The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1876 Three versus One

The third pharaoh of the Hades Empire, Ibon Morcaste, was very strong.

He is slightly shorter than the famous first pharaoh of the Hades Empire, Ozyman Dis, but much more stocky than the second pharaoh, Sathoggua Mogulong.

When he appeared in front of the King of Stars, Fire Phoenix and Vivian, this guy's thick arm was holding the neck of a seventh-level ruler of the world.

This unlucky seventh-level ruler of the world looks a bit like a rooster. 🄲

Its bright five-pointed red crown may have been squeezed too tightly by the third pharaoh, and there was a faint tendency to explode.

At this time, the third pharaoh of the Hades Empire was not even in an unblocked state.

Because until now, he has not met an opponent of sufficient weight.

Vivian, Fire Phoenix, including the King of Star World, and others were all deliberately avoiding him.

The tactics of roundabout fighting, step-by-step blocking, and constant harassment were the strategies that Vivian and others had set at the beginning of the battle.

But obviously, the third pharaoh was not someone who had the patience to play with them.

The pharaohs who had withdrawn from the Hades Empire after the beheading operation used their injuries and conditions to explain to the third pharaoh that the powerful wizard civilization was a more challenging opponent than the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

The Third Pharaoh has not broken through his limits for too long. He wants to see what the top experts of the wizard civilization have to do.

This is a madman who constantly pursues his limits through fighting.

He has been bathing in the divine light of the First Pharaoh from a very early age and really wants to create his own myth within civilization!

"Crack!" The neck of the seventh-level master in Mokarst's hand was directly twisted under his huge force.

A group of light black soul mist surged out from the mouth and nose of the seventh-level master, and finally submerged into Mokarst's body.

For this relatively "weak" master, Mokarst even


They don't even bother to peel off each other's skin to decorate their own.

Because Mokarst felt that this was not a demonstration of his extraordinary power, but an insult to his reputation.

"Lord of the Cai Pheasants!" the King of Star World couldn't help but shouted.

The life breath of the seventh-level master in Mokarst's hands gradually dissipated until it completely disappeared.

After a long battle, this seventh-level master of the world once again became a stepping stone to the third pharaoh's incomparable reputation.

Discarding the body of the seventh-level master, the third pharaoh did not feel at all that he was the one who was about to be beaten. Instead, he took the initiative to approach the King of Star World and others step by step.

At this time, wars broke out in various places in the Star Territory of the Great World.

The Mingha Empire Legion, the Wizard Civilized Legion, the local legions of the Great World, the mercenary legions from other worlds, as well as some strong men from other planes who came to fish in troubled waters and even the Star Thieves Group are all active in the Great World.

There are also other master battles breaking out in various places.

But what is really concerning right now is the battle between the Third Pharaoh King and the King of Star World and others.

Their victory or defeat will directly lead the future destiny of the world.

"You can't run away, let's fight!" the big-headed King of Star World shouted in a low voice.

Naturally, he is unwilling to run away. Where can he stop after leaving the world?

In fact, the King of Star World is very dissatisfied with the war plans arranged by Vivian in recent years.

Vivian's combat mode did try to preserve the vitality of wizard civilization, but it harmed the world.

This is also the star realm

The nature of how all major civilizations operate and get along with each other.

What everyone cares more about is actually themselves. How can there be so many fools who selflessly dedicate themselves to others?

At the beginning, the great world of Huanyu was in two hands. While one side submitted to the Minghe Empire, the other side secretly communicated with the wizard civilization.

It is because the survival pressure brought by the Minghe Empire to the King of Xinghuan and others is too great. The King of Xinghuan attempts to leave a way out for himself by clinging to the thighs of wizard civilization.

To this day, on the surface of the huge head of the eighth-level Star World King, there is a piece of skin that was forcibly torn off by external forces that is very eye-catching.

The one who tore off his skin was the third pharaoh of the Hades Empire in front of him.

It was also a nightmare that he would never forget.

At this time, he took the initiative to challenge the Third Pharaoh King. It was also because the King of Star World wanted to face the scars of his past.

The King of Star World's cry of war made the third Pharaoh reveal a cruel sneer on his lips.

The incomparably majestic tide of power swept away in all directions with the Third Pharaoh as the center.

This kind of tyrannical pressure made the eighth-level witch Vivian turn pale.

Vivian's strength is not outstanding among the older generation of powerful people in the wizarding civilization.

Wizards themselves are not primarily about fighting.

Exploring the magnificent secrets of the endless star realm is their pursuit.

But wizards have to admit that it is another special profession with the most bizarre and varied power system.

As a witch, Vivian, in addition to her extremely special witchcraft power, also carries a heavy treasure this time to sit on the battlefield of the world.

The eighth-level King of Stars and Worlds is right. If he wants to run away now, he can no longer run away.

The third pharaoh made it clear that he would catch up with them and fight them decisively.



r\u003eIf they retreat separately, with the explosive ability of the Third Pharaoh, they will definitely be able to catch up with one of them.

No matter who faces the Third Pharaoh alone, it will not end well.

Only by gathering the strength of three people, we might be able to suppress the third pharaoh.

"Chi!" Fire Phoenix took the lead in emitting a chirp that shook the starry sky.

A large area of ​​​​flame tide centered on it, spreading overwhelmingly in all directions, gradually forming its domain of dominance.

The King of Xinghuan was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly activated the power of his own laws and put himself into full combat mode.

The King of Stars is indeed not good at fighting, but the power of laws that this guy masters is quite good, which contains the laws of stars and the laws of space.

In fact, no matter which kind of power of these two laws, if practiced to the extreme, it can have extremely powerful power.

I didn't expect that when they were fused together and appeared on the King of Star World, they would create such a weak eighth-level master.

The King of Star World is weak not in the strength of his laws, but in his momentum and the thickness of his soul.

Ever since the third pharaoh killed most of his life, the King of Star World was almost useless.

Now it can take the initiative to invite a battle, relying on the fact that there are two wizards and civilization masters next to it.

The fire phoenix represents the endless fire realm, and the King of Stars has a very special star ring halo surrounding his body.

When the two eighth-level masters rushed towards the third pharaoh, Vivian sighed lightly and took out her magic wand, and an eye filled with the power of a special law also appeared immediately. In Vivian's hands.

This is a blue eye with no pupils, replaced by a mysterious light of law.

When it appeared on this starry sky battlefield, the third pharaoh couldn't help but frown.

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