The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2409 Mission: Impossible

It is difficult to achieve an absolute exhaustive plan.

Not even the Gallente Federation's supercomputer can do this.

Judging from the results, this strategy is undoubtedly a huge success for the wizard civilization!

What does it mean to lose some of the wizarding civilization’s fifth- and sixth-level geniuses such as Thain and Gongsun Wudi? 🅆

If for the final victory of the civilized war, this loss figure would be increased ten times, Bev and other high-level wizard civilization officials would not even wrinkle their eyes.

Perhaps in the eyes of superiors, the so-called life is just a series of numbers.

Even the wizarding civilization is no exception.

Facing the damage data mentioned by Lisa, Bev fell into rare silence.

The "disappearance" of Gongsun Wudi and Thain was indeed an accident!

In order to keep this secret this time, Bev even hid it from most of the masters of wizarding civilization and her biological sister like Lisa beforehand.

The purpose is to lure the Gallente Federation to take the bait!

How could interference from other aspects affect this top-secret plan?

If Bev and others had notified Thain and Gongsun Wudi in advance that they would be in danger, or purposefully moved them away from the 13 battlefields located on the main path of the endless light attack.

The Gallente Federation is not a fool, so it will naturally find some clues.

And then affect the fish to take the bait.

Therefore, the high-level wizard civilization's battlefield deployment of the Asgar star field is based on the original process, and there is no fault at all.

The only regret was that Bev had not paid attention to which war zone Thain and Gongsun Wudi were in.

Also, a leader of civilization like her has many things to pay attention to, so how can she focus on a sixth-level creature like Thain for too long.

In addition, there have been huge changes in the direction of the Hades Empire recently, which has further increased Bev's work burden.

So much so that she inevitably neglected some "details".

and this

Even the dominant knight Klopp did not know about this plan in advance.

The reason why Queen of Blades Lisa knew about Thane and Gongsun Wudi was because the eighth-level master was paying attention to them.

Especially after the end of the Divine Star Territory War, the Queen of Blades has been paying attention to the growth of the two of them.

Speaking of which, the Queen of Blades still holds the main body of the medium-grade world-class secret treasure ark.

She originally promised Thain that when Thain grew to a certain height in the future, she would give him an ark that perfectly matched the properties of the Rubik's Cube.

But looking at it now...

Alas, if I must say it, this is the necessary loss before victory in a civilized war.

Although it is cruel, it is the truth.

Bev couldn't help but sigh.

After a moment, Ms. Bev quickly adjusted her emotional state and continued, "There is no news of my death. The Gallente Federation has not found out yet."

"My coordinates and location information, as well as the situation of the 13 attacked logistics bases, were all passed to the Gallente Federation through some of the high-level federal officials we infiltrated and corrupted."

"Those federal senior officials who have surrendered to us are not considered to be the top ones."

"However, after this battle, as long as the Gallente Federation confirms the fact that I have 'fallen', it shouldn't be a problem for these senior leaders to climb up a little bit."

"Subsequently, these federal high-level officials with greater authority will disclose more core information about the Gallente Federation to our wizard civilization."

"Especially regarding the Orobas-class war fleet groups, the Dominator-class giant mechas, and the two Dominator-class fortresses that are still in active service in the Federation."

“Including weak defensive areas in the Federation’s home star domain, logistics base locations, and other

High-level shortcomings...and those huge economic assets trying to escape from the Federation's home star domain! "

"These are the things that our wizard civilization needs to get as soon as possible and have it in our hands at the end of the war!"

"Until the full-front war with the Gallente Federation is over, we still need your power." Bev said sternly to Lisa.

To be able to correct her posture in such a short period of time, Bev is worthy of being a qualified leader of civilization.

Perhaps because she has known for a long time that she is not responsible for a few people, but for the development and prosperity of the entire civilization.

At this point, Bev sometimes envied her sister.

Because Lisa doesn't need to think so much. With the entire Zerg race guided by Lisa's will, she can do whatever she wants.

And Bev, even though she endured the loss of her adopted sister and her younger generation, she still had to cheer up and make the most correct decision for the entire wizarding civilization.

Lisa also looked at her sister, and then nodded slowly but firmly.

Of course, Bev didn't reveal any of her emotions.

Her snow-white fist was seen, and she could not help but slam the table in front of her.

As a true spirit level magician, Bev rarely shows such an emotional side.

"Among the senior federal officials we originally contacted and instigated rebellion, there were some who were truly at the top."

"They should know more or less about the coordinates of the Endless Light device, including some other core information in their respective fields. They should also know."

"But these guys have never revealed too many deep secrets to our wizard civilization. They typically want to step on both sides and maximize their profits."

"Humph, if these guys want to get the maximum benefit, it depends on whether they have the life to enjoy it."

"Waiting for Galen

After the Special Federation is fully controlled by us, it's time for these guys to pay the price! "Bev said coldly.

As a light magician, the coldness in her tone at this moment was a bit deeper than that of an ice magician.

After the fall, these high-level wizard civilization leaders, led by Bev, obviously have no good impressions of the two factions in the Gallente Federation.

On the other hand, those federal creatures who stand in the middle and high-level and have followed the wizard civilization wholeheartedly may be retained by the wizard civilization after the civilized war is over as the most loyal dogs.

Lisa nodded to this. She also believed that after the Gallente Federation was captured, most of the so-called top people in the Federation would be useless.

When the time comes, it will be in the best interest of the wizarding civilization to replace a group of more obedient people.

But then, Ms. Bev frowned again and said, "Last time, among the information we collected, there was only a few words about the Federation formulating a 'doomsday plan.'"

"This time, I hope these newly climbed federal officials can bring us more useful information."

"Although the Gallente Federation is at the end of its rope, we still can't take this top-level technological civilization completely lightly," Bev sighed.


A few months later, when the wizard civilization and the general public on the front lines of the civilized battlefield were still fearful and perceptually impacted by the endless torrent of light energy in the Asgar star field.

A very few high-level wizards, including Bev, have learned the good news from the Dragon Mother and others deep in the federal star field.

But at the same time as this good news, there was another change coming from the direction of the Minghe Empire.

To be precise, it is the situation on the civilized battlefield of the Kingdom of Light!

Sure enough, after the Minghe Empire launched an all-out world-destroying war against the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the first confrontation between the two top civilizations ended with the Minghe Empire overwhelming Mount Tai.

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