The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2101 Customization

Thain ended up staying in Capecchi longer than in the City of Steel.

Needless to say, Capeci's space fortress production technology is indeed much higher than that of Steel City.

Among the most outstanding space fortress-making masters in the wizarding world, 50% are in Cape Chi, 30% are in Steel City, and the other 20% are in Sky City. (S Sky City is the best.)

Considering that Sky City is very close to Cape Chi, it is also the place where the academic discussion atmosphere of the new space fortress in the Wizarding World is strongest.

After being promoted to level four, many knights and magicians in the wizarding world received magic coin loan subsidies from the wizarding civilization and had the initial funds to customize space fortresses.

The vast majority still come to Capecchi to order a fortress.

Including Lu Lianman's Blue Origin Fortress and Thane's Ashes Fortress, they were also originally purchased in Capechi.

To put it bluntly, Capecchi's second-hand fortress is, in the eyes of many powerful wizard civilizations, more "favourable" than those in other places.

As for the space fortress cluster concept proposed by Thain, and the giant fortress metal robot integration concept proposed later.

Capecchi's alchemy masters did not show as surprised expressions as the mechanics of Steel City.

Because before Thane, there were actually some powerful wizards in the civilization who proposed similar ideas.

Nowadays, the various star ports spread out by the wizard civilization are enough to accommodate the docking projects of more than a dozen or even more space fortresses. Some of the concepts are in common with Thain's experimental ideas.

Don’t you think that the star port of the wizard civilization is just a super large docking infrastructure?

In fact, the star port also has combat capabilities. It also has long-range strikes and the ability to carry many space fortresses and jump to the target star field battlefield.

It's just that wizard civilization rarely uses star ports directly for combat.

The main reason may be that they are too big.

Not everyone is like Thain, who has a Rubik's Cube as the core hub.

Thain can use the Rubik's Cube to have the opportunity to complete control of this super-large collective war platform.


r\u003eBut others...

It is estimated that only the true spirit level mechanic Victor has this ability.

Thain's total expenditure on Capecchi will not be lower than that on Steel City.

Because the price of the space fortress here in Capechi is higher, and Thane’s requirements for the renovation of the two fortresses are also higher.

Regarding Thain's idea of ​​going to Sky City and customizing a core fortress.

Portnew, Capecchi's level-5 fortress master, expressed his approval.

Although this Master of Portnew only has level five strength, he has participated in the construction and design projects of three alien ports in the wizarding world.

Including the Titan Star Port where Thane Ash Fortress is currently docked, Master Portnew also participated in the design back then.

Capecchi pushed this elderly fifth-level mage out to cooperate with Thain in his super experiment of the combined space fortress, which also showed his professional counterpart.

Just the alchemist that Thane needs.

And when faced with Thain's suggestion, which heavy industry laboratory in Sky City should he go to for customization?

Master Portnew adjusted his elemental glasses. The other person's white hair and wrinkles showed the long journey of this old fifth-level magician on the path of exploring the truth.

Master Portnew pondered for a long time and replied, "I recommend you to find my old friend Wharton."

"His ability to make space fortresses is much better than mine. In the past tens of thousands of years, the wizarding civilization has developed several generations of standard space fortresses, all of which have his design shadow."

"And he himself happens to have in-depth research in the field of technology and mechanics, so he should be able to complete your production requirements." Master Portnew said.

"However, it is not easy to find Wharton to customize a space fortress."

“It’s not just the high cost of customizing magic coins, but finding Wharton to customize a space fortress often requires a thousand years in advance, or even

longer. "

"With the current civilized war, I don't know if you can successfully find Wharton to complete the order."

"In addition to Wharton's alchemy laboratory, I also have several heavy industry laboratories in Sky City that I can recommend to you." Master Portnew said.

"Whether it works or not, I'll go to Sky City and give it a try first."

"Of course, please also ask Master Portnew to give me the contact information of several other heavy industry laboratories." Thain thanked him.

"Actually, your super experiment and huge idea are best implemented before the outbreak of civilized war, and there is time for fine adjustments."

"I also looked at your Rubik's Cube."

"To be honest, this world-class secret treasure is really mysterious. It was after seeing it that I thought you have a high probability of success, and I strongly recommend Wharton to you."

"But then again, it was the context of civilized war that allowed an extremely young magician like you to reach a height that ordinary people look up to in a short period of time."

"I am very optimistic about your path to truth, and I look forward to your final success." Portnew sighed. 🅆

The fifth-level old magician Portnew is definitely considered an antique figure in the wizarding world. He has participated in the design and research of Star City, and he must have handled countless world-class secret treasures.

He has such a high opinion of Thane, which has surprised the other level four alchemists of Capecchi who participated in the design.

However, Master Wharton, who was highly respected by Port New City, must be a being of a higher level and ability than him.

Thain really didn't know if he could ask the other party to take action.

All he could do was try.

Castle in the Sky.

A holy place in the hearts of wizards and civilized spellcasters.

This is the second time that Thain has come here after returning to the wizarding world.

Master Wharton’s heavy engineering laboratory is neither at the highest point of the Sky City nor at the location that Thane originally expected.

extremely deep areas.

It turned out to be just located in the northwest corner of the central area of ​​Sky City, an experimental area with a very ordinary appearance.

There are several large libraries around, and their styles are mostly simple and have a sense of age.

The process of visiting Master Wharton was not smooth. If it hadn't been for Master Portnew's letter of recommendation, Thain wouldn't have been able to get in here.

Including when he proposed that he wanted to ask Master Wharton to help him build and design a space fortress.

Master Wharton's assistant, a fourth-level female alchemist wearing a white magic robe, replied in a very formulaic manner, "I'm sorry, if you ask Master Wharton to order a space fortress, you need to make a reservation a thousand years in advance."

"Because you are a magician introduced by Master Portnew, even if you are added to the reservation sequence, you will have to wait until 5,671 years at the earliest before your fortress order can be processed." said the female alchemist. .

If it were before the outbreak of civilized war, Thane could have waited for ten thousand years, not to mention five thousand years.

But now it's obviously not that long, leaving Thain to wait for the so-called appointment process.

Including Thain's promotion to the sixth level, it should be completed in about a thousand years.

If it takes Thane thousands of years to build such a core fortress, he might as well find other heavy industry laboratories to order it.

Anyway, if one or two hundred million magic coins are thrown at it, the final product will not be too bad.

However, just as Thain was about to leave Master Wharton's heavy industry laboratory base in disappointment.

The turning point came suddenly.

In Master Wharton's private laboratory, a ball of fiery red light of law is swaying here.

It also just arrived here.

When he felt that Thain appeared outside the heavy industry experimental base with the Rubik's Cube, he felt something of a red light group and was suddenly stunned.

After a moment, the light ball said to the sixth-level magician who was busy in front of a large experimental table in the laboratory, "Hey, old man, how about I introduce you to a job?"

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