The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1834: Changes in the Situation on All Sides

The melee between the masters at the edge of the Anadarko Star Territory was in full swing. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

The battlefields on the front lines of the Gallente Federation and Wizarding Civilization did not stop either.

After confirming that all the masters of the wizarding civilization were involved, the federation's multiple Orobas-class Titan fleets and master-class giant mechas were dispatched one after another.

Even at the forefront of the civilized battlefield, there is a Federation Conqueror-class Titan fleet group that is comparable to the eighth-level combat power.

The major actions of the federal main fleet are mainly aimed at the originally tight war zones on the front lines.

Because the top leaders of the wizarding civilization were distracted, the Gallente Federation regained the initiative in the originally advantageous battle zones.

Even in some areas, the wizard civilization army was defeated thousands of miles away and was driven out of the home star domain by the Federation.

For example, the several war zones that the Titan Protoss was originally responsible for have been in extremely obvious decline recently.

The Gallente Federation dispatched two Dominator-level fleets and a giant mecha to defeat Hela, the seventh-level Dominator of the Titan Protoss.

As the strongest member of the Titan Protoss, God King Odin was not on the frontline battlefield at this time, but was fighting back to the border of the underworld star field.

There were many powerful wizards and civilizations who returned to the underworld star field at the same time as the God King, but most of them were stopped halfway.

For example, strong men such as Klopp and Saneses were successively stopped by the federal fleet.

This chaos that occurred on the front lines of the civilized battlefield lasted for at least hundreds of years.

And the more far-reaching impact they bring will directly affect the fate and future development direction of several civilizations.

The border battlefield of the underworld star domain.

When Bev and others were besieged for more than ten years, God King Odin was indeed the first to break through the blockade and reach this tyrannical existence that dominated the battle group.

A dazzling blue electric light showed the unmatched and powerful thunder power of the God King.

Wearing Thor


The armor, the advanced world-class secret treasure Kungunil, directly pierced the black water law cage arranged by the fifth pharaoh and brought the light here again.

When the God King appeared, except for the seventh-level true spirit magician Claire, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, the situation of the others was slightly better.

Dominator-level knight Haishan, like a solid golden barrier, stood in front of Bev and withstood many master blows from all directions for her.

The twelve-winged light element archangel originally summoned by Bev also ran out of energy in frequent and fierce battles and dissipated invisible a few years ago.

In fact, the Twelve-Winged Light Element Archangel is somewhat similar to the Dominator-level Corpse Refining Synthetic Beast. They are both Dominant combat forces that can only fight for a short period of time.

After being summoned for a certain period of time, or after the energy in the body is consumed, it enters the cooler and needs to be recharged.

Ice Phoenix, who had just returned to the battlefield, had not yet participated in a serious frontline battle, and this time he was injured for no reason.

However, the recovery ability of phoenixes is really exaggerated. Their combat power may not be as exaggerated as that of giant dragons, and there is no so-called dragon power, but the nirvana technique is a special skill unique to the phoenix family.

At this time, the ice phoenix's body was burning with pieces of legal ice flames, and the precious phoenix blood was constantly dripping from the gaps in the wounds. The two monster kings opposite it had varying degrees of frostbite injuries.

With the arrival of God King Odin, this battle is actually still not easy to fight.

In the field of high-level combat power, the wizard civilization is still the one that suffers.

But the good thing is that this is the battlefield of wizard civilization. Now that God King Odin has arrived, other high-level powerful wizards from wizard civilization will arrive one after another.

Will these pharaohs of the Hades Empire continue to complete their set missions?

If you want to bid, you have to weigh it carefully.

God-King Odin, known as the most powerful man in the Wizarding Alliance, showed his unparalleled bravery when he first arrived at this dominating battlefield.

The powerful and violent thunder and lightning laws are originally among the most powerful ones in the energy of various laws, let alone Odin himself.

Even the fifth Pharaoh, who was in an explosive state, was unwilling to resist Kungunir's charged attack.

After the dazzling thunder, a trace of blood appeared on the fifth pharaoh's cheek.

"It is said that Kungunir and the Thor suit were weapons used by the strongest knight lord in those days, and they contain a trace of incredible power."

"And these two pieces of equipment have been strengthened many times by the God King over hundreds of thousands of years."

"In terms of grade, it is difficult to find equipment higher than these in the Wizards' Alliance."

"Is this the ultimate power?" Haishan, whose body was already a little heavy, couldn't help but excitedly asked as she looked at the heroic figure of the God King appearing above.

Even a domination-level creature is one of the seekers of power.

Obviously, the master-level knight Heshan is still some way away from achieving the power of the god-king Odin.

Seeing God King Odin appearing here at lightning speed, Bev, who was in a struggling state, could not help but reveal a smile on her face, "Brother."

At the same time, the fifth pharaoh looked at the strong man in front of him in surprise.

The strength of the eighth-level master of the wizard civilization, known as the God King, has exceeded the Minghe Empire's expectations.

I originally thought that the opponent was only an eighth-level mid-level master at best, but in fact, Odin seemed to have begun to touch a higher realm.

A surprise beheading battle had reached this level, and it was already difficult for the Fifth Pharaoh and others to achieve their set goals.

With Odin here, there is absolutely no way he could just sit back and watch Bev



But it would not be in the interest of the Minghe Empire to fight against the powerful wizard civilization in this star field battlefield.

When Odin appeared, the fifth pharaoh, who had fought to no avail for a long time, finally decided to quit.

She had the intention to quit much earlier than the arrogant seventh pharaoh.

This will result in greater results and smaller losses.

When the Hades Empire intervened in the civilized battlefield, not only the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation were affected, but also the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the mortal enemy of the Hades Empire, gradually started to move.

The strongest person in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is named Dierska.

This is an equally powerful being who once rivaled the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire.

But when the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire determined his path to the ninth level, the gap between the two became wider and wider.

Coupled with the overall strength of the Minghe Empire, it is necessary to suppress the civilization of the Kingdom of Light in all aspects.

This makes the civilization of the Kingdom of Light seem to have entered a cycle of slow death in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

If it weren't for the giants of light from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, they would have restrained the Hades Empire in terms of innate attributes.

Perhaps there is no need to wait until the First Pharaoh is promoted to the ninth level, and the battle to destroy the civilization of the Kingdom of Light will come.

The kingdom of light.

Seth Levin, the eighth-level warrior of light, discovered that the powerful people at the top of the Hades Empire had stepped out one after another in the past ten years and that a large army had launched an attack on the world of Huanyu. He asked the King of Light to fight and sent troops to the Hades Empire.

The power system of the Kingdom of Light is relatively democratic.

Although Diersga is the strongest person in this civilization, it is the King of Light who is jointly elected by many giants of light who leads the development of civilization.

This is a bit like the wizarding world, in that the strongest person does not lead the development of civilization.

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