The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1889 Xiaolong

Thain's first contact with the martial arts civilization was not very friendly.

The star thieves under his command were indeed nothing more than mud that could hold up a wall.

When bullying ordinary interstellar caravans and weaklings, each one is more aggressive than the other.

However, once they encounter a truly elite civilized combat army, they will be beaten to a pulp almost instantly.

When Thain arrived at the scene of the incident, some of the Star Thief members, led by a certain third-level Star Thief leader, were being beaten and fled away by a group of Tianming Empire legions riding on big white birds.

Those big white birds look like dragons and cranes.

The main appearance is still like a crane.

The reason why I say they look like dragons is because Thane sensed that they have thin dragon blood in their bodies. The claws and beak hooks of these big birds are very sharp, and they have some characteristics of dragon creatures.

"Another special combat unit similar to the wizard civilization's 'Dragon Rider Legion' and 'Gryphon Legion'?" Thain couldn't help but think when he saw these organic Tianming Empire legions.

It is not easy to establish an organized army, at least the cultivation of these powerful white cranes is not easy.

In terms of strength, these white cranes are far inferior to the dragons and griffons in the wizarding world, and are probably a bit similar to the hippogryphs in the elven world.

But since it can cultivate a hippogryph army similar to that of the Great Elf World, it is enough to prove that this Tianming Empire is powerful.

And what is currently being displayed is only the tip of the iceberg of the overall strength of the Tianming Empire.

He glared coldly at these star thief members who had failed to achieve anything but failed. Thain didn't arrive here to fight with the Tianming Empire.

Because I had already learned from the Fountain of Destruction in advance that the Tianming Empire was worthy of the wizarding civilization’s win over, and Thain’s trip represented the wizarding world.

So when those Tianming Empire legions caught up, Thain took the initiative to show up and said: "I am a fifth-level magician from the wizard civilization. I have no intention of offending the Tianming Empire."

"This time, I am here to represent the wizarding world, hoping to discuss some cooperation with the Tianming Empire." Thain expressed to the Tianming Empire legion in front of him with the voice of spiritual power.

Sure enough, not long after Thain expressed his attitude, the Tianming Empire legion riding on the flying crane spread out in two rows to the left and right, and a heavily armored general holding a broadsword slowly appeared in Thain's field of vision.



The heavily armored general came out of the plane below.

At this time, the war in Jueluo's world is still going on, and there are still many remaining resistance forces in the plane.

The heavily armored general appeared in front of Thain so calmly and calmly, which also showed his confidence in his own strength and the strength of the Tianming Empire.

Thane's Formless Mask quickly analyzed the heavily armored general in front of him.

The final conclusion was that this guy's overall combat power was only slightly inferior to his own.

"I am the Right Guard General of the Tianming Empire."

"Is he from the wizarding world... I seem to have heard of this world somewhere." Ximen Feixiao muttered.

The connection between the wizard civilization and the Tianming Empire has been severed for several years.

At least in the last tens of thousands of years, there hasn't been close communication.

If they are the sixth-level powerful people standing at the top of the Tianming Empire, most of them should still remember the wizard civilization.

As for level five powerhouses like Ximen Feixiao, they don’t know much about it. They may have just heard it somewhere and thought it sounded familiar.

And if they are the young fourth-level warriors of the new generation, they have probably never heard of wizard civilization at all, and their understanding of the wizard world is almost zero.

This is the disadvantage of long periods of no contact.

No matter how good the relationship was in the past, as time goes by, it may gradually become less close.

Ximen Feixiao has a long family background, and he probably knows that the Tianming Empire seems to have a good relationship with the wizarding world, at least they are definitely not hostile civilizations.

And when it comes to this kind of civilized diplomacy, it is not something he, a right-back general, can decide.

So after pondering for a moment, Ximen Feixiao asked Thain to show the wizard civilization token, and then take Thain to another place.

When Thain came to the Tianming Empire this time, how could he have any tokens?

This time he acted spontaneously.

