The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2196 Factions

The reason why this level five phoenix named Goni has a favorable impression of Thane. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞 Search for π¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

Most likely it's because Thain's Ashes Staff contains a bit of Phoenix essence and blood.

However, the blood essence of this ice phoenix and the black phoenix in Thane's Ashes Staff did not come from the same place.

The Ice Phoenix comes from a phoenix plane in the Wizards Alliance. I heard that there is a master-level phoenix that sits there all year round.

That plane also gathered a large number of creatures with Phoenix bloodline.

The black phoenix essence and blood in Thane's magic wand comes from the fairyland civilization.

Green and his fiancΓ©e are both talented and handsome.

After being polite for a while, Thain smiled and asked, "When are you two going to get married?"

Green is much more dedicated than Thane, and he doesn't train.

Therefore Shirley should be the only love of his life.

Faced with Thain's narrow question, Green was a little embarrassed, but Shirley responded generously, "Let's wait until the end of the civilized war. Green said that at that time, he would officially marry me."

"Haha, I will definitely go to the Holy Tower of Annihilation in person when the time comes. Congratulations to both of you." Thain said with a smile.

In the relationship between Green and Shirley, it can be seen that Green, who has a relatively low-key and dull personality, is the passive one.

On the contrary, Shirley next to him was quite majestic.

Green is really capable of making even the witch with the lowest marriage and childbearing rate fall in love with her.

However, Thane heard that witches will automatically leave the Northland organization after getting married.

This is a very strange tradition that seems to be done to maintain the purity of the witch community.

After the two actually get married, Green's Holy Tower of Annihilation should be the main place of business for the couple in the future.

In addition to the Green couple, Thain also met Angelet, the fifth-level Como Sound Snake Emperor warlock.

Angelet brings a bigger lineup than Green!

He brought almost half of the Comoyin Serpent Warlock family over.

There are seven space fortresses alone.

It was also during the conversation that Thain learned that the position of the head of the Komoyin Serpent Warlock family was vaguely conveyed to Angele.


"The head of the family was seriously injured in a war two thousand years ago, and he has not fully recovered yet."

"This time I arrived in the Corellon Star Territory to participate in the war. Before leaving, the head of the family specially gave me the 'Silver Moon Fang' magic wand to use." Angelet said to Thane.

The Silver Moon Fang Magic Wand is the inherited secret treasure of the Como Sound Serpent Warlock family. It is a world-class secret treasure of low to medium quality.

From the appearance, its head is silver crescent-shaped.

But if you look closely, it looks a bit like the fangs of a snake-like creature.

Angelet obviously regarded Thain as a close friend, and he did not hide some family secrets from him too much.

Of course, Angelet's move may also be seeking support from Thain.

The Komoyin Giant Snake Warlock Family, due to the severe damage caused by the sixth-level head of the family, the entire family in the warlock world on the west coast is in a state of despair.

Speaking of which, Angelet's family is also unlucky.

The sixth-level creatures of the opposing family were severely wounded at the end of the most intense battle in the civilized war.

After finally making it to the later stages of the war, everyone began to plunder and divide the profits of the civilized war.

However, because the sixth-level family head of our side is in a severely damaged state, it is difficult to get the most lucrative jobs.

Angelet was very grateful to Thane at this time for inviting him to participate in the Corellon Star Territory War.

In fact, Angele is not the only fifth-level warlock in the Komoyin Serpent Warlock Family.

But he has high hopes from the family head because he is the youngest and has the most outstanding talent.

If we can continue to maintain this good upward momentum, we can build connections with powerful and talented magicians like Thain.

When the Komoyin Giant Snake Warlock family is all controlled by Angele, and family resources begin to converge on him alone, his growth rate will be much faster than it is now.

Thain is also very willing to make friends with talented and powerful people in the wizarding world like Green and Angele.

Unlike Green who just has a fiancΓ©e,

Angele even surpassed Thane in some aspects.

Two third-level magicians who were similar to Angelet appeared from behind him one after another.

"These are my two sons, Dennis and Siri." Angelet pointed at the two magicians behind him.

Thain also called Narcisiu over at this time.

The three little guys happen to be in the same realm, so they should have some common language. πŸ…†

Bloodline Warlocks themselves are mainly based on family inheritance.

Angelet, who now has two sons, should have more future family development and prosperity than Thain's descendants.


In addition to Green and Angele, Thain roughly met all the other powerful wizards and civilizations who arrived in the Corellon Star Territory.

It is not only to reminisce about the past, but also to discuss and distribute recent combat instructions.

Rose has pointed out in advance the more than thirty planes that Thain and others need to be responsible for.

Some of these planes are low-level battlefields that are garrisoned by multiple fourth-level creatures and are relatively difficult to attack.

Others are micro-planes with extremely thick plane barriers.

All in all, those picked out by Rose and given to Thane were all alien planes that were not easy to fight.

But then again, there are not so many easy persimmons in the star world, waiting for Thain and others to pinch them.

However, another good news that Thain and others found out is that so far, the Corellon Star Territory has not shown full resistance to the invading wizard civilization army.

Many creatures of level four or above in this star field are still stationed in the deepest part of the mother star field, and have not arrived in the outer star field in time to defend themselves against powerful enemies.

It’s not that the Corellon Starfield is like a piece of loose sand.

But so far, the Corellon Star Territory has not dared to declare war on the wizard civilization.

The weak civilization in the star realm is so sad.

Although the Corellon Star Territory is already an extremely powerful world among medium-sized world civilizations.

But compared to wizard civilization, they are "weak".

Already served

The Corellon Star Territory, which adheres to the principle of absolute neutrality, firmly adhered to neutrality during the ten-thousand-year war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation, and did not favor any one side.

Why did the wizarding civilization suddenly send an army to invade their border?

If you have to find fault with the Corellon Star Territory, you have to go back to 20,000 years ago.

At that time, the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation did not declare war on each other.

The Corellon Star Territory, which is halfway on the road to technological development, will naturally have more contact with the Gallente Federation due to cooperation in technology-related fields.

But if this can be considered a handle.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Corellon Star Territory had some trade relations with the wizarding civilization.

The wizarding civilization cannot infringe on their sovereignty of the Corellon Star Territory in this way, right?

This is not contrary to certain development guidelines of the Wizards Alliance.


"Have you received any response from the envoys sent to the wizarding civilization?"

In the corellon planet at the deepest point of the corellon star field, in the crystal blue Babel Building, a level six Corellon creature asked the companion in front of him.

The person who answered the other party's question was a level five Corellon creature.

I saw the other party slowly shaking his head, and a touch of melancholy and melancholy appeared on his narrow gray-white cheeks.

"The Diplomatic Department of Wizarding Civilization has not received our envoys."

"Kakadora and the others, who have arrived in the Wizarding Star Territory, plan to go through the channels of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce to see if they can get in touch with some of the sixth-level powerhouses of the Wizarding Civilization." The fifth-level Corellon creature said.

Nowadays, the creatures above level 4 in the Corellon Star Territory are mainly divided into two factions: the main war faction and the main peace faction.

The most powerful sixth-level peak being, King Corellon, is naturally a staunch fighter.

He has led his legions to the front line of the battlefield.

In the previous confrontations of more than a hundred years, it caused a lot of trouble for Rose.

At the same time, supporting King Corellon in the fight to the end, there are two other sixth-level creatures.

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