The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1861 Star Thief Gang

Put away the head of the Flame.

In the future, rebuilding her body will cost a lot of money.

Including Yuli, who was also taken back into the space equipment by Thain, she is still in a coma and has not woken up.

After calling the eight-winged angel Fumila to his side, Thane touched Fumila's face.

Nearly half of the originally beautiful face was destroyed at this time, it was pitch black, and many internal devices and thin metal wires were exposed.

A trace of electric sparks made subtle noises throughout Fumila's body.

As he kept getting closer to Thain, Thain already knew in advance through the Rubik's Cube embedded in Fumila's chest that Fumila's combat power was at a loss. 🅆🄲

Weapon systems, power systems, reconnaissance systems, energy systems, etc., all have serious problems.

The extremely special law energy was continuously infused into Fumila's body from the Rubik's Cube.

But even with the Rubik's Cube's ability to repair mechanical creations, after such a long time, Fumila's repair process has only completed less than 1%.

It is obviously unrealistic to quickly repair Fumila based on the repair ability of the Rubik's Cube.

Because during the previous battle, the Rubik's Cube also consumed a lot of energy.

In addition to the role of the Rubik's Cube, the best way is to mechanically repair Fumila from the outside with the help of Thane.

However, at this moment, it is best for Thain to recuperate his and Tourmaline's bodies before conducting large-scale mechanical experiments on Fumila.

"Can we still fly? Let's go to another place to rest." Thain asked.

With a slight "hmm", Fumila only had three metal wings left on her back, and they were asymmetrical.

The master and the servant then flew towards the distant starry sky unsteadily.

After flying for about two days, Thain found a small demiplane and called Tourmaline and Fumila to come closer.

This is a demiplane dominated by earth-attribute elements.

The ground color of the entire world is gray, and the sky is gray


It's foggy and windy, with lots of sand and rocks.

Before entering this demiplane, Thane did not see the existence of the ocean.

Bixi probably didn't like the environment here, but she behaved well and wasn't picky at all.

Under a high mountain in this demiplane, Fumila used the only intact concussion bomb on her right shoulder to blast open a spacious cave.

Thain took the opportunity to use his remaining magic power to quickly build a stable and concealing array around him.

Bixi looked at it, then opened the dragon turtle's body, stepped forward to gather the surrounding stones, and strengthened the structure of the cave.

From a personal perspective, Tourmaline is the person in the best condition present.

Although the dragon scales on her body are covered with scars, and even the surface of the turtle shell has many scratches, she can still jump around.

Occasionally he would squat down to rest for a while with a slight frown on his face, which was obviously an internal injury that was not healing.

"Just stay here first, and we'll recover from our injuries as soon as possible."

"I also have one and a half gold and silver potions here, and other types of potions can also be taken together." Thain said.

Of the two gold and silver potions that Thane had on hand, half of them had already been taken by Tour Xi in the previous battle.

This top-notch potion is made from the main materials of holy fruit and golden apple, and many rare materials are added in the process. The recovery effect is very exaggerated, and it can even play an instant recovery role on the battlefield.

Not only Thain, but Bixi also took out a purple gold gourd from his arms.

After pouring out three pills, he looked up at Thain.

The elixir Bixi took out was also of a high level.

It's a pity that Thain is a pharmacist in the wizarding world, and his research on the alchemist field is really not deep.

After sniffing these three elixirs, which had a refreshing medicinal aroma, Thain mixed them with gold and silver elixirs.

Swallow the medicine together.


In the end, after spending most of the gold and silver potions, many restorative alchemy potions, and more than a dozen tourmaline pills, Thain's condition was finally much more stable.

Before you know it, two months have passed, and Thain's current state has almost returned to level four.

After all, it was a severe injury that nearly killed him. There is still some power of time and space erosion that has not been eliminated from Thain's body.

If you want to completely recover to your peak, you still need to adjust for a period of time.

This is the case for creatures above level four. The increase in life thickness makes it difficult for them to be injured.

But every time you get injured, especially if the injury is extremely serious, you have to spend a long time recuperating.

Thain and others still have top-notch potions and elixirs to restore their wounds. If some poor foreign gods suffered severe injuries and hid in their mother plane for a thousand or two thousand years, they might not be able to recover.

Two months later, what interrupted Thain and others' continued recuperation was the sight of several small interstellar ships passing near their demiplane.

These spaceships were obviously flying towards the starry sky coordinates where Thain and others originally appeared.

Apparently, the abnormal space-time fluctuations that occurred there two months ago attracted the attention of certain creatures in the surrounding starry sky.

The top priority for Thane now is to determine the specific coordinates of the starry sky where he is, how far away he is from the wizard civilization, and whether he is still within the civilized battlefield territory.

Some positioning magic is often inaccurate.

Thain is currently unable to contact the Holy Tower of Ashes in the wizarding world, so finding some intelligent creatures to inquire about the situation in the nearby star field is the most direct way.

"I didn't feel the fluctuations of level four creatures in those small spaceships. Maybe we can go over and have a look." Thain said to Tourmaline and Fumila.

Bixi nodded confusedly, and Fumila, whose body was still mostly damaged, stood up. \u003c



There are not many creatures above level four in the astral world.

"God" level existences are not so easy to encounter.

Only in top-level civilized wars such as those between the Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation, creatures above level four will appear in large numbers, including even rarer master-level powerhouses who are active on civilized battlefields.


The Alepbi Star Thief Gang is an organization of star thieves who live near the Sevier Meteorite Belt, the Landon Plane, and the Victoria's Secret Star Territory.

This is a small group with a total number of less than 20,000, and the strongest one is just a semi-god-level one-eyed dragon.

As the leader of this gang of star thieves, Alabi is called the "One-Eyed Dragon" not because he has dragon blood in his body, but because this guy has only one eye and is half-blind.

In Alabi's past bragging, his other eye was blinded by a fourth-level creature walking in the surrounding star field.

The experience of escaping from a Level 4 creature became Alabi's bragging rights.

After all, not any demigod-level creature can escape from the hands of gods.

It is precisely because of this impressive resume that Alabi is able to thrive in the surrounding star fields.

He has been riding high for nearly seven hundred years. This time, he heard that there were unusual time and space fluctuations in this starry sky. Alabi, who has a keen sense of wealth, once again led his men to this place.

But Alabi, who had not yet woken up from his dream of getting rich, suddenly saw a huge dragon head appearing outside his spaceship.

The fierce dragon's breath and the opponent's powerful life pressure made Albi's hair stand on end.

"God-level powerhouse?!" Albi exclaimed.

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Xiaodou is the finalist in the fourth newcomer list. I love Xiaodou's masterpiece "Knight's Journey".

I can vote five times a day, so grateful! "

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