The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2495 I refuse!

Princess Ziyou's return to this source energy civilization ruins will be faster than expected.

Basically at the end of the second year after Tolik and other demons issued an ultimatum to Thain, she led a group of nearly two hundred demons back to this ruins.

These demons who followed Ziyou back to the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization all have life levels of level four or above.

This caused the number of hostile strong men in front of Thane to increase from one hundred to three hundred!

The crushing force of absolute strength can make any strategy useless.

Thain finally realized this feeling.

Because the plan could not keep up with the changes, even the Union Fortress robot secretly set up by Thain deep in the Source City was not fully assembled.

Currently, only 8764 pieces of assembly work have been completed!

The influx of hundreds of level four and above demons made the air of the source energy civilization ruins deep underground faintly filled with demonic energy.

Obviously, these demons also have ways to replenish energy in a desperate world.

The powerful muscles and physiques they displayed to the outside allowed Thain to see at a glance that they all had good levels of passive evolution.

The demonic energy igniting fiercely from their bodies indicates that these demons do not suffer from the common lack of energy dilemma faced by wanderers in desperate worlds.

Ziyou was right, it seemed that they did have a way back to the material star realm.

The absolute strength brought absolute confidence to Princess Ziyou.

Although she immediately learned from Tolik, a level six creature, that Thain might have done something small in recent years after returning to the underground ruins.

But Ziyou didn't care, she still gave Thain a chance to choose.

And appeared in front of Thain openly.

"Decades have passed, how have you considered it?" Ziyou asked, sitting in front of the living room of Thain's laboratory.

A glass of green magic potion juice is placed in front of the table


"This is a new flavor I have developed in recent years. Do you want to try it?" Thain did not immediately answer Ziyou's question, but pointed to the potion in the crystal cup in front of him and said.

Ziyou raised her eyebrows when she saw this. She took a deep look at Thain, then picked up the crystal cup on the table in front of her and drank a third of it in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Ziyou thought about it and said, "It tastes good."

After that, she drank the remaining two-thirds together.

"This new type of medicine is more effective in promoting passive evolution, and it also has a good energy supplement effect."

"I just developed it. The cup you drank is the first finished potion I made."

"Because some materials are too rare, I can't make more now." Thain sat opposite Ziyou, standing with his hands crossed and lowering his eyebrows.

"Join our Demon Abyss world, and I can give you any resources you need."

"You can make as much of this potion as you want in the future."

"Have you seen these demonic subordinates I brought back? We have just excavated two more ancient civilization battlefields."

"And one of them is what you told me before...the battlefield where the Light God Clan is."

"There is a main temple of the Light God Clan there, maybe you will be interested."

"As long as you accept the demonization, they are all yours."

"I can meet all your research needs, you just need to pay your...loyalty." Ziyou looked at Thain with burning eyes.

Since entering the world of despair, Princess Ziyou has come into contact with some wanderers at the peak level of despairers.

But none of these guys let Ziyou Gong

The Lord felt a sense of importance similar to that of Thane in front of him.

This is probably because there are so many powerful people in the Demonic Tide Civilization.

In fact, the Demonic Tide Civilization does not even lack masters, let alone these sixth-level peak creatures.

What the Demonic Tide Civilization really lacks is talents!

Faced with Princess Ziyou's last attempt to win over her, or an ultimatum.

Thain was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I still have no intention of being a slave to her."

When Thain said these words to Ziyou, he slowly took off his phaseless mask.

This should be the first time that Thain has openly revealed his true face to Princess Ziyou.

Under the mask of Wuxiang, with his short golden hair and erudite and wise eyes, the first impression that Thain brought to Princess Ziyou was completely different from other creatures of the opposite sex.

However, Princess Ziyou was only stunned for a moment. When she came back to her senses, her cold face was full of anger and murderous intent.

Ziyou didn't intend to kill Thain. Since Thain was unwilling to accept the more suitable active demonization, he had no choice but to forcibly impose passive demonization.

Perhaps in the eyes of Princess Ziyou, Thain is a typical person who refuses to eat and is punished with a toast.

But before Princess Ziyou could do anything, a beam of dark green rays shot out from Thain's eyes and went straight into the body of Princess Ziyou opposite him.

"Do you think your method will be useful to me?"

"You added something else to the potion just now, right?" Princess Ziyou stood up and looked at Thain with burning eyes.

Rolling purple demonic flames rose from Ziyou's body surface, making Ziyou's original purple hair and purple eyes even more monstrous.

Judging from Ziyou's current performance and her rising momentum, the rays that Thain released from his eyes just now and some of the "ingredients" added to the magic potion have indeed no effect.

to her.

Ziyou is the daughter of the Supreme and a sixth-level creature.

The poison of ordinary laws or some negative energy is a great tonic for Ziyou.

The demon blood in her body is enough to demonize those alien energies into energy that she can absorb.

In fact, not only Ziyou, but almost most of the demonic civilization creatures have extremely high resistance to poison and various negative energy!

Ziyou's aura climbed quickly, and in just the blink of an eye, she reached the level of a half-peak desperate person.

This is the true combat power that Ziyou can achieve without using his other equipment and trump cards.

Thain has been in a state of rapid growth during these years in the desperate world. Obviously, a supreme daughter like Ziyou has not been idle either.

Compared with thousands of years ago, when Thane first met her outside the ruins of the Osdia civilization, Ziyou has become significantly stronger.

"I'll ask you one last time!" Ziyou's right hand stretched out several purple energy claws and grabbed at Thain.

As the power level shown by Thain is still only at the late sixth level, she is indeed qualified to handle Thain on her own.

Facing Ziyou in front of him, who seemed not to be affected by his magic and potions, Thain did not show any panic.

He looked straight at Ziyou and replied, "I refuse!"

Having said that, the Rubik's Cube held by Thane in his hand suddenly erupted into an extremely dazzling dark blue brilliance.

Under the pull of the power of this Rubik's Cube, the entire ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization began to shake violently.

Large areas of rubble began to fall from the sky above the underground ruins.

Countless ravines suddenly appeared in many areas of this vast Yuanengzi City.

And amid the tremors of the earth, there seems to be something huge trying to squeeze out of the center of Yuanengzi City!

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