The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1900 Civilized Diplomacy

The emperor of the Tianming Empire made Thain feel very easy-going.

During the conversation with Thain, in addition to talking about the current situation of wizard civilization, the other party also asked about the situation of the leader of wizard civilization-Ms. Bev.

Thain, who is only at level five, naturally cannot come into contact with upper-class figures like Ms. Bev.

So far, the only master-level powerhouse who has interacted more with Thane is the Klopp Knight of the Western Islands.

What surprised Thain was that Emperor Tianming actually knew Klopp and was also familiar with the Western Islands in the Wizarding World.

Although Thane had never had close contact with Ms. Bev, he had met her during the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference.

Thane mentioned that the wizarding civilization has now entered a state of full-scale war after declaring war on the Gallente Federation at the 25th Wizarding Alliance Conference, and the war has become increasingly tense.

Originally, the momentum of the war had always been on the side of the wizard civilization.

Although there are some disadvantages in some local battlefields, the general direction is still controlled by the wizard civilization.

But recently, after the Minghe Empire intervened in the wizarding civilization war, the situation has changed.

Thain is not sure what the overall pattern of the current civilized battlefield is. He only reveals the part he knows, and emphasizes that wizard civilization needs the help of the friendly world civilization Ming Empire.

Emperor Tianming did not immediately respond to Thain's request for help during the meeting.

Participating in the civilized war initiated by the wizard civilization will undoubtedly be a war that affects the fate of their country for the Tianming Empire.

This is nothing compared to the "little troubles" that the Tianming Empire had in the Rongyue Star Territory in the past few hundred years.

Even with the strength of the Tianming Empire, it is just a small shrimp among top civilizations such as the Wizarding Civilization, the Hades Empire, and the Gallente Federation.

It's easy to say that they won, because the wizard civilization will definitely not treat them badly.

But if you lose...

In the past tens of thousands of years, the national policy followed by the Tianming Empire was mainly to "recuperate, recuperate, and develop steadily."

This may also be related to the death of the "First Emperor" or the "Tai Shang Huang"



The new generation of powerful people in the Tianming Empire don't seem to like going to distant foreign battlefields to participate in a grand war that has little to do with them.

For example, the prince Gongsun Qi advised his father to think carefully.

And those generals who are obviously older, especially the old generals who are generally at the fifth or sixth level of life, are doing business one by one.

However, none of these old generals clamored to join the war. They just set their sights on His Majesty the Emperor.

I believe that the emperor will make the most correct choice.

The wind direction above the court was vaguely divided into two factions.

As one of the most noble figures in the Tianming Empire, and also the most prestigious person in the Tianming Empire’s military in recent tens of thousands of years, Princess Taiping Gongsun Wudi did not reveal her obvious position to break this balance. .

From the beginning to the end, Gongsun Wudi sat quietly on the side of the hall.

In terms of ranking in the main hall, Gongsun Wudi surpassed the Crown Prince Gongsun Qi and was just below the emperor.

After all, the prince has to call Gongsun Wudi aunt.

The final meeting in court did not result in any discussion.

The decision to dispatch troops that affects a large world civilization cannot be made in a short time.

On the other hand, Thain himself gained a lot from this interview.

His Majesty the Emperor gave Thain a lot of special resources and materials from around the Tianming Empire as rewards, especially some elemental materials, which Thain had not been able to get in the Wizards Alliance market before.

Among them, several special elemental fires aroused Thain's great interest.

In addition, Emperor Tianming also granted Thain a fourth-grade official status.

This is just a false title, Thain will not directly command the Tianming Empire Legion.

However, after the golden seal and imperial edict authorized by the emperor appeared,

Thain clearly felt that a large ball of dragon energy hovering above the capital of Tianming Empire was gathering into his body.

Thain does not know how to practice dragon energy. This special energy body is just a kind of power that Thain is very interested in.

He even considered trying to integrate this one-time huge energy body into forbidden spells or some powerful magic.

Thain believes that the dragon energy of the Tianming Empire may be somewhat similar to the power of faith in the faith-to-god system.

But the specific relationship and difference between them will have to be explored in detail in the laboratory after Thain has some free time.

After leaving the Tianming Empire Palace, Thain was both happy and slightly disappointed.

What he wants most, of course, is to return to the wizarding civilization as soon as possible.

Gongsun Wudi was still walking beside Thain at this time.

She noticed Thain's slight melancholy and couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, the emperor is a very decisive person. If he is willing to send troops, he will answer you soon."

When Thain heard this, a reluctant smile appeared on his face, and he then asked: "Then, Your Highness, what do you think of sending troops to support our wizard civilization?"

After Gongsun Wudi was silent for a moment, he replied: "No matter what the situation is, I will support the emperor's decision."

"But from a personal perspective, I also tend to assist the wizarding civilization."

"Because when my father was still alive, he often taught me to repay kindness, and he also told me some things about wizard civilization." Gongsun Wudi said.

Thain nodded and took another look at the towering palace complex behind him.

In the following period, the things rewarded by the Emperor of Tianming Empire were sent to Thain one after another.

The construction of Thain's Magic Tower is basically completed, and Thain can already enter it to carry out some magic experiments.

But regarding whether to send troops to assist the wizard civilization, Thain has not received any news yet.

It is estimated that the Tianming Empire is also discussing


Come on, Gongsun Wudi would go to the palace to meet the saint from time to time, but most of the time, she still practiced martial arts in the princess mansion.

Thain once observed Gongsun Wudi's training process up close.

How should I put it? It’s very different from the training methods of the knights in the wizarding world.

But more than the knights, they focus on understanding the rules.

Thain could often see Gongsun Wudi standing motionless by Tingyu Lake and comprehending the laws. At that moment, she seemed to be integrated with the surrounding natural environment.

This special secret of the laws of martial arts civilization makes newcomers from wizard civilization like Thain extremely novel.

Thain, who was quite accomplished in body-refining experiments and human body research, couldn't help but want to study Gongsun Wudi.

It's a pity that the relationship between the two parties is not that close yet.

It is impossible for Thane to tie Gongsun Wudi to the experimental table to get closer to his desire to explore like he did with the fourth-level Kryptonian warrior Kram or the knight Lenna and others.

This is a powerful and powerful sixth-level peak existence.

During this long process of waiting and experimenting, Thane had not yet received the will and attitude of the Tianming Empire, but he first received the news that the official envoys of the wizard civilization had arrived in the Tianming Empire!

It turned out that there was no need for Thain to make a special trip to the Tianming Empire. The wizarding civilization had already sent special envoys to the Tianming Empire through formal diplomatic decrees.

This official messenger of the wizarding civilization not only brought the wizarding civilization's request for help, but also brought an autographed magic letter written by Ms. Bev, the leader of the wizarding civilization, to the Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji.

And it was different from Thane, who came to the Tianming Empire for help when he was broke and had nothing.

This official envoy of the wizard civilization even brought more detailed promises such as the distribution of benefits that the Tianming Empire will enjoy on the battlefield of the Gallente Federation civilization after the alliance between the wizard civilization and the Tianming Empire, as well as the number of troops sent, etc.!

This is formal civilized diplomacy, and it also gives the Tianming Empire the right to choose.

"One more chapter, before two o'clock~"

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