The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2480 Osdia Civilization Ruins Group

The purple-haired girl is a mysterious star realm powerhouse.

When he first came into contact with the other party, Thain made this judgment in his mind.

After shaking hands with Thain, the purple-haired girl couldn't help but look sideways at Gongsun Wudi.

They are both strong women, and they are also humanoid creatures. I wonder if there is any comparison between the two.

Gongsun Wudi's attitude remained calm. She shook hands with the girl named Ziyou and introduced herself, "I'm from the Tianming Empire."

As expected, none of the three level six experts had heard of each other's civilization.

In a place like Despair World, it is really difficult to meet a wanderer from the same star region.

This also shows the grandeur and boundlessness of the star realm.

At the beginning, maybe Thane and Gongsun Wudi would consider hiding their origins and civilization to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But now, they are more inclined to report their homes to see if they can get in touch with some wanderers who have heard of wizard civilization, or whose coordinates in their home star field are not far from wizard civilization.

In this way, through cooperation or other means, we can gain an opportunity to escape from the desperate world.

Judging from the final results, this road still has a long way to go.

The purple-haired girl Ziyou also came to explore the ruins of the Osdia civilization.

Her understanding of this top civilization ruins seems to be deeper than that of Thain and others.

But through conversation, I learned that this was actually her first time here.

And on the way here, we also encountered a little "accident".

"Oh? Ms. Ziyou, have you encountered any difficulties?"

"If there is any, I might be able to help you a little." Thain said kindly.

Thain's statement is certainly not because he is a good person.

The reason why he mentioned that he could help the other party was because Thain wanted to get some benefits from the other party.

Whether it is the various strange equipments this mysterious purple-haired girl possesses or the strange energy she used before, these are all subjects that Thain is extremely passionate about.


If possible, Thain would like to tie this mysterious woman to his experimental table to conduct some anatomical research!

I'm afraid no one knows that there is such a sinister thought hidden under the face of Thane, who has a sincere tone and wears a formless mask.

Faced with Thain's active kindness, Ziyou shook her head and replied, "No, I just got separated from some of my friends. We should meet again in the future."

Ziyou's answer made Thane reveal a look of understanding, and he said, "That's it."

Just as Thain finished speaking, a strange white flower appeared in Ziyou's hand. She said, "Thank you, Miss Invincible, and Miss Phoenix for lending me a helping hand."

"This sacred orchid flower should be of some help to you."

"Looking forward to seeing you next time." After saying that, Ziyou left directly.

The direction she was flying to was where the main ruins of the Osdia civilization were located.

Dealing with smart people is all about convenience.

This sacred orchid flower is enough to reward Thane, Gongsun Wudi and others for their actions just now.

This pure white flower has four petals.

Each petal, if taken directly, can have a strong mental power or soul-restoring effect on the receptor.

In terms of grade, this sacred orchid flower is enough to be regarded as a treasure of the same level as the Golden Apple of the Wizards Alliance, the flat peach of the Fairyland Civilization, etc.

Although in a desperate world, other energy-replenishing treasures are more precious.

But in the star world, and in the wider public perception, this kind of special item that can greatly restore mental power, soul, and telekinesis is more expensive.

Because such treasures are rarer.

"Tsk, no wonder those three guys are eyeing this woman."

"It's really a 'fat sheep'." Thain sighed.

At this time, Ziyou's figure has gradually faded away.

, Thain's sigh expressed through his mental power could only be heard by Gongsun Wudi beside him.

"What, are you going to attack her?" Gongsun Wudi asked curiously.

Although the contact was only for a very short period of time, Gongsun Wudi didn't seem to have a good impression of this girl named Ziyou.

Thain shook his head and said, "I never fight a battle I'm not sure about."

"This woman is so mysterious, and she has so many equipment and treasures at hand, plus the special purple energy she used before..."

"If we really have to fight, we may not be able to defeat each other."

"And don't forget, she mentioned that she still has a partner."

"Let's take a look at the situation first. In fact, in a hellish place like the Despair World, I don't want to fight unless necessary." Thain shook his head.

One moment they were fighting together, and the next moment they were thinking about each other's treasures.

It's not that Thain has a despicable temperament, but that he really doesn't have any special relationship with this Ziyou.

An enemy of an enemy is not necessarily a friend. It can only be said that he has no conflict of interest with this Ziyou for the time being.

But looking at the other person's retreating figure, Thain couldn't help but sigh, "I really want to study it."

Minghua Phoenix also brought his slender neck closer at this time.

Facing this greedy female phoenix, Thain put away the orchid flower he had just received and said, "Your share will be stored with me for the time being."

"Don't worry, I won't take away your piece."

"Instead of taking it directly, why don't you let me refine it into a magic potion?" Thain said.

Minghua's sharp beak muttered, and then said, "Okay."

Afterwards, Thane and his team continued to fly towards the ruins of the Osdia civilization in front of them.

Next, Thain plans to stay in this top technological civilization ruins for a long time.

Perhaps during this period, he could have some interaction with Ms. Ziyou.

After playing with the orchid flower in his hand for a while, he finally put it into the space conch.

Just like Thane discovered through the Phaseless Mask that the purple energy used by the other party is very strange and has extremely high research value.

This mysterious purple-haired girl may have noticed it too.

As the leader of the three, Thane has improved in physical strength and elemental power compared to flesh and blood.

For him, what is more important is the transformation of the spiritual level.

That's why she gave the orchid flower to Thain as a thank you gift.

Of course, compared to the sublimation of the spiritual level, what is really important to the magicians of wizard civilization is the acquisition of knowledge.

But this is something that a creature that has just come into contact with is not going to understand.

Following the escape direction of the orangutan trio and the route they left with Ziyou, after flying for a while, a wider group of metal ruins appeared in Thain's field of vision.

They are also top-level technological civilizations, and the architectural style of the Gallente Federation is significantly different from that of these Osdian civilization creatures.

The Federation is keen on building its own technological buildings that are towering into the sky, with extremely exquisite appearances and full of advanced and technological qualities.

The creatures of the Osdia civilization seem to be a group of practical people.

As far as Thain could see, the tallest building in this group of ruins did not exceed one thousand meters.

And the materials of these buildings are very hard.

Therefore, after countless thousands of years, under the influence of the energy loss and erosion laws of the desperate world, there is still such a huge group of ruins remaining.

The low buildings in the settlement in front of him made Thain, who was used to living at the altitude of the Luanfeng Mountain settlement, a little uncomfortable.

But it was followed by the Maskless Mask and Thane's own magic detection.

He discovered that deep in this vast jungle of metal ruins, or to be precise, in the underground space, there seemed to be a different world.

"It seems that these Osdia civilization creatures are very good at digging holes."

"I wonder where the core rules and dangers of this settlement are?" Thain pondered.

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