However, when Thane revealed his magic wand, crystal ball, and Ashes Holy Tower logo, the right-guard general of the Tianming Empire in front of him actually believed it.

The eight-winged angel Fumila has

It was taken back into the Rubik's Cube by Thane and carried with him.

It's too eye-catching to keep such a level-6 robot exposed.

Taking it back into the Rubik's Cube and carrying it with you will at least allow Thain to prevent some special situations.

The God of Dusk Saliva and other members of the Ash Star Thieves were temporarily stranded outside the world of Jueluo, watched by the Tianming Empire Legion.

As long as Thain then meets with the top management of the Tianming Empire and reaches a friendly cooperative relationship between the wizard civilization and the Tianming Empire, the God of Dusk Saliva and others can move freely.

"Excuse me, who are we going to see?" Thain couldn't help but ask as he headed to the depths of the Rongyue Star Territory.

This time, General Ximen Feixiao personally sent Thain to the depths of the Rongyue Star Territory. The accompanying Tianming Empire soldiers should not be underestimated. They were replaced by a small team riding dragon creatures.

In Thain's opinion, the strength of this dragon knight team is not much different from the dragon knights in the wizarding world.

In addition to wearing golden standard armor, some of them were carrying a large flag with the word "Xiaolong" written on it in the Tianming Empire script.

"This place is still some distance away from our Tianming Empire Star Territory. Of course I can't send you directly back to the Imperial City."

"First meet with our supreme commander in the Rongyue Star Territory. If the interview goes well and your identity is recognized, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle." General Ximen replied.

This guy was still cautious and didn't reveal too much effective information to Thain.

Thain couldn't help but turn to ask other questions: "I would like to ask, how many dragonriders are there in your Tianming Empire?" Thain pointed at the dragonriders on both sides.

The heavily armored general smiled at Thane, but still made no answer.

Thain stopped talking after that. He was curious about who this dark man with beards would take him to see in the end.

During the journey to the depths of Rongyue Star Territory, although the black general did not disclose any effective information to Thain, Thain himself had eyes and could constantly observe the surrounding starry sky through the phaseless mask.

When he first came through the space spring, he was already in the military world outside the world of Juelu.


Close to the center of the Star Territory.

This seems to be a medium-sized star field, and the Tianming Empire seems to have almost completed the conquest of this medium-sized star field.

Currently, all battlefields near the center of the star field are in the final stages.

It is estimated that the outer areas have already been fully occupied.

The place where Thain and others finally arrived was the center of the Rong Yue Star Territory - the medium-sized world, the Rong Yue plane.

In this medium-sized plane, the war is still going on.

And when he was far away, Thain had already sensed the battle fluctuations of several level six creatures.

Among them was a wave of aura of a sixth-level creature, which was extremely eye-catching. The opponent had at least reached the level of the Great Demon King Piccolo, and was at least a little stronger than Thain's master Cuilis.

It was also after arriving outside the Rongyue plane that Thain saw more Tianming Empire legions.

Most of the armors worn by these organized Tianming Empire legions were shining with gold.

Including a large number of flags, floating inside and outside the Rongyue territory.

A larger dragonrider army appeared outside the plane to greet them after Thane and others arrived.

It seems that General Ximen has passed the information from Thain and others here through special channels in advance.

The leader of this dragon cavalry legion is a fifth-level strong man covered in golden armor.

His strength is not necessarily stronger than General Ximen next to Thain, but what is more important is the mount under his crotch, which is a powerful fifth-level dragon beast with three horns.

If these dragonriders of the Tianming Empire also mastered the fighting methods of the dragonriders of the Beren Empire in the Wizarding World.

Then the combat power unleashed by the opponent is definitely more than just one plus one equals two.

Similarly, this dragon cavalry army also has a banner with the word "Xiaolong".

In addition, there are other flags that are very eye-catching.

On the way here, Thain, who had already analyzed most of the characters of the Tianming Empire, couldn't help but look at the two most eye-catching flags.

"The invincible Dragon Army!"

"Long live Tianming Hegemony!"

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