The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2190 Supervisor

Thane and Fumila arrived at the Black Tower of Death almost at the same time.

As soon as Thain arrived with his front foot, Fumila arrived with a bloody fourth-level magician's arm.

Also appearing at the same time was Feimengs, who had temporarily transformed into a one-armed magician.

In a place like the Black Domain, strength is paramount.

Only by showing more ruthlessness than the opponent's strength will they be afraid and obey you.

At this time, Feimengs, who appeared in front of Thain again, looked a little downcast.

But when Thain looked at him, the guy hurriedly tried to suppress his attentiveness.

Not only Feimengs, but before Thain and others arrived, there were also two fourth-level black magicians who were besieging Mayfair's Black Tower of Death.

Those two people were very well informed.

They stopped their attack before Thane arrived.

And neither of them left the Black Tower of Death.

Feimengsi's situation gave them a good warning and role model.

Looking at the four trembling black magicians in front of him, Thane did not immediately make a statement.

In fact, on the way to destroy the Black Tower, Thane was thinking about how to solve the chaos in the Black Territory.

It is unrealistic to solve the chaos in the entire Black Territory, so the Tower of True Spirit in the deepest part of the Black Territory must speak.

Thane doesn't have that much authority.

What Thain is thinking more about is just solving the plight of the three black towers related to him: the Black Tower of Moro, the Black Tower of Death, and the Black Tower of Cangke.

Thain eventually came to the conclusion that he still couldn't force it.

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake.

No matter how powerful Thain is, he cannot stay in the Black Realm for a long time and provide shelter to Zorro, Mayfair and others.

So, how should we solve the problem?

Thane thought of the ashes of his Ashland.

Due to the vigorous development of the underground world of the Holy Tower of Ashes in recent years, Thane's territory has gradually become an extremely important resource exporter and transit party in the Black Territory.

Thain is an "upstream" supplier.

If he jammed Black Territory's neck at this juncture, he would most likely be able to force those Black Territory experts to submit. \u003cb


Including those senior fifth-level black magicians and veteran sixth-level black magicians who don't want to take care of things, they have to come forward to betray Thain to save face on the premise that their own interests are harmed.

We haven’t seen each other for many years, and the difference in the temperament that Mayfair brings to Thain is also very big.

The once gorgeous and graceful senior sister is now more mature, but she also obviously has the cold, cruel, dark temperament that only a black magician can have.

Of course, these temperaments were suppressed to the deepest part of Mayfair's body when she saw Thain.

She is quite enthusiastic about Sean.

And Mayfair seems not to want to show her too dark side in front of Thane.

"Gee, junior brother, I miss you so much." After meeting, Feier gave Thain a big hug.

Because the senior sister's figure is really outstanding, Thain couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he felt a soft ball pushing against his chest.

Zoro chuckled and looked at the scene in front of him.

He probably knows something about Mayfair and Thain.

He has not completely embarked on the path of a black magician, but he is very optimistic about the harmonious atmosphere among the masters.

"Junior brother, you are so handsome, and you are my savior."

"If you hadn't come, I don't know how I would have been bullied by these guys." Feier took advantage of the situation and took Thain's arm, and sneered at the four fourth-level black magicians around him.

In the Black Territory, large-scale battles between level four and above creatures are still unlikely to occur. This is the wizarding world after all, and the guardians have been keeping an eye on it over the years.

However, in the competition for some mid- and low-end resources and wealth, and the battles with low-level creatures, the guardians cannot control it to such a broad extent.

In recent years, Mayfair and Zorro's black tower resource points have been competed for by others.

Anyway, their situation in recent years has been a bit worse than it was a few hundred years ago, when Narcissus first came to the Black Territory to find his mother.

Thain glanced at the four level four black magic around him

Master, said, "Some people are even worried about Mei Kaili's Black Tower of Cang Skeleton. I think there is at least a fifth-level black magician who is causing trouble here."

"I know, I know, that guy's name is Sherpa, and he is a fifth-level black magician who has recently broken through."

"His strength is not as strong as Sister Mei Kelly, but he has gathered a group of newly promoted fourth-level black magicians from the outer reaches of the Black Territory."

"In recent years, those who have fought against us are mainly the group headed by him." Mayfair said while holding Thain's arm.

Thain nodded, took out the crystal ball, and said something to Merry, the director of the Holy Tower who was far away in the Land of Ashes.

Thane was solving problems in the Black Domain and inspecting several black towers in preparation for the next war in the Corellon Star Domain.

Far away on the front line of the battlefield of wizard civilization, a high-level meeting because of him was held briefly.

This is a video conference, because many wizard civilization masters are not in the same star field battlefield.

Knight Klopp has already reported the information about the Demonic Tide Civilization detected by Thain.

Ms. Bev and others also learned about this incident and became very interested in it.

It's just that at the beginning, no one had heard of this extremely powerful and terrifying world civilization.

Even Ms. Bev herself was not clear about the word "monitor" mentioned by Klopp.

After slightly expanding the membership of the meeting, there was indeed a response.

The first person to give feedback to Motide Civilization was the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce led by Chaofeng.

Chaofeng said that the powerful master of a foreign civilization that his caravan had contacted before had indeed mentioned the demonic tide civilization.

It's just that the master didn't mention much at that time.

Because the Demonic Tide Civilization is also extremely far away from the star field where the master is.

But the other party mentioned that the Demonic Tide Civilization is a special civilization that is extremely expandable and has exaggerated war potential.

In addition to the feedback from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce.

As the biological sister of Ms. Bev, she is also the leader of the Zerg clan.

When the Queen of Blades learned the word "Monitor", her eyes obviously changed a bit.

As the last generation of ninth-level existence in the wizarding world, he is the most beloved child of the most powerful knight master.

The Queen of Blades, Lisa, obviously knows some secrets about the star realm that her sister and brother don't know much about.

For example, even Bev doesn't know much about the Star Boundary Supervisor, but Lisa knows a little!

This information was cryptically told to Lisa before their father left the star realm.

During the last period of time when the Supreme Knight Master stayed in the star world, among the other's three children, Lisa, the Queen of Blades, and Hela, the younger generation, stayed with him the longest.

It's just that Hela had not yet entered the realm of dominance at that time, and there were some situations where it was useless to tell the other party.

As for the term Star Boundary Supervisor, as far as Lisa knows, it is often a very powerful existence in the Star Boundary, or it is a creature that directly obtains "transcendence".

The main responsibility of this type of existence is to maintain the stability and balance of the star realm.

In addition, they have another major restriction - that is, they cannot take action in person.

The goal can only be achieved through reminders or more subtle ways.

When she heard Klopp’s introduction about the Demonic Tide Civilization before, Lisa didn’t pay much attention.

She felt that the other party was, at best, just an extremely powerful top civilization. As for the other party's record of destroying eleven top civilizations within a hundred thousand years, it might just be the result of rumors.

But when the word "Star Monitor" popped up, Lisa finally realized that something was wrong!

But Lisa couldn't tell the information about the supervisor directly in the venue.

Because she has reached the extremely tyrannical eighth level, she has gradually come into contact with some of the most mysterious rules in the star realm.

Too much mention of the overseer (low-level creatures are fine, but higher-level creatures are more troublesome), or too many things that disrupt the balance of the astral realm are involved.

It will inevitably be counterattacked by the law of balance in the astral realm!

Therefore, in the venue, Lisa could only give Bev a hint in her eyes and nodded to her.

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