The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2090 Disciple

The omnipotent nature of the Lord's Soul was later unlocked by Thane. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Lina, Fumila, Walli and others helped Thain a lot during this period.

While researching the Eye of Dominion, Thain would gain something new almost every day.

Especially the mysterious energy in it, Thain even had the urge to pull it out of this eyeball.

"In addition to the special energy body of the Soul of Domination, the Eye of Domination itself is also valuable."

"Materials of this level are definitely qualified for making world-class secret treasures, but it's a pity that the quantity is a little less." Thain said, looking at the eyes in front of him.

This Eye of Domination, Thain guessed, should have been contributed by the Beholder World Master who had betrayed the wizarding civilization.

The evil-eyed tyrant was also unlucky enough. Even until his death, the soul of the master was not completely consumed. Instead, he was killed and divided into pieces by the master of the wizard civilization.

The eye that Thane has is just a secondary eye of the Evil Eye Tyrant.

I don’t know whose hands the most precious main eye is now.

However, while conducting in-depth research on the evil eye tyrant's secondary eye, one day, Thain suddenly interrupted his research process.

Even though Thain already knew that this secondary eye was likely to directly help him, who was already at the peak of level five, to directly enter the level six realm, Thain still stopped his experiment.

"Involving this level of research too early has both advantages and disadvantages for me."

"And so far, it seems that it does more harm than good!"

"In the process of in-depth research on the Soul of Dominion, I was limited by the accumulation of knowledge and the height of my vision. It was not only difficult for me to understand the mysteries clearly."

"Even recently, I have been thinking a lot about how to advance to level six with this soul of dominance."

"Even if I can quickly advance to level six with it, what will happen to me in the future?" Thain even thought with some fear.

"Compared to getting something for nothing,

Only by continuing to advance and climbing to the top of truth step by step can you go further in the future. "

"Let this soul of dominance be given to Lina or Natalya for use." Thain then sighed.

Also after making this decision, Thain encountered another problem.

——Who is this soul of domination for?

Although Lina has said that this soul of dominance can be used by Natalya first, Thain still cannot favor one thing over another.

Considering that Xia Ya has already contacted the great undead wizard of the Mamet United Alliance, including Thain himself, who has also found a relationship and continues to contact magicians who have in-depth research in the field of soul science, Thain believes that there is no rush for this moment. .

This Eye of Dominance should be placed at the bottom of the box for now. Not only can it restore Natalya's soul, but in future battles, a treasure of this level can also play all kinds of incredible uses.

Even if Thain is promoted to level six in the future, or even reaches the peak of level six, he may not be able to obtain treasures of this level again.

This is a gift from Tourmaline's father.

It's just that this cute little dragon turtle was given to Thain in the future.

Tourmaline only likes shiny treasures.

This kind of bloody biological tissue material should be given to Thain for research.

Put aside the research on the Lord’s Soul for a while.

Thain found that his mood was much better, and he even felt relaxed and happy.

This kind of treasure that does not belong to this stage of one's own, being obtained by oneself in advance, is sometimes a happy trouble.

After putting the research on the Eye of Overlord behind, Thane continued to conduct various experiments as originally planned.


Seeing that the wizarding civilization left Thane with a long rest of more than five hundred years.

But if you really devote yourself to it, it may be over in the blink of an eye.

It's the twenty-third year since Thane returned to the wizarding world.

Another regional Holy Tower Academy war is coming.

As one of the top holy towers in the Land of Ashes, in this Holy Tower Academy War, the total number of apprentices participating in the Holy Tower of Ashes is 300,000!

The huge base of apprentices is a guarantee for the number of officially registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

According to the practice of previous college wars, after the end of this college war, the Ashes Holy Tower will successively welcome the breakthroughs of nearly a thousand first-level magicians in the next ten years.

Although Thane had hundreds of years of rest, not all the magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes had withdrawn from the civilized war.

They have only enjoyed some of the benefits that Thain has brought to them, but there are still many magicians who need to carry out the instructions given to them by the wizard civilization.

Including Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes, it is currently responsible for the protection of three frontline logistics bases and the collection of resources for multiple alliance planes.

(s Thane does not need to do these tasks himself, he only needs to send the magicians from the Holy Tower under his command to perform them.

This is also the economic source for the long-term development and operation of the Holy Tower.

Otherwise, many holy towers would probably go bankrupt simply by relying on plane wars to make profits. )

Before the start of this academy war, Holy Tower Dean Meili followed the usual practice and reported to Thain what potential seeds there were.

After seeing dozens of little guys with all kinds of strange names recorded in the crystal ball that Meili presented to him, Thain couldn't help but sigh, it's great to be young.

"This 'Hand of Ashes' Simak is the most outstanding little family in our Holy Tower of Ashes in the past five hundred years.

Partner. "

"According to previous years' strength evaluation standards, the little guy has already reached the level of a 'desperate person'."

"Even for this academy war, I heard that Simak has other preparations. Many of our academy instructors are looking forward to his performance." Meili smiled at Thain.

"'Hand of Ashes'?" Touching the crystal ball in front of him, Thain also looked at the figure of an apprentice recorded in the crystal ball.

This is a young apprentice with a thin body and short gray-white hair. He seems to be less than thirty years old. He actually has the title of "Apprentice of Despair", which is really amazing.

As the name suggests, Desperate Apprentices are desperate beings who give other participating apprentices a sense of powerlessness in a college war.

According to the evaluation standards of the major holy towers in the wizarding world, this level of apprentice is equivalent to having formal magician level combat power during the apprenticeship stage!

Thain was also a desperate person back then, and even defeated another desperate person, Gad, the Heart of the Earth.

The Simak in front of him should be a replica of Thain back then.

The fact that the little guy can have such an eye-catching title as "Hand of Ashes" in the Holy Tower of Ashes already explains a lot.

"There are already several second- and third-level magicians who have expressed their intention to accept him as a disciple."

"Including several of our vice presidents, some people seem to have their thoughts on it."

"However, I still temporarily excused Simak and asked him to prepare for the academy war."

"What about you? Do you have any thoughts about him?" Meili asked with a smile.

When he first returned to the ancient wasteland of the Apocalypse World, Thane talked to Meili about taking on a disciple.

Unexpectedly, Meili still remembers this matter until now.

"Brothers, it's eight o'clock for the next chapter. Xiaodou found that his coding speed is getting slower and slower qaq~"

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