The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2257 Another Level 4

Regarding whether to use the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory as the basis to march into the hinterland of the Gallente Federation’s home star territory.

Triris summoned Thain, Lu Lianman, Gargaru and other division members to gather together. After several rounds of discussions, no decision was made immediately.

There are different opinions on this within the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

First of all, Thain didn't really think about it.

It's not that Thane is unwilling to continue his expedition to the Gallente Federation, but that the next period of time is a crucial period for him to conduct mechanical experiments.

Including the stellar war fortress in the Proxi star field last time, all were brought back to the wizarding world by Thane, but they have not been able to conduct in-depth research so far.

Not to mention studying turbine metal wings, improving and strengthening the intelligent robot family, and trying to complete deeper mechanical integration experiments.

War and killing are not what Thain pursues.

From a long time ago, Thain determined that what he was pursuing was only the truth. đź…†

If he misses his own path to truth due to frequent wars, Thain feels that the gain outweighs the gain.

Judging from the results that Thain and the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect had just won in two medium-sized star fields, it would not be out of the ordinary for him to apply for a rest period of several hundred years from the Wizarding Civilization.

Because the powerful people above level 4 in the wizarding world have a cyclical tradition of fighting for hundreds of years and then resting for dozens to hundreds of years.

This is the benign mechanism of civilized war.

Unlike the Gallente Federation, due to the lack of troops and the tight dispatch of major war fleets, some Federation creatures have never been able to truly enjoy a day of life throughout their lives, which is sad.

In addition, Thane's other idea is that he, who has been fighting on the battlefield of the Gallente Federation for thousands of years, wants to visit the battlefield of the Hades Empire in the Star Territory of the Great World.

Previously, Pharaoh Minghe severely injured Thain, causing him and Bi Xi to wander in the broken time and space channel to take revenge. Thain has not yet avenged it.

Moreover, the profound truth contained in the Hades Empire is also very attractive to Thane.

It shows from many angles that the Minghe Empire

It is a top-level civilization that is far more powerful than the Gallente Federation.

Does this mean that the truth contained in the Hades Empire is greater than that of the Gallente Federation?

On the federal battlefield, Thain's mechanical mysteries have indeed made unprecedented progress in recent thousands of years.

It even has to vaguely catch up with the secret of the fire of ashes as its origin.

If he goes to the battlefield of the Hades Empire, Thain may have other opportunities and discoveries.

Furthermore, when communicating with monks from the Immortal Realm such as Zhong Kui and Duan Po, Thain learned that the most elite forces in the Immortal Realm—Buddha, Taoist, and Yao—were all on the battlefield of the Minghe Empire.

Moreover, Thain also learned from Bixi that her father, uncle and others also intended to transfer the dragon army to the battlefield of the Minghe Empire.

Thain, who is also curious about the top mysteries of the Immortal Realm, wants to personally observe what the most elite power of the Immortal Realm civilization is like.

"If I were a knight, I should follow the arrangements of the wizard civilization and contribute my light and heat on the battlefield of the Gallente Federation."

"But I am a magician. Since the wizarding civilization on the federal battlefield is already at a great advantage, it doesn't matter if there is more than me and one less than me. I would also like to see more other places." Thain mused.

In fact, Thain also wanted to go to another place, which was the battlefield where the Tianming Empire and the Zerg Legion were.

Thane has always had a high research interest in Zerg.

As for wanting to go to the Tianming Empire... it's because Thain can always think of Her Royal Highness the Princess when he's not experimenting... It's such a strange feeling.

Like Thane, those who did not want to go deep into the Gallente Federation battlefield immediately were Thain's mentor Lu Lianman and his uncle Penas.

Lu Lianman wanted to go back to the wizarding world to sort out and summarize the secrets of pharmacy because she had improved in recent times.

And Sean’s uncle Penasi

She agreed to rest because the fourth-level knight Bereka, with whom she had the closest relationship, was seriously injured in the war in the Wild Star Territory, and Penas wanted to be by her side.

That Beleka knight was really unlucky. She was caught in the middle of a crumbling federal level 4 fortress and a dilapidated level 4 mecha, which self-exploded and was seriously injured.

She is not dead, I can only say that she is destined to be lucky.

And Knight Beleca is a blessing in disguise.

Due to the respect of his elders and the fact that Knight Bereka had indeed cooperated with him several times, Thain took the time to pay a visit during his busy schedule of conducting his own experiments.

Her injuries, with the help of the life potion provided by Lu Lianman, have gradually stabilized.

Not only that, Knight Belecca also vaguely showed that he was promoted to the fifth level!

This opportunity for promotion is inseparable from the severe injuries she suffered.

Knights often get opportunities to advance in life-and-death battles, which is really different from magicians.

And Thain could see that his master Cuilis, his master Jiagaru, and his senior brother Elide and others wanted to continue to march into the depths of the federation.

Regarding this situation, Thain feels that in the future, he may have to separate from his division.


In the laboratory, Thane was listening to Xia Ya's report to him.

What Xia Ya reported was what the forces in the Land of Ashes had captured on the battlefield of the Beast Star Territory.

Although Thain himself did not personally go to the Beast Star War that just ended, his Ashes Holy Tower Legion and all the forces in the Land of Ashes went to participate in the war.

In addition, the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertana have also agreed to belong to Thain. From this point of view, even the war profits captured by those intelligent robots should be part of Thain's hands.

In this world, there is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason.

Those wise

Since intelligent robots want to get protection and support from Thane, they naturally have to pay accordingly.

At this time, even Meili, the director of Thane's Holy Tower, had not returned, but was still in the battlefield of the Beast Star Territory searching for resources.

So Xia Ya was temporarily sent back to report to Thane.

Although Xia Ya is a knight, Sean, the mother-in-law, has kept her knight's hall in order in recent years, and often helps Lenna, Honglin and others.

His personality has become more calm and steady.

Time really does change people.

Thain still remembers how his mother-in-law was such a fierce female knight.

In addition to talking about the war in the Beast Star Territory, Thain also asked about Natalya's situation.

At this time, Natalya is still participating in the battle in the Beast Star Territory.

The training of three consecutive medium-sized star field battlefields has made Natalya's growth in recent years become increasingly obvious after awakening from a state of soul slumber.

In particular, the three fourth-level knights, Xia Ya, Lenna, and Red Scale, also gave Natalya a lot of advice during this period.

This makes her growth rate somewhat comparable to that of Lenna back then.

Lenna is also the strongest among the girls.

After the Beast Star Territory War ended, she even showed signs of launching an attack on the fourth-level peak realm.

"Nataya's soul strength is not much inferior to that of fourth- and fifth-level creatures."

"I think it won't be long before she can attack the fourth level." Thain comforted Xia Ya.

Xia Ya also nodded. Just when she was about to say something, a special wave of death power came from a laboratory in the Thane Federation fortress group.

Well, Natalya hasn't been promoted to level four yet, but another character under Thain has been successfully promoted to level four.

"The next chapter will be around eight-thirty~

Xiaodou's condition is very bad today, I hope readers can understand."

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