The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2145 The Big Three

Thain had previously suspected that there must be a master-level strongman guarding the Baibao Pavilion, and it turned out to be correct.

At least this Diamond Wind Demon King, who has quasi-saint-level strength, is relying on Shituoling, which has three saint-level powerful men to suppress his power.

The name of Shituoling among the demon clan in the Immortal Realm is far less famous than that of the Wa Palace, the Eight Great Sages, and the Demon Court.

The main reason may be that the three demon kings of Shituoling are not very strong.

Except for the golden-winged roc eagle, who was very good, the other two were extremely mediocre.

Some people say that the golden-winged roc in Shituoling is the roc transformed from a ray of true energy split into two after the death of the ancient demon master Kunpeng.

Some people also say that the three demon kings in Shituoling are backed by Immortal Buddhism.

In short, these gossips are spreading all over the fairyland civilization, and no one knows which of them are true and which are false.

This time on the battlefield of wizard civilization, the Demon Court created by Shituoling, Wa Palace and the Three-legged Golden Crow Luya did not directly intervene in the war here.

Only the demon tribes under the Eight Great Saints came, as well as the extremely large number of ordinary demon tribes who arrived in this civilized battlefield as casual cultivators to pan for gold. 🅆

But just because Shituoling didn't end up personally, it doesn't mean that they don't want to get a share of the wizarding civilization battlefield.

This Wind-Drilling Demon King is one of the demon kings sent by the three heads of Shituoling to the wizarding civilization battlefield to be responsible for gold mining.

The strength of the Diamond Wind Demon King is not outstanding among the quasi-saint level experts.

But its biggest feature in Shituoling is that it is highly valued by the three demon kings and is aware of current affairs.

Entrusting the extremely important business of Baibao Pavilion and Fangshi to Zhuanfeng Demon King is enough to show its status in Shituoling.

But even with its status, the blood of a saint is a treasure that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

The eyes that had been asleep suddenly opened wide.

Kicking away the fussy snake spirit wrapped around him, the Wind Demon King immediately asked, "Do you know about those two guys, Old Man Xuantian and Evil Buddha?"

"Master Demon King, the other two bosses also know."

"This is coming from Baibao Pavilion.

news, you know we cannot hide this situation from our superiors. "The messenger said.

The Wind Demon King immediately jumped up from the recliner, touched his yellow hair, and cursed, "Damn, that drop of saint's blood was snatched away by that black-headed bald donkey last time. There must be no mistakes this time." .”

"I'll go there right now!" After saying this, the Diamond Wind Demon King turned into a streak of yellow wind and left the place.

At the same time, Old Man Xuantian and Evil Buddha, who also received the news, also came to the Baibao Pavilion here in Chaofang City.

Old man Xuantian is a middle-aged monk wearing a green shirt. Although there are some obvious wrinkles on his face, he does not actually look older, and he does not know why he is called "old man".

Before arriving at Baibao Pavilion, Old Man Xuantian met his disciple first.

Looking at his sloppy disciple in front of him, who looked sick and sick, Old Man Xuantian asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Old man Xuantian's question made the sloppy Taoist look a bit uneasy.

But facing the Master, he couldn't lie. He could only lower his head and say, "Master, I made a fortune telling for someone in the market, and the opportunity of the great road came back to bite me."

When Old Man Xuantian heard this, he sighed and said, "You idiot, the chance of the great road can only be understood but not studied deeply. Didn't I tell you not to give people divination easily?"

In terms of appearance, Old Man Xuantian’s disciple is older than him. I don’t know if this is because this person has been telling fortunes all year round.

Anyway, astrologers in the wizarding world are generally short-lived.

Facing the Master's words, the sloppy Taoist lowered his head again. It's just that this guy's nature is such that what he likes most is to tell people divination in the busy city.

Even in terms of achievements in the field of divination, Taoist Sloppy is stronger than his other two senior brothers.

If this situation continues, the sloppy Taoist may not be able to survive his two senior brothers in the future.

