The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2123 The second stage of transformation

The top magicians in the wizarding world cannot conduct large-scale magic experiments in the wizarding world or within close range outside the wizarding world. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞 Search for π¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

Thain had never received this notification before!

Because this notice is a regulation specifically for spellcasters above level six.

Thain hasn't been promoted to level six yet, so naturally no one will tell him specifically.

When Thain was promoted to level four, he was told not to conduct large-scale dangerous experiments near plane nodes.

Because this may cause damage to plane nodes, thereby disturbing the balance of a certain area of ​​the wizarding world.

To be honest, as the wizarding world is a top level, "ordinary" experiments can't really shake this huge world.

The rules established by the guardians are only for the purpose of protecting their own mother plane more carefully.

At the same time, these guardian rules can also restrain the vast majority of true spirits and master-level beings in the wizarding world.

For this reason, when the True Spirit-level magicians in the wizarding world often conduct experiments in their True Spirit Towers, they will directly open up the subspace and conduct various experiments in the subspace.

The number and overall area of ​​subspaces attached to the Wizarding World are also the largest in the entire Wizarding Alliance.

In front of the Guardian of Summer, it was certainly impossible for Thane to say that no one had given him such a notice.

It is true that Thain himself was a little negligent. He was just observing his magic experiments and was excited about the successful integration of the United Fortress for the first time, but he ignored the dimensional barrier of the wizarding world below, which indeed caused a little bit of trouble. ripples.

Without further urging from the Guardian, Thane took the initiative to control the Union Fortress and slowly flew further away from the Wizarding World.

The vast starry sky is enough to serve as a stage for Thain to perform at will.


The Guardian of Summer had no intention of punishing Thane at this moment, but looked at the group of fortresses that were gathered together and formed a triangular pyramid shape as a whole, and said in wonder, "This kind of joint fortress experiment, I didn't expect it to be a machine from the City of Steel." The teachers got it out first, but you got it out first."

"The little guy has a good talent, and your Rubik's Cube looks good too." The Guardian of Summer in a red dress praised.

Although he was gradually getting farther away, Thane still heard every word of the Guardian of Summer accurately.

Regarding the praise of the Guardian of Summer, Thane modestly said, "Guardian, you are over-praising me."

The Guardian of Summer also knew that this was a critical period for Thain's experiment, so she did not disturb him anymore, but let Thain continue the experiment.

Thain also cast a wave of grateful will to the Guardian of Summer, and then under Thain's control, the combined fortress that had been gathered together began the next stage of transformation experiments.

A series of orders were issued by Thane to every corner of the Union Fortress through the Rubik's Cube and the Voice of Will.

Including the wizards in the wizarding world at this time, Wharton, Master Portnew and others from Sky City, Cape Chi and Steel City who participated in the original production project of the Thain Union Fortress are also paying attention to the outside world. changes that have occurred.

The masters now ignored the shock of the Guardian of Summer's presence. Instead, they asked Thane, who ordered the next phase of transformation experiment, to urgently ask, "Are we going to conduct the second phase of the experiment so soon? Do we want to test it as a whole first?" What is the status of the first stage?”

According to the original plan, just the testing work of the first form required

For up to five years, this is to eliminate all hidden risks.

As for the testing of weapons systems, it may take longer.

The questions from several masters made Thain look down at his Rubik's Cube.

At this moment, the words 8763 appeared on this beautiful rhombus crystal, which marked the Rubik's Cube's overall control of the Union Fortress.

Everything is still under Thain's control, and the Rubik's Cube is also accelerating its familiarity and control over the Union Fortress.

It can be seen that the data of 8763 has increased by 001 over time.

Thain said, "I have a hunch that this experiment will be a success once and for all. The contribution of the masters to this experiment is indispensable."

"As for the testing work, we will start slowly after we have completed all stages of transformation."

"I can't wait to see its full combat form." πŸ…†

"Don't worry, everything is under my control." Thain said firmly.

Thain said so, and the alchemist masters and fortress construction masters in the wizarding world below didn't have much to say. They just paid close attention to each data of the seven components of the Union Fortress.

As for the overall data of the Union Fortress, Thain, who currently controls the Rubik's Cube, knows best.

Since he is so confident, it means that the first phase of the experiment should be successful, and it is not wrong for those testing tasks to be ranked behind.

And all the alchemy masters, like the Guardian of Summer at this moment, are looking forward to what kind of truth Thain can show.

As all the preparations in the fortress were completed, Thane's eyes narrowed, and the united fortress suddenly burst out with infinite blue light from the inside out. \u003cb


This is the first time that Thain has maximized the energy of the Rubik's Cube.

When fighting Fumila before, Thain used more of the Rubik's Cube's repair and replenishing energy. As for the Rubik's Cube's own original energy, it was like a golden mountain. Thain had only used a small part before, never all of it. Developed.

Including when he controlled the planetary fortress to merge and transform on the battlefield of the Goddess World, in the most extreme state, he only developed the power of 30 Rubik's Cubes.

Not to mention, the Rubik's Cube has grown a lot since the end of the God World War. It seems that it also had other encounters in the Sky City in the Wizarding World.

At this moment, the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hands finally exploded with 100 power.

In addition to the azure light of law, there is also a layer of special silver-white flames at this moment, which gradually seeps out from everywhere inside the Union Fortress. Soon, these silver flames cover most of the surface of the Union Fortress.

Metal fire!

This is a new ability obtained by Thane's Rubik's Cube more than two hundred years ago.

It was precisely with this ability that Thain had the confidence to directly start the second phase of experimental testing.

I can only see the burning of metal fire and the continuous operation and deformation process inside the Union Fortress.

The original cone-shaped joint fortress gradually "stands up"!

"This is..." At this moment, many middle- and low-level creatures who happened to be traveling to and from the wizarding world stared dumbly at the majestic metal giant standing up in the starry sky.

At this moment, under the plane barrier, the Guardian of Summer, wearing a slit red skirt, looked at the grand scene in front of her and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so big!"

"Next chapter, about one o'clock~"

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