The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2238 Fierce Resistance

After the three-month-long meteor shower ended, the wizarding civilization mobilized magic shells and other war supplies, consumed more than half of Thain, and ordered his legion to launch a tentative attack on the federal front.

The first to perform this task are naturally the cannon fodder legions of slave creatures in the major holy towers and knight halls.

In the Wizards Alliance, alien creatures are also divided into three, six, and nine levels.

The lowest ones are naturally those slave creatures, cannon fodder, who have no human rights and even their souls are controlled by others.

Stronger than them are the normal alliance plane creatures.

Among them, the ones with the highest status are those creatures from the large alliance planes, such as elves, Titans, and creatures from the orc world. The wizard civilization will try to treat them as equals. đź…†

The previous two wars in the Corellon Star Territory and the Proxi Star Territory did not cause much damage to the major holy towers and knight halls in the Land of Ashes.

So much so that the number of slave creature cannon fodder everyone has accumulated is quite large.

Under Thain's order, a large army of alien cannon fodder stepped on countless metal residues and ruins on the battlefields of various dimensions, and slowly advanced towards the occupation front of the Federal Army.

Because the elemental meteor shower that lasted for three months was too exaggerated, it was equivalent to pouring a large-scale forbidden curse on every battlefield.

As a result, during the advancement of these cannon fodder legions, many of the metal ruins they passed directly turned into "molten iron" and an even more eroded battlefield environment.

Facing such a doomsday battlefield, these slave creature cannon fodder are even more frightened by the strength of the wizard civilization.

Naturally, they don't think that any living thing will survive on such a battlefield.

Until... when these slave legions on the battlefields of various dimensions spanned more than one-third of the original Gallente Federation front.

It was as if a signal had been sounded.

A large area of ​​underground fortifications from the Federal Front launched a fierce counterattack against the invading wizard civilization slave cannon fodder army.

It can be seen that these federal regiments are having a hard time.

At least there is a big problem with their material supplies.

Otherwise, the cannon fodder army of wizard civilization slaves would not have been placed so close before launching a counterattack.

If it is based on the previous war behavior of the Gallente Federation.

They have always launched saturation artillery fire coverage strikes against the enemy legions.

Who would have thought, things are turning, and today it is the wizard civilization’s turn to give them a drink!

The first wave of federal counterattacks was fierce.

Many of the fortresses hidden underground were destroyed in the three-month meteor shower that just ended, but these federal legions carried out repairs as quickly as possible.

They don't care about appearance or scientific issues, as long as it works!

Some federal legions even directly settled in the ruined fortification front and gave the wizard civilization cannon fodder a head-on attack.

Why are these federal legions so capable of defending? Hard bones are a big reason.

Even if there are no fortifications or material supplies, they will stick to the front line they need to be stationed on.

Fight until the last person dies.

Regardless of justice or evil, at least these federal legions on the Wild Star Field battlefield are real soldiers.

The reason why the federal leaders want to transfer the five-star general Merrick back is probably because they want to retain the "military soul" he has developed.


The tentative attacks launched by the Wizard Civilization Legion generally ended in failure.

Among them, there were only three dimensional battlefields, and those cannon fodder legions completed their set occupation goals.

It's not that the cannon fodder legions in the three battlefields are too brave.

But on the federal front in those three dimensional battlefields, there are almost no living federal legions.

The elemental cleansing that lasted for three months even attracted the attention of the fourth-level magician Meili, let alone those federal soldiers with lower life levels. Can they withstand it?

When digging out the metal surface on the battlefields of the three planes and digging downwards.

Those cannon fodder legions of slave creatures discovered many federal soldiers and beasts of the star field who died tragically on top of each other.

It seemed that the previous meteor shower-style coverage strikes were effective.

Although the vast majority of the federal legions on the dimensional battlefield, the counterattack that erupted during the wizard civilization's trial attack was still very powerful.

But Thain can be sure that those federal legions are not invincible, and they must have suffered extremely heavy losses!

Besides, even if it is made of iron! Under that level of elemental covering firepower, it should turn into "molten iron", right? !

"What do you say? Do you want to continue to launch a covering strike against the federal front in all warring planes?"

"The magic shell reserves I have here can last for about another month and a half." Cuilis asked.

She has also been paying attention to the situation on the frontline battlefield.

Cuilis also secretly marveled at the strength and tenacity of the federal army.

The Gallente Federation Legion on the Wild Star Field battlefield was indeed very different from the Federation Legion she had come into contact with in other frontline star fields before.

Thain pondered for a moment and replied, "I don't think we are in a rush to continue dumping our inventory of magical artillery shells. In the course of the subsequent war, firepower advantage will still be important."

"Send the more elite Alliance Legion, Holy Tower Magician Legion, and Knight Hall Knight Legion."

"In the meantime, I want to try out my new mechanics," Thain said.

When Cuilis heard this, her eyes lit up and she said, "Is this the 'Mechanical Natural Disaster' magic you recently mastered that you told me about last time?"

Thain nodded and replied, "This is a forbidden spell-level magic secret. I have perfected it recently."


As Thane advanced to level six, his responsibility on the civilized battlefield was not to be responsible for the war in a certain plane alone, but to be responsible for the general war layout of the entire star field.

After experiencing the war between the Corellon Star Territory and the Puroshi Star Territory, Thane's mentality changed very quickly.

For example, at this time, he and Cuillis were paying close attention to the situation of all the warring planes in the entire Wild Star Territory, rather than the gains and losses of one or two of them.

However, since Thane has chosen to "end", he must go to the battlefield where the fighting is the most intense and where the Gallente Federation's counterattack is strongest.

The golden overflow plane.

This is the low-level battlefield closest to the former site of the wild orangutan world, and it is also the war zone where the federal resistance is currently the most intense.

Thain, who has been promoted to level six, is confident that he can cover the entire low-level plane with his forbidden spell-level magic.

And with Thain's current level of law understanding and elemental magic reserves, it is enough for him to cast three forbidden spells in a short period of time.

The Jinyi plane in front of us is Thain's first stop.

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