The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1867 Victoria’s Secret Starfield (Additional update)

The surrounding star fields, including the Victoria's Secret Star Field, are high-frequency areas where space-time fluctuations occur.

Thain judged that this was because the spatial barriers in this area were relatively weak.

Like before, Sion and others arrived here through a relatively stable space-time window.

The space-time fluctuation zone mentioned by Albi is a special zone where the power of time and space occurs more frequently.

This special power of time and space has gathered together to form a regular and dangerous area, which is a restricted area that lower creatures cannot easily approach. 🅆

According to Alabi, this space-time fluctuation zone has been formed for some time.

At least it has existed since he broke through the second level and began to make a living in the surrounding star fields.

Over the years, the creatures in the surrounding star fields have gradually figured out the operating rules of this space-time fluctuation zone.

As long as you travel through it on a specific route and don't wander deeper into the space-time fluctuation zone, you'll basically be fine.

In addition, there is also the need to consciously avoid the tidal burst cycle of time and space.

"How often does it erupt?" Thain asked with interest.

Thain himself has not dabbled much in the mysteries of the laws of time and space, but that does not prevent him from being full of curiosity and exploration about it.

"On average, it occurs once every five to six hundred years. There is no fixed cycle. In short, it may happen once every four hundred years."

"Nearly five hundred years have passed since the last time and space tidal wave, so it should probably happen again recently."

"I led my men to that star field before because I noticed special space fluctuations and thought something good would appear." Alabi replied cautiously.

This demigod-level star thief has average strength and little courage, but the advantage is that he is obedient and sensible.

Regarding Thain's questions, he always told everything he knew.

Having such a local coward beside him can save Thain a lot of trouble.

Thain nodded upon hearing this,


Then he looked around and jumped out of the spaceship.

The place where time and space fluctuates, which is difficult for low-level life forms to approach, is not a particularly dangerous area for Thane.

As long as he doesn't get close during the tidal wave of time and space, it's usually fine.

Thain has even broken through the broken time and space turbulence, so he still cares about this time and space fluctuation zone that is in a stable period?

On the other hand, Alabi, who showed great respect for Thain, couldn't help but said nervously after seeing this: "Lord God of Ashes, be careful..."

Before Albi could finish his words, Thane had already disappeared from its sight.

Thain did not go to the deepest part of this space-time fluctuation zone. His body was still feeling a little uncomfortable, so he could just take a look in the middle and outer areas.

Alabi did not lie to him. In this special starry sky area, due to the frequent tidal power of time and space, many things from distant alien star fields remained.

Thain has not seen any living creatures yet, but Thain has collected a lot of rare ores and special materials that are obviously not produced in this star field.

After wandering around for a while, Thain, who had a rough understanding of the power of the surrounding space, returned to the spacecraft.

When Thane returned to the spaceship with a magic shield, a group of star thieves directly worshiped him as a god.

"If you behave well, I will reward you with this gadget." Thain threw a red agate stone that still exuded a vague space-time factor and gave it to Alabi.

The value of this agate stone is comparable to that of a third-level energy crystal.

For the star thieves who often have one meal but no next meal, it can be considered a good harvest.

This is the special material that Thain discovered in the space-time fluctuation zone just now.

Similar items are found here

There are actually not many space-time fluctuation zones.

It was thanks to Thain's support from the Phaseless Mask that he could quickly collect a lot of pretty good materials.

If someone else had gone in, they might not have been so lucky.

In the surrounding star field, there are not only the Albi group, but also many middle and low-level creatures who are making a living.

Most of the time, they go to safe areas to make a fortune during the period when space-time fluctuations occur. At that time, there are the most good things.

In normal times, even fourth-level creatures may not be willing to go deep into it.

Because the ratio of gain to effort is not equal, even some ordinary low-end materials are looked down upon by those god-level experts.

Through Alabi, Thain roughly learned that there are roughly a dozen or so level four and above creatures in the surrounding star field.

Alabi didn't know who the strongest one was. He guessed that it might be the God of Omens from the Landon plane.

There is not only one such space-time fluctuation zone, they seem to be in a ring shape, surrounding the entire Victoria Secret Star Field.

There are only a few secret passages that can connect to the outside world.

Those special interstellar chambers of commerce that come to the Victoria's Secret Star Territory to do business come and go through those channels.

This also leads to the fact that the Victoria's Secret Star Territory is relatively closed as a whole, and few creatures will try to get out.

Thain, who came back from wandering around the outer edge of the space-time fluctuation zone, couldn't help but sigh after entering the simple laboratory he temporarily arranged: "We can't get in touch with the wizarding world, and we can't determine our own coordinates, and maybe we can't contact the surroundings." The more frequent space-time fluctuations in the star field are related."

"These abnormal time and space fluctuations interfered with my spatial positioning with the Holy Tower of Ashes in the Wizarding World." Thain analyzed.

Therefore, leaving this star field as soon as possible has gradually become the first priority for Thane and Tourmaline.

Only after leaving can they re-determine whether they can get in touch with the wizard civilization.


But before that, to be on the safe side, Thain had better purchase all the materials needed for Fumila's repair.

The strongest person around this star field is a fifth-level creature born from a low-level plane, and the number of creatures above level four is relatively limited.

No matter what abnormal situation occurs, Thain and others can still survive it in their current state.

Who knows what's going on outside?

After Fumila recovered, Thain had the confidence to face all possible dangers.

He didn't believe that he would be unlucky enough to meet a certain master.

The most prosperous area in the Victoria's Secret Star Territory is called Vergis Star City.

This is a special city in the starry sky jointly funded by three low-level planes.

It can be seen that this city was transformed from a medium-sized meteorite block.

Because the entire city is located in the starry sky, the existence that can enter it must be at least a first-level creature.

Thain had seen the prosperity of Wizarding Star Port and Star City in his early years.

In Thain's eyes, the Vergis star city in front of him looked a bit like a "countryside earth castle".

However, this special interstellar city with an exotic style still surprised Thain in some areas.

For example, despite its small scale, it actually has three interstellar ports specifically designed to dock the spacecraft of interstellar caravans coming from afar.

For another example, Alabi and others, who are members of the Star Thieves, are actually qualified to enter Star City.

The spaceship of Thain and others finally landed from one of the interstellar ports.

"The main focus here in the Victoria's Secret Star is 'money'. I haven't made any major cases in recent years."

"So as long as you pay a certain fee, you can enter Star City directly." Alabi scratched his head and said.

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