The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2132 He Xiu

"Damn it, why do you want me to come to this boring battlefield. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’Search π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²"

"The Minghe Empire's legion over in the Great World is what I'm interested in."

"The pharaoh who injured the's best not to let me run into him in the future." Like a corrosive death rule nebula, He Xiu walked in the starry sky and said sadly.

This guy has never been a rule-abiding person. Even though he had been dispatched by the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization and came to this area near the middle of the main star field of the Gallente Federation, he still expressed some dissatisfaction with the upper-level decisions.

The dissatisfaction in my heart needs something to help resolve it.

The billions of Gallente Federation creatures in this star field are obviously Hexiu's perfect catharsis partner.

Wizard civilization battlefield data shows that the destructive power of a black magician behind enemy lines is 20 times that of a Holy Tower magician of the same level on the front line!

I wonder if a true spirit-level black magician like He Xiu also conforms to this law.

But what is certain is that with Hexiu arriving on the main battlefield, the Gallente Federation will continue to be unlucky.

And Hexiu, as a master in the field of undead magic, did not come alone this time.

In addition to having several corpse-refined beasts as backup, Hexiu has also established stable communication links with many powerful beings during his years of traveling and exploring the star world.

When necessary, these alien masters can be summoned to help in the battle.

For example, at this moment, after arriving at the frontline battlefield of the Gallente Federation, Hexiu first thought of the "old friends" he met in the Gintama world.

Hexiu has never been to the Gintama World. He only came into contact with the Lord of the Gintama World in the dangerous area of ​​​​the Death Rule during the process of exploring the star world.

It can be regarded as acquaintance without fighting.

At first, He Xiu took a fancy to the special will-o'-the-wisps on this undead master and wanted to collect some.

As a top undead civilization, the Gintama world can strengthen itself by absorbing the souls of living organisms. The soul energy contained in a true spirit-level magician like Hexiu is simply the best.

So the two guys with ulterior motives had a fight in the dangerous area of ​​​​the rules of death, and even almost caused the death tide to explode in the dangerous area of ​​​​the rules of the star.

In the end, He Xiu failed to win over Lord Gui Yan, and Lord Gui Yan also failed to taste a trace of He Xiu's soul.

Two guys who had gone through fierce battles finally used peaceful transactions to get what they wanted.

If this situation were transmitted back to their respective planes, I don't know how many people would be shocked.

Lord Gui Yan gave He Xiu a ray of attached soul fire, and He Xiu gave him the soul of a level six black magician from the Black Domain who had contradicted him in the early years.

The two "evil masters" in the star world completed their first transaction in this way.

They even walked together for a while.

It took a period of time for the two of them to get to know each other, and then they realized how awesome the other's mother world was.

Originally, Hexiu wanted to bring this Ghost Flame Master into the Wizards Alliance. At first, he only thought that the other party came from a large undead plane.

At the same time, Lord Gui Yan also wanted to win over Hexiu at that time, and wanted Hexiu to lead the so-called wizard world behind him and join the Silver Soul World camp.

The two guys actually had no good intentions from beginning to end.

Hexiu wanted to use the rules of the Wizards Alliance to plunder the value contained in the Lord Gui Yan and the plane behind him.

At first, Lord Guiyan wanted to deceive Hexiu and develop the wizarding world into one of the "affiliated soul fields" of the Gintama world in the future.

But since the other party is from a top civilization, just treat what you just said as unsaid.

The wizarding civilization does not yet have enough size to attract the top civilizations of the same level to join them as their younger brothers.

In the same way, the same is true for the Gintama world.

During the test of attacking from the side, Hexiu had a vague feeling that the overall strength of the Gintama world was slightly inferior to that of the wizard civilization.

But what surprised He Xiu was that the Gintama world had already had a battle of top civilizations.

And it seems that the winner is the one in the end.

A world that has defeated or even annexed the top civilization, even if the world civilization that once fought with the Gintama World has only just entered the top civilization stage, it is still very remarkable.

The wizarding civilization is currently so powerful, but strictly speaking, the Gallente Federation is the first world civilization that they independently conquered and annexed. (The war is not over yet.)

Although Hexiu knew that in the history of wizard civilization, he had dealt with top civilizations such as the Light God Clan and the Source Energy Civilization.

In particular, the Wizarding Civilization inherited at least two-thirds of the territory of the Light God Clan, and also plundered a massive amount of war resources from the Source Energy Civilization.

But there has not yet been a complete battle of top civilizations, which is indeed the current status of wizard civilization.

(s Hexiu was able to advance to level seven because he followed his mentor Nigel and plundered massive resources and wealth in the source energy star field.

Otherwise, according to his character, even the original will of the wizarding world would be displeased, and under the premise of lack of resources in the black domain, he would be damned if he could advance to level seven. )

The wizarding world is now like an extremely strong man, his strength is even stronger than those young people of the same age.

When those young people of the same age (s here refers to top civilizations that are weaker than the wizarding world), they may have fought in battles with top civilizations and won, making the wizarding civilization now eager to find an opponent of the same weight. Fight to prove your strength.

Moreover, having fought a complete battle of top civilizations and not having fought a battle of top civilizations are completely different things.

The war with the Gallente Federation was also a process of transformation of wizard civilization.

It can be found from many fields that after this war, wizard civilization has become more mature!

Hexiu had previously followed his mentor Nigel and participated in sabotage operations against the source energy civilization behind enemy lines.

It just so happens that the Gallente Federation is also a technological civilization. All I can say is that he has experience in this matter!

Undead magic is the best choice for such weak and civilized creatures.

Although the black magicians in the wizarding world were wreaking havoc in the early stage, the Gallente Federation came up with many measures specifically against undead magic.

But how can He Xiu's undead mysteries be compared to other low-level black magicians?

"I hope that the gains brought to me by the Gallente Federation can be compared to the original energy civilization." Hexiu muttered, and then in the sound of his spell, a large space summoning magic circle slowly appeared in the starry sky in front of it. Medium molding.

"What do you want from me?" The voice of Gui Yan, the ruler of the silver soul world, came from the other end of the space summoning array.

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