The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2418 Across the Void

The huge purple vortex that appears in front of the sixth-level peak demon tide creature contains a strong atmosphere of weirdness, absurdity, and mystery.

Including the feeling that this vortex is "alive" and can directly pull the minds of ordinary living beings into it.

If the magicians of the wizarding civilization discovered this thing, they would definitely be interested in researching it.

But the sixth-level peak demon tide creatures know that the purple vortex in front of them is actually the cross-star battle channel created by their demon tide civilization!

This is a special channel that is more advanced and convenient than the cross-star teleportation channel developed by the true spirit magicians of the Wizarding World.

The Demonic Tide Civilization conducts battles across dozens or hundreds of star fields through these Demonic Tide Channels one after another.

In addition to being the most basic transmission hub, the sixth-level peak demon tide creatures also know that the other end of the huge purple vortex in front of them is connected to the consciousness of a famous eighth-level peak demon ancestor of the demon tide civilization - Candila Demon Ancestor.

The Demonic Tide Civilization is a cancer born in this star realm!

It may not have had such infinite expansion characteristics originally, but I don't know which year started, the changes in the demonic tide suddenly escalated, reaching a level that even the star realm was repulsed by.

It is undeniable that the Demon Tide Civilization is also an ultimate and extremely powerful top civilization.

In the history of this top civilization, a total of five recorded ninth-level creatures have been born!

The powerful strength, long history of civilization, and deep enough foundation are enough for the Demonic Tide Civilization to dominate the star world and expand wantonly.

The Demonic Tide Civilization has also done this for the past hundreds of thousands of years.

In fact, even the eighth-level peak demon ancestor is not the absolute leader of the demon tide civilization.

On top of the Demon Ancestors, the Demon Tide Civilization also has three Supreme Demon Ancestors!

They are the ultimate manifestation of the power of the Demonic Tide Civilization. Even those with great reputations have brought countless

The eight-level peak demon ancestors of the Star Territory Civilization, who were trembling with fear, had no choice but to lower their heads in front of the three of them.

Similarly, these three supreme demon ancestors are also the current civilization leaders of the demon tide civilization.

Starting hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was two of the three Supreme Demon Ancestors who formally formulated the civilization strategy of "Across the Void".

Another supreme demon ancestor wants to take the path of dimensional hegemony.

It's a pity that the Demonic Tide Civilization is also an extremely rational civilization where the minority obeys the majority.

The three Supreme Demon Ancestors are close in strength, and under the premise that two of them strongly oppose the dimensional hegemony, the last Supreme Demon Ancestor can only follow the general trend and start the infinite expansion of the Demonic Tide Civilization in this star realm.

Facts have proved that the decision of the two Supreme Demon Ancestors was undoubtedly correct!

Under the premise that the will of the entire star world is increasingly rejecting the demonic civilization.

Who knows what kind of ultimate and terrifying civilization will be arranged for the Demonic Tide Civilization after entering the world of despair.

Don’t think that Demon Tide Civilization is invincible.

In this vast and traceless star realm, you can always find the ultimate terrifying civilization that matches the demon tide civilization.

In fact, the Demonic Tide Civilization has thoroughly studied dimensional hegemony, the void, and other civilization development strategies.

When the top civilizations, including the Wizarding Civilization and the Hades Empire, had just begun to come into contact with the truth of dimensional hegemony.

The Demon Ancestors and the Supreme Demon Ancestors of the Demon Tide Civilization have almost studied its core!

A Supreme Demon Ancestor of the Demonic Tide Civilization is certain that the world of despair has an extremely powerful law of time.

In that world, when engaging in unprecedented battles or completing the operation of some deep rules and mechanisms, you can even distort time and space and travel between the past and the future!

The law of time is an extremely rare power for many world civilizations in the star world. It is rarer and more unpredictable than the law of space.

However, because of its huge civilization and long history, the Demonic Tide Civilization actually has a very in-depth study of the law of time.

In history, it is not that there have never been time-based law demon ancestors who reached the eighth level of peak strength.

It is these powerful demon ancestors who have explored the ceiling of the power of the laws of the star world, and the few words left by those few beings who were promoted to the ninth level in the past.

Let the two supreme demon ancestors of the contemporary Demon Tide Civilization believe that the dimensional hegemony is a big pitfall for the will of the star world to eradicate them completely!

Due to the powerful time law mechanism, once the Demonic Tide Civilization truly chooses the path of dimensional hegemony.

Then, under the operation mechanism of the Star Boundary Balance Law, what will be matched to the Demonic Tide Civilization by then may not be just the top civilizations that exist and are nurtured in the current timestamp.

And it is very likely that in the ancient history of the star world, those ultimate terrifying civilizations that are more exaggerated than the demonic tide civilization have been born, spanning time and space, and competing with the demonic tide civilization!

Or maybe at some point in the future, a terrifying civilization comparable to the current demonic tide civilization will be born in the star world. Under the operation of the time law of the desperate world, it will compete with the demonic tide civilization.

This is the greatest manifestation of the law of balance in the astral realm.

Perhaps the matter of crossing time would be unbelievable to most powerful people in the star world, including those true spirits and master-level beings.

But for the demonic tide civilization that has reached a certain level of understanding of the power of laws, this is not an impossible thing.


They have studied too many top civilizations and obtained too many secrets about the essential core of the star realm.

If it weren't for the fact that there was really no other way, the two supreme demon ancestors of the Demon Tide Civilization would not blatantly promote the strategy of crossing the void. Such "a solution is not a solution."

The facts proved that the two Supreme Demon Ancestors were wise.

So far, in just over 100,000 years, the territory of the Demonic Tide Civilization and its potential for civilized war have increased more than tenfold!

The meteorite creature Thain encountered before mentioned that the demon tide civilization destroyed eleven top civilizations in more than 100,000 years.

In fact, the news about this meteorite biology institute is already out of date.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the meteorite creature has been refined and can no longer contact the Star Boundary Monitor.

The latest battle report is that three thousand years ago, the Demon Tide Civilization finally completely conquered a top civilization called the "Dead Leaf Civilization" again!

It was also a nascent top-level civilization where a ninth-level creature had just been born, and the opponent had already left the star realm.

The Demonic Tide Civilization happened to be stuck in the gap when the opponent's ninth-level creatures left the star realm, and brazenly launched a full-scale conquest of the Fallen Leaf Civilization.

Because it is generally difficult for plant-based creatures to leave their mother plane, and they are extremely exclusive.

Although the plant system masters of the fallen leaf civilization were very tough, they were still completely swallowed up by the demonic tide civilization.

The masters of the Fallen Leaf Civilization, who were extremely repulsive to foreign creatures, did not even have time to get in touch with the recently formed but already established "Ping Demon Alliance".

Including those plant masters of the deciduous civilization, some of them were even successfully "demonized" by the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Become a part of the cornerstone of the demonic civilization!

"Please give me a monthly ticket~"

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