here is.

Huoyuan Port Plane, Alizi Industrial Planet, Shui Neng No. 3 Satellite, Capricorn I-type R\u0026D Base...

Many of the names of these plane battlefields were named by the Gallente Alliance, and the wizarding civilization did not modify them.

In most dimensional battlefields, there are not many usable heavy factories left for wizard civilization.

Even though the wizard civilization has sent many rebels to persuade those federal creatures to "abandon the dark and surrender to the light", there are still not many who are really willing to surrender. Instead, there are a small group of federal legions who are trying to deal more blows to the wizard civilization legion by pretending to surrender.

These stubborn federal creatures!


Thomas Industry - T3 drone manufacturing base.

This is the last heavy industry plane that Thain's legion will be responsible for occupying in the near future. The predecessor of this plane is a relatively small sand demiplane.

Thanks to the transformation of federal technological means, the desertification of this heavy industry plane has become lighter and lighter.

Instead, asphalt roads and solidified special runways appeared in many areas of this demiplane.

In the previous decades of war, some of the dense swarms of federal drones encountered by the Wizard Civilization Legion on the frontline battlefields came from this heavy industry plane.

"Occupy this place as soon as possible. When the battle here is over, we need to go to the No. 5 Flame Star of the Golden Rock World Group and join the army led by the sixth-level mechanic Vel'Koz there." Thain looked at the bottom. Thomas Industries - T3 drone manufacturing base said.

The one who took the orders from Thane was the fourth-level knight Jean.

But this time, in addition to him, there was also a centaur army specially assigned by Thane.

This centaur army is led by Maya and Luna. The frequent civilized wars in recent years have made Maya embark on the "long step to ascend to the gods" to reach the fourth level.

Luna is a bit slower than her grandmother, but she has been promoted to Demigod.

Many Alliance creatures speculate that the centaur tribe has developed so well in recent years because Luna has an affair with Master Thane.

Otherwise, why are most of the "fat" combat missions carried out by these centaur legions?

Centaur Luna, holding a silver scepter, faced Thain's instructions, gently bent her knees and replied, "Yes, Master Thain."

“I’m about to board the plane, and I’ve finally written another chapter~

I planned to write another chapter after I get on the plane, but the bad news is that my computer is almost out of battery qaq"

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