The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1957 Fight for Life

The God of Black Mist can sense the God of Burning Wind because the God of Burning Wind was once a member of his divine system, and he was an old subordinate who had been with him for a long time.

Beliefs become gods system creatures, which are very unique.

When low-level believers meditate in their minds or call out the names of the gods they believe in, those gods are affected by the threads of faith and have a certain chance of sensing the call of their people.

In all major planes where the power of faith has been developed, miracles are often born. In fact, the gods have heard the demands of their people and responded to them.

Sometimes, gods are quite reasonable.

You have given your faith, and he will respond to you as appropriate.

If it is the kind of god that ignores its believers, or often messes around, and is indifferent to the demands of its will see which lower creature will worship and believe in the other.

Therefore, the circle of gods can sometimes be quite complicated.

If you don’t work harder, it is very likely that the believers you have worked so hard to accumulate will be abducted by other evil gods.

The God of Black Mist can discover that the God of Burning Wind is in the plane below, not because the God of Burning Wind believes in the God of Black Mist, but because the God of Burning Wind, as the god of the God of Black Mist, theoretically has to hand over part of his faith. Power, given to the God of Black Mist.

The God of Black Mist is like "rent collection". He allows the God of Scorching Wind to spread faith in his territory, but the power of faith earned is a part of the God of Black Mist.

This supply and demand relationship is one-sided.

Therefore, the God of Black Mist can rely on the thread of faith to discover the God of Burning Wind below.

However, the God of Burning Wind could only vaguely judge that the God of Black Mist might also be in this battlefield through the planet-level war fortress parked outside the plane.

Driven by survival and different interests, both sides began to try to contact each other on this premise.

The first person to make contact with the plane was the God of Black Mist.

\u003eAfter being instructed by Thain, the God of Black Mist tried to build a stable communication channel with the God of Burning Wind through the thread of faith.

The power of faith has been recognized by Thane as a relatively special and mysterious power a long time ago.

No wonder that in the star realm, nearly 60% of the plane worlds discovered by wizard civilization have embarked on the path of belief in the god system.

Magical civilizations like the Wizarding Civilization and technological civilizations like the Gallente Federation are considered a minority among the many civilizations in the star world.

In fact, including the Minghe Empire, it can also be regarded as a divine civilization.

The existence of the power of the Pharaoh Temple and its status in the Hades Empire itself represents the power of the clergy to influence all aspects of the civilization.

It's said to be an "empire", but aren't the three pharaohs in the temple really calling the shots?

The process of contacting the God of Burning Wind was not smooth.

First, the power of faith of the God of Black Mist itself is not strong. Second, there is a solid dimensional barrier of the Baiyun Longzhang plane as a shield, which makes communication more difficult.

In the end, Thain stepped in to help them.

As long as the use of the power of faith rises to the level of laws, it has certain similarities with magic elements.

Using the source of their faith as a node, Thane helped them set up a relatively stable communication channel, and even directly served as one of the signal transmitters, the planetary fortress at his feet.

In the transmitter, what emits a large amount of divine power and faith is a godhead that Thain randomly took out from his collection room.

As Thain's current loyal follower, the God of Black Mist was very fortunate to have a quick glance in Thain's collection room.


Just a quick glance at the dazzling array of specimens of divinity and advanced materials almost made the God of Black Mist's legs weak.

You must know that most of these godhead and high-level materials were collected and organized during the period when Thain came into contact with the Tianming Empire after wandering in the Broken Time and Space Window.

That’s not all of Thain’s assets.

He has a huge collection room each in the Ash Fortress in the wizarding civilization battlefield and the Ashes Holy Tower in the wizarding world.

There are more rare materials and precious specimens collected in it! 🅆

The current collection room is just a "small collection room" newly established by Thain.

"The main reason why we can establish contact with the God of Burning Wind is that the other party wants to talk to us. He is also afraid of the reckoning that will happen after the plane barrier is breached."

"You can give the other party certain benefits appropriately, and I can also promise to provide the other party with protection and safety."

"But over time, if he hasn't already made up his mind, those benefits and commitments will change."

"The Tianming Empire will not be very patient, and we cannot wait for him to be a mere fourth-level god to affect the overall layout of the battle." Thain pointed out.

"Yes!" The God of Black Mist replied.

Thain thought for a while and then said: "The greatest role that the God of Searing Wind can play in this plane war is to help us destroy the plane barriers of this medium-sized world from the inside."

"If he is just one person, his power is limited and he may not be able to complete our requirements."

"Let him also try his best to instigate other gods."

"If anyone is willing to switch to our wizard civilization and make actual contributions, I can give them the same protection as the God of Scorching Wind." Thane said while touching his chin.

The God of Black Mist agreed again, but he also made a suggestion

He was worried and asked: "Will being known by too many foreign gods below affect our plan?"

"I know the God of Burning Wind. As my former god, I think he is a relatively reliable god. His initiative to contact us should be sincere."

"But if we let him instigate rebellion against other gods, and if a few guys suddenly betray... not only will our plan be frustrated, but even the safety of the God of Burning Wind will be in danger..." The God of Black Mist hesitated.

When Thain heard this, he looked at the God of Black Mist in front of him and asked: "What does the safety of the God of Burning Wind have to do with us?"

Thain's rhetorical question made the God of Black Mist choke.

Looking at Thain wearing the phaseless mask in front of him, the God of Black Mist suddenly felt infinite coldness.

Yes, what does the life and death of these local gods have to do with powerful wizards and civilizations like Thain?

In Thane's view, it was a small surprise that the God of Searing Wind could succeed.

Breaking through the plane barrier in advance and allowing the Tianming Empire Legion to invade the Baiyun Longzhang plane. As one of the main organizers, Thain will definitely receive a resource reward when he comes back.

But even if it fails, there will be no loss to Thane.

Anyway, it was just a God of Burning Wind who had little to do with him.

The outcome of the Baiyun Longzhang plane being breached will not change.

It's just a matter of time.

The God of Burning Wind must have also seen this, so he eagerly hoped to get in touch with Thane and the powerful people of the Tianming Empire outside the plane.

This is a willing transaction.

The God of Burning Wind bets on a possible bright future with his own life.

The God of Black Mist then bowed his head respectfully. Seeing that Thain had no intention of continuing the conversation, he leaned over and left the main control room of the planetary fortress.

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