The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1936 Practice makes perfect

The fleet group under Davis did not cause a serious blow to the God of Burning Wind.

It just scared him.

Whether it is energy rays or various regular weapons, after arriving near the God of Scorching Wind, the launch trajectory is in an arc, just around him.

This also demonstrates the extremely outstanding combat capabilities of the Gallente Federation Legion. 🅆

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, not only the Wizarding Civilization and the Fairyland Civilization have been experiencing rapid and explosive development, but the Gallente Federation has also been developing at a very rapid pace.

Various technical barriers have been broken through one after another.

The overall volume of civilization continues to rise.

Without absolute strength, the Gallente Federation would not have decided to take action in anger under the threat of wizard civilization.

If there is really no chance of winning, or if they are not confident in their own strength, there is no need for the Federation to go to war in the first place, and they can just find a way to join the Wizards Alliance.

Better to die than live.

The Gallente Federation is not essentially a warlike civilization.

The intensive firepower strike, especially the attack of two black death particle rays, really stopped Bei Pen's pursuit.

This female knight is not stupid. Her rich experience in civilized warfare allowed Bei Peng to judge in a very short time that the Gallente Federation reinforcements in front of her were at least comparable to two sixth-level combatants and a dozen fourth- and fifth-level combatants. force.

When it comes to group fights, it's more fun to fight others in groups.

It would be so tragic if you were to be the one being beaten by a group of people.

Especially when trapped in the vast ocean fleet of the Gallente Federation, not to mention Beipen, even a sixth-level peak person who is stronger than her, or even a master-level knight, will feel a certain amount of pressure after a long time.

Ants kill an elephant, and this principle applies even more to the Gallente Federation fleet.

Beipeng stopped chasing, turned around and ran away.

Most of those dense fire strikes have range and duration restrictions. Only the two black death particle rays gave Bei Pen


A great threat.

It wasn't until Bepen retreated to the meteorite belt at the border of the Kells Star Territory that he was able to relax a little with the help of the surrounding complicated meteorite block terrain that eliminated part of the firepower of the federal fleet.

However, the insidious black death particle ray still caused two regular bruises on Bei Pen's left arm that could not be healed temporarily.

This injury is nothing to Bei Peng, who is also at level six.

Not long after, after hearing the news, Thane led Fumila and others to the border of Kells Star Territory.

The God of Black Mist and others who had just surrendered were also among them.

These two-and-a-half-year-olds can still be used for the time being.

As long as Thain and others do not show too much decline, even if it is to survive, the God of Black Mist and others will not make repeated leaps.

During civilized war, such behavior was taboo.

"The combat power of Level 6 is the same as ours, but the combat power of Level 4 and Level 5 is slightly more than ours, and the number of legions at the bottom may not be enough."

"Do you want to apply for a wave of reinforcements from the Tianming Empire?" Bei Pen asked.

After hearing this, Thane shook his head and replied: "The total number of Gallente Federation legions supporting the God World battlefield is limited. The more we share, the less pressure there will be on the Tianming Empire."

"It's just that the fourth and fifth levels have slightly more combat power than us. If we can sustain it for a while, there should be no problem." Thain said.

"Okay, then it's up to you." Bei Pen said: "I'm in charge of that level six fleet group, and the other level six mecha will be handed over to your robot girlfriend."

What is a "robot girlfriend"?

Hearing Bei Peng's words, the corners of Thain's mouth under the phaseless mask couldn't help but smile slightly.


The eight-winged angel Fumila also glanced at Bei Pen. This tomboyish knight could not compare to the robot Fumila in terms of feminine softness.

Fumila subconsciously straightened her chest. Compared to Beipeng's muscles, Fumila's lines were more perfect.

"That fleet group is stronger, so let's leave it to Fumila. You go deal with that mecha."

"Don't doubt our strength. In previous battles, our strength was not fully demonstrated." Thain said.

Bepen looked at Thain for a few seconds and replied: "Okay, whatever you want."

Then, in Bei Peng's astonished eyes, the beautiful Rubik's Cube, emitting dark blue light, appeared in Thain's hands and completed the fusion with Fumila.

Then, Thain also entered Fumila's body.

I saw Fumila's aura suddenly increasing.

With Fumila in charge of the Federation's sixth-level war fleet group, it seems that Thane has not over-exaggerated his strength.

A new battle will begin soon.

The commander of the Gallente Federation reinforcements, after contacting the God of Scorching Wind who had fled, gained some unknown information, and then launched a full-scale attack.

Thain and others did not establish a complete defensive combat front outside the Kells Star Territory. In addition, the number of legions at the bottom was small, so their performance was a bit weak at the beginning.

However, in the field of top-level combat power, Thain and others have not fallen behind.

After Thane merged with Fumila again, their performance in this battle was much smoother than in the first few battles!

As expected, practice makes perfect, and this new technology and combat concept also take time to get used to.

In the cockpit, Thane, wearing the world-class secret treasure Formless Mask, is doing two things.


\u003eWhile he summoned and used explosive magic attacks, he condensed the shadow of the technological weapons left inside the Rubik's Cube on the light wings behind Fumila.

The dense energy elements gathered into a tide and continuously impacted the Gallente Federation legions on all sides of the battlefield.

If the knight is known as the "King of Melee Combat", then the Magician should be called the "King of War".

Once it involves large-scale legion melee and covering long-range strikes, no matter how strong the knights are, it will be difficult to compete with magicians of the same level.

Thain, who is in the cockpit of Fumila, has an advantage. Fumila's strong defense and autonomous combat awareness can help Thain avoid some threats that may be caused to him by the outside world, allowing Thain to unleash himself unscrupulously. The power of magical elements.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for doing this, that is, Thain must have a strong enough heart.

Otherwise, a powerful federal weapon would suddenly strike from a certain corner and be caught off guard, which would scare even ordinary magicians out of their element and trigger an elemental backlash.

Fortunately, thanks to the excellent battlefield information collection ability of Wuxiang Mask and his absolute trust in Fumila, Thain, who was highly concentrated, did not suffer from this situation.

Even Thain, who was gradually getting into the excitement of fighting, went to the extreme and summoned the forbidden spell magic with a long prelude to the spell directly in Fumila's body!

The rationality deep in his heart made Thain use only powerful magic at the level of micro-forbidden spells.

But this is exaggerated enough!

"This guy actually summoned the forbidden spell like this?" Bei Peng, who was in another starry sky battlefield, felt the strange elemental tidal fluctuations around him, and couldn't help but look at Thain in the distance in amazement.

In Bei Pen's sight, a large dense sea of ​​meteors and fire appeared in the starry sky.

Directly swallowing countless federal ships.

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