The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2411 The God of Sealing

In the face of the full-scale advance of the Mingha Empire's army, the Light Giant Legion of the Kingdom of Light's civilization ushered in a complete collapse from the very beginning.

In fact, these giants of light are not that fragile.

In terms of combat ability, the Giants of Light, who generally have extremely high willpower, are not much inferior to the knights and magicians of the Wizarding World or the giant mechas of the same level from the Gallente Federation.

The reason why there was such a one-sided situation at the beginning of the battlefield.

Just because of one person - the first pharaoh, the ninth-level creature, Ozyman Deas.

At the beginning of the war, the first pharaoh, Ozman Dis, used a method to break the balance and directly sealed Dilsga, the strongest person in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, into an alien space.

Yes, seal.

The reason why it was not a kill was because even though Ozyman Deas had reached level nine, he could not act arbitrarily in this star realm dominated by the rules of balance.

The suppressive power from the original rules of the star realm makes it impossible for Ozyman Deas to exert his ninth-level power without any scruples.

Not to mention him, even all the ninth-level creatures born in the ancient history of the star world are unable to do this.

Level nine creatures are indeed "true gods" in the eyes of lower creatures, but they are not omnipotent.

At least not in this star realm.

Even with the strength of the First Pharaoh, Ozyman Deas, he could not kill an eighth-level peak being holding a civilization treasure in a short time.

But he can easily seal the opponent!

Fortunately, the power of the original law controlled by Ozyman Deas includes sealing means.

And this was the main driving force behind his promotion to level nine!

With this special sealing technique, an eighth-level peak creature from the enemy side was directly removed from the battlefield.

Ozyman Deas can be called one of the fastest among all ninth-level creatures born in the star world to deal with eighth-level peak-level opponents!

Because even if it were replaced by something else

A ninth-level creature would never be able to "cheat" like Ozyman Deas.

Yes, this is a bit cheating!

Ozman Deas did not kill Dilsga immediately, he just sealed him.

The years since Dierska left the battlefield were simply a nightmare period for the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Because these giants of light faced not only enemies that were ten times stronger than themselves, but also the formidable enemy Ozyman Deas!

Judging from the situation on the battlefield in front of him, since sealing Diersga, the giant of the strongest light, Ozyman Deas still has some strength left.

Two dominant giants of light have "lost their ability to fight" in the hands of Ozyman Deas in just a dozen years.

These dominant giants of light are not dead!

They were just sealed.

Even though Ozyman Deas has been promoted to level nine, it can be seen that he seems to be following some other rules.

Anyway, so far, the two top civilizations have entered into a full-scale confrontation.

But throughout it all, Ozyman Deas had no blood on his hands.

He didn't kill his opponent, nor did he follow some of his bad tastes from the past, such as peeling off the opponent's skin to decorate himself, etc. He just sealed the opponent.

This kind of "terrible" method caused the civilization of the Kingdom of Light to collapse rapidly.

It also made the strong men of different civilizations around them pay attention to the war here, and their scalps couldn't help but feel numb!

This also includes wizard civilization.

No wonder the Hades Empire had ambitions to sweep away the civilizations in the surrounding star fields during the more than a thousand years that Ozyman Dis stayed in the star world.

Facing such a statue

How do you fight against living ninth-level creatures, these powerful men of civilization in the surrounding world?

It has to be said that even though they are also ninth-level creatures, the abilities displayed by Ozyman Deas in this star world are actually a little more pleasing to the eye than the previous ninth-level creature of the wizard civilization, the Lord of Destruction.

At least the Lord of Destruction controls the supreme power of destruction, and is able to completely annihilate his opponents without moving forward.

Once this kind of destructive power is activated, it will be an earth-shattering gesture and will definitely break the balance!

As a result, he was squeezed out by the law of balance in the astral realm.

And this Ozyman Deas did not show off his exaggerated level nine power. He just used a sealing method to beat his opponent so hard that he couldn't hold his head up.

Given this situation, it is no wonder that Ms. Bev of the wizarding civilization would take great risks and injuries in an attempt to resolve the Gallente war as soon as possible.

The exaggerated combat power displayed by the Minghe Empire was like a knife hanging over everyone's heads, constantly intimidating all surrounding civilizations.

Of course, being in this star realm, you will inevitably be sanctioned by the law of balance.

Absolute invincibility does not exist.

Ozyman Deas' sealing ability is indeed exaggerated, but that doesn't mean he has no means of restraint.

It's just that the civilized war between the Minghe Empire and the Kingdom of Light broke out too fiercely and too quickly.

The aggressive Pharaohs of Hades did not give these giants of light a chance to breathe.

If this war can be delayed, these Giants of Light may not be able to find a way to lift the seal of the First Pharaoh.

But alas... time!

What they lack most now is time!

In comparison, the wizard civilization takes a big advantage in this regard.

After quickly obtaining the situation on the civilized side of the Kingdom of Light. \u003cb


In response to the powerful sealing ability possessed by the first pharaoh, the wizard civilization has launched three possible solutions in a short period of time.

These solutions may only have a certain probability of breaking the seal of the First Pharaoh, but they are not 100% successful.

The wizarding civilization also grows through continuous exploration and learning.

This also shows the biggest difference between the two top civilizations, the wizard civilization and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light!

At least, if the wizarding civilization suddenly encounters this powerful sealing method of the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire, it will not be like the Kingdom of Light and Wei, which will be defeated in a short period of time without a clue.

Among the three possible solutions for the wizard civilization, the one with the lowest success rate is to use a high-level world-class secret treasure, the Eye of Sealing, to fight the seal with a seal.

Considering that the Eye of Sealing can seal even eighth-level peak creatures such as Mokarst, it is theoretically possible to seal Ozman.

Because the father of the contemporary leader of the wizarding civilization is a genuine ninth-level creature, some of the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization, led by Bev, also have a clearer understanding of the secrets of some unique ninth-level creatures.

——That is, in this star realm, ninth-level creatures are not yet complete ninth-level creatures!

Only after they leave this star realm can they unscrupulously exert their power to break the balance.

With this as a premise, under the constraints of the Star Boundary Balance Law, it is impossible to say that the Sealed Eye really has a certain power to restrain Ozman.

Of course, there is no way to actually test this kind of thing.

It is impossible for the wizard civilization to take the Eye of Sealing and go to the civilized battlefield of the Kingdom of Light to carry out such risky actions.

Although the chance of restraining a genuine ninth-level creature with the Sealed Eye is very low, there is at least a glimmer of hope.

Even if Ozyman Deas cannot be sealed, it should be feasible to fight the seal with a seal and weaken Ozman's power a little.

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