The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1815: Face-saving (more updates)

Jessica took her time building the tower.

The war in the ancient desert wasteland world group has basically ended, and no new combat orders have been sent from Cuilis for the time being. After steadily handing over the affairs of the Holy Tower at hand, Jessica proposed to Lu Lianman to remove the Source of Bi. Position of President of Holy Tower College.

For Jessica, Lu Lianman is quite affectionate.

After all, Jessica is the first demigod-level magician to join the Jade Source Holy Tower, and among the deans of the Holy Tower, she has always been the most conscientious.

Jessica resigned and left, which had a huge impact on Lu Lianman for a while.

However, Lu Lianman is not a magician who will interfere with her future. After expressing congratulations to Jessica, Lu Lianman also gave Jessica a "Biyuan Potion" made by herself as a gift. .

"This potion should allow you to better stabilize your current state."

"I heard that you plan to go to the Land of Ashes to build a Holy Tower. If anything happens, you can go to the Thain Magician in the Holy Tower of Ashes for help, or come back to the Land of Green Source to find me." Lu Lianman faced the person in front of her. Jessica said.

Jessica, who has been promoted to the fourth level, is theoretically the same level as Lu Lianman, but at this moment, she still showed great respect and gratitude, and replied, "Thank you Tower Master for your care. If I really encounter If there is any trouble, it will bother you or Master Thain."

Lu Lianman saw this and a smile appeared on her face.

A level four or above strong man who came out of his holy tower will have a closer relationship with him in the future than other powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization.

Including cooperation between some holy towers, it is much safer than other holy towers.

The biggest difference between Thain and Lu Lianman now is that the Holy Tower of Ashes under his command has not yet cultivated a direct fourth-level magician.

Thain was not in a hurry about this, but Lu Lianman was always asking Thain to find her a disciple.

Since the fall of Kasaski, although the war in the ancient desert wasteland world group has been roughly ended, it has really affected the entire star field.


There was no war inside or outside, but it still took nearly two hundred years.

During this time, Thain did not stay where he was.

Except for sending Jessica back to the Wizarding World to build the Holy Tower, most of the time, he followed the instructions of his master Cuilis, performed various tasks, and came into contact with all kinds of powerful wizards from the Wizarding Alliance.

Triris seems to be really interested in training Thane.

Those tasks not only enhanced Thain's abilities in all aspects, but also allowed Thain to expand his connections in the wizarding civilization.

He has a deeper understanding of the entire Wizarding Alliance's operating system and internal interlocking interests.

For example, Thain didn’t know until now that the Namek Legion led by Piccolo was actually a supporter of the Ebalut Empire. Their actions in the ancient desert wasteland world group and its surrounding battlefields actually represented The division of forces and interests demands of the Abalut Empire after the war.

In wizard civilization, eating alone rarely happens.

Any party's occupation of a medium-sized or above star field must have the shadow of multiple intersecting forces behind it.

This situation probably happened because it was in line with the principle of balance.

Only by knowing how to share can you go further in wizard civilization and the star world.

After the war in the ancient desert wasteland world group, Triris did not leave Thane idle, but sent him to the surrounding star field battlefields to contact the wizard civilization army there.

The medium-sized star field battlefield closest to Thane and others is a war zone jointly responsible for the Kingdom of Jahana and the Ebalut Empire.

The highest level combat unit there is also the peak of level six.

However, the situation there is slightly more tense than that of Thain and others.

Because the main enemy force over there

The group is the Gallente Federation fleet, and I heard that there are also doomsday weapons and special federal fleet groups that are comparable to the peak combat power of level six.

In the past, Thain contacted those powerful wizards on behalf of Trilis, mainly to provide them with some support in terms of logistics and slave creatures. In addition, he also vaguely asked the other party if they needed the help of troops from Trilice's legion.

The logistics and low-level cannon fodder brought by Thain received a warm welcome and heartfelt gratitude from the powerful wizard civilization in that war zone.

However, regarding the dispatch of the main army that he vaguely mentioned, the powerful wizard and civilization man responsible for receiving Thain made a haha ​​and ignored it.

In recent years, Cuillis has become the star in the surrounding star fields.

It’s not her fault that her old friend Fatis can’t say a word to her recently.

It is true that Triris has already received too much.

If you continue to be so "arrogant", you will suffer a loss.

And Triris sent Thain out to be a "wealth-spreading boy", and provided some low-level cannon fodder and conventional war resources that she and others could not use to friendly war zones, also in order to maintain good relations with surrounding war zones and other powerful wizard civilizations. Relationship.

Judging from the final results, it seems to have worked well.

The civilized war that Thane participated in has become much more stable and slowed down since the end of the ancient desert wasteland world group war.

But in fact, the game between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation on the entire top civilization battlefield has not only not eased, but has become more intense and dangerous!

The reason why Thain did not feel the danger of a civilized war was because the war zone he was in was not at the center of the confrontation between the two civilizations, nor at the center of the storm.

For example, in the 3471st year when the Civilization War broke out between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation, another alliance leader died.

The other party died in the siege of the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class fleet.

That central battlefield, the area affected


The scope of the siege far exceeds the outer battle zone that Thain participated in.

Billions of fighting creatures from both sides were annihilated together with the master in the erupting tide of energy particles.

The wizard civilization is in an advantageous position in the war with the Gallente Federation.

To be able to kill a wizard civilization master, the price paid by the Gallente Federation must be even greater!

For example, after the death of the alliance leader, the wizarding civilization publicized the data that the damage cost paid by the Gallente Federation must be three times that of the wizarding civilization!

As for whether this is the case, there is no way to accurately prove it yet.

But what is certain is that the Gallente Federation must have paid a high price for this.

A large number of Orobas-class ships were sent back to the federal rear for repairs during that time.

Including on the front lines of civilized battlefields, it has been revealed that more than one case has occurred where a Dominator-class mecha was severely damaged and temporarily lost its combat capability.

Because the dominant combat units of the Gallente Federation are not individuals, but a cluster concept, sometimes they cannot be quantified in such detail.

If two-thirds of a Dominator-class fleet is damaged, but its formation number still exists, is that considered battle damage or casualty?

You must know that after the Federation's Dominator-class war fleet is damaged, it is not so easy to be replenished.

Because some ships are too difficult to manufacture, if you want to continue to exert the saturated power of the Dominator class, you can only choose to temporarily merge with other Dominator class fleets.

However, in order to gain a foothold in the field of public opinion and prevent social sentiment within the federation from collapsing, the Gallente Federation deliberately concealed the losses of those fleet groups.

They even deliberately did not merge those severely damaged fleet groups, but allowed them to continue to maintain their original independent designations.

This method has indeed greatly inspired the hearts of the middle and lower classes of the Gallente Federation.

But it made them gain face and lose their dignity.

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