Maybe it was Master’s sigh that made

The sloppy Taoist wanted to defend what he had done. He claimed, "Master, I noticed that there was an extremely strong power of cause and effect appearing in our market, so I went to set up a stall to see if I could find it. Destined person."

"But I didn't expect that there would be a backlash in the end... Could it be that the other party's power of cause and effect is too strong? Or is it some boring Xuanxian-level or above monk who hid his aura to trap me."

"But there are not many people who can hide their aura in front of my eyes. The other party can't be a quasi-sage, right?" The sloppy Taoist scratched his head and thought.

Glancing at his self-proclaimed disciple of "Tianyanzi", the old man Xuantian flicked his sleeves and said, "Your divination may have been successful. Another saint's blood has appeared in our city. I will follow you as my teacher." Go check it out.”

"Oh." The sloppy Taoist responded without showing any surprise.

Perhaps in his opinion, the so-called blood of a saint is not as attractive as the stranger he divined before.

Also when he was following the master, the sloppy Taoist thought of something and suddenly said, "By the way, master, I made a divination about our city before."

"What hexagram?" Old Man Xuantian asked casually.

The sloppy Taoist scratched his head and said, "This is a sign of great misfortune. A 'disaster star' may have entered our city, and there may be a disaster of war next." 🅆

When Old Man Xuantian heard this, he couldn't help but tremble in his original flying posture with his sword.

Just like the Demon King Diamond is backed by Shituoling, Old Man Xuantian, one of the three giants in Fang City, is actually protected by the Saint Taoist Court.

Old Man Xuantian was an outer disciple accepted by the ancestor of the Shushan Sword Sect many years ago. He is now the head of the Shushan Sword Sect and can be regarded as his senior brother.

It's just that except for a few people including the sloppy Taoist, no one else knows about this relationship.

He thought that the other party was just a highly respected quasi-saint-level casual cultivator.

Outside the secret territory of Fang City.

Evil Buddha, who also received news of the appearance of the saint's blood, has also appeared here.


He was not in a hurry to enter Fang City at this time, but first listened to the report from the three Xuanxian-level monks who were responsible for guarding outside Fang City.

"Sir, the Jiuji Demon Lord has entered Fang City."

"The ones who entered with him were Tiangui Locust and Banshan Taoist."

"Including the demon cultivators who have entered our city recently, there are also quite a few. Do you think it will..." the monk outside the city reported.

The Evil Buddha is a quasi-holy monk with a huge belly and black skulls printed on his body. A string of white bone beads hangs around his neck.

Hearing that Jiuji Demon Lord and three Daluo Jinxian-level monks entered Fangshi, Evil Buddha touched his shiny black skull and said with a smile, "Just come in, do they still dare to cause trouble?"

"But... there is something coming next that might really require them to do it." A cunning Evil Buddha appeared in his eyes, and he thought to himself.

"Where are those three guys? I'm going to 'duhua' to comfort them." Evil Evil Buddha said.

Behind the Evil Buddha, there is also a saint-level force, and the other party is the real demon cultivator of the fairyland civilization - the boss of the demon world.

Therefore, in terms of behavior, the Evil Buddha should be more unscrupulous.

Evil Buddha, who had obtained a drop of the saint's blood last time, was not satisfied with what he had gained.

The main reason is that the last time he bid for the drop of saint's blood, he had already wiped out all the evil Buddha's belongings. He didn't dare to spend the money in the market, so he could only find some crooked ideas to try.

In the private room of Baibao Pavilion.

Thain has successfully purchased the last target of his trip - Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire.

Seeing this extremely powerful fire of the original law, Thain was so excited that he could not wait to start experiments immediately.

The reason why he is not in a hurry to leave is because the bidding for the Lord Tianyang's blood that Thain handed over has just started.

And once it started, it quickly rose to an extremely exaggerated price.

It seems that during this trip to Xianyufang City, Thain not only did not spend all his savings, but also wanted to return a wave of "blood".

“The current monthly ticket is 396~”

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