The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2506: Yanxia Demon Ancestor

Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​a tyrannical being who has reached the ninth level of the Demon Tide Civilization.

She is also the only female Demon Ancestor among the four half-step ninth-level experts of the Demon Tide Civilization.

In fact, the three supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization rarely took action.

Unless the previous "Demon Alliance" is too powerful, or there is a tyrannical existence like Ozyman Deas, the three supremes will take action selectively.

At other times, the ultimate power that represents the true peak of the Demonic Tide Civilization's external power and is also relatively active is the powerful existence of four people, including the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, who have clearly established their own path to the ninth level.

They are the Six-Winged Demon Ancestor under the Immortal Supreme, the Xinglun Demon Ancestor under the Demonic Supreme, the Yanxia Demon Ancestor under the Youhuang Supreme, and the Dark Demon Ancestor who is beyond the control of the three Supremes.

Among the four demon ancestors, the dark demon ancestor is the strongest. It is said that it has almost reached the supreme level.

Although Demon Ancestor Yanxia is a female Demon Ancestor, she is the most powerful right-hand man of Supreme Youhuang.

Her ability to command civilized warfare may be slightly inferior to that of the Six-Winged Demon Ancestor.

Her personal strength may be slightly inferior to that of the Star Demon Ancestor.

But her comprehensive ability and recognition are recognized as the most satisfactory among the four half-step ninth-level beings in the Demonic Tide Civilization!

In addition, there was also a little gossip circulating in the circle of demon emperors above the master level of the demon tide civilization.

That is Princess Ziyou, the only daughter of Supreme Youhuang. It is said that she was born from the union between Supreme Youhuang and the Yanxia Demon Ancestor.

But rumors are rumors after all, and gossip is gossip after all.

Supreme Youhuang and Demon Ancestor Yanxia have never admitted anything personally.

Even those demon emperors who whispered behind their backs naturally did not dare to make trouble in front of such civilized leaders.

However, it is obvious to all that Demon Ancestor Yanxia dotes on Princess Ziyou the most.

The world-class secret treasures in Ziyou's hands, except for one or two of the most core ones, were given to his daughter by Supreme Youhuang. \u003cb


The other secret treasures were all given by the "aunt" of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

Even the Yanxia Demon Ancestor wanted to hand over the Tianxiao Yundi, the civilization's most precious trophy that he snatched from the Dawn Civilization 40,000 years ago, to Princess Ziyou.

But this idea was ultimately unilaterally rejected by Supreme Youhuang.

Supreme Youhuang believes that his daughter is not yet capable of mastering the most precious treasures of civilization, and even the best world-class secret treasures are not something she can master at this stage.

Therefore, the supreme treasure of civilization, the Tianxiao Yundi, was finally assigned by Supreme Youhuang to a Demon Ancestor under his command who was more in line with the power of his laws.

The wealth and wealth of the Demonic Tide Civilization can be seen from this.

After walking out of the Supreme Temple, Demon Ancestor Yanxia immediately devoted himself to rescuing Ziyou.

A person with a special bloodline like Ziyou has received great attention from the Demon Tide Civilization. Naturally, she has some special props that can be located by the Yanxia Demon Ancestor.

As the space-time channel was broken open, the deep channel leading to the world of despair appeared in front of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

In fact, for a tyrannical ruler of the level of Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​the world of despair is not a good place to go.

No one knows how many old monsters are hidden in this vast world of despair.

Moreover, the particularity of the demonic civilization represented by Demon Ancestor Yanxia also makes a strong person of her level must be cautious when entering a world of despair.

The repelling power of the will of the astral world against the demonic civilization has become increasingly obvious.

The Star Boundary obviously hopes that all demonic civilizations will enter the world of despair, and use this to start a dimensional hegemony to "clean up" these cancers.

As a demonic tide civilization that has embarked on the road of traversing the void, the more the will of the astral world wants to achieve something, the more these creatures of the demonic tide civilization will react.

Come and confront it.

In recent years, although Youhuang Supreme has never stopped exploring and decrypting the world of despair, the power of the Demonic Tide Civilization to intervene in the world of despair is generally only level seven or below.

There are no instances of creatures above the Dominator level entering on a large scale.

A group of high-level officials of the Demonic Tide Civilization, headed by Youhuang Supreme, are very suspicious that once their master-level power enters in large numbers, the will of the astral world will probably "can't wait" and arrange some opponents for the Demonic Tide Civilization.

At that time, even if the demonic civilization wants to retreat, it will be difficult to escape.

Therefore, when Supreme Youhuang gave the order to Demon Ancestor Yanxia this time, he only asked her to save Ziyou and help him get out of the crisis.

Don’t stay too long in the world of despair!

Even the Yanxia Demon Ancestor does not need to appear in front of Ziyou.

As long as the threats that are far beyond the limit of Ziyou's ability to deal with are eliminated, Supreme Youhuang believes that his daughter can handle the rest. 🅆

When Demon Ancestor Yanxia left the Demon Tide Civilization, a large number of elite troops of the Demon Tide Civilization appeared in the hinterland of the Demon Tide.

It was the Dark Lord who had just returned from a great victory and returned to his home star field.

The information that Princess Ziyou knew before was that the Demon Tide Civilization was at war with five top civilizations.

Her message is actually out of date.

In the years since Princess Ziyou entered the world of despair, the Demonic Tide Civilization has never stopped its pace of expansion.

In fact, the pace of expansion and conquest of the Demonic Tide Civilization is getting faster and faster!

The entire civilization is also growing at an astonishing speed.

At this time, there are seven top-level civilizations that are fighting fiercely with the Demonic Tide Civilization.

The two extra top-level civilizations that Princess Ziyou didn't know about were naturally the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and the Empire of Minghe.

And they say there are seven, but in fact, there are only four left.

That’s all.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light has been completely destroyed.

The entire star field fell, Diersga and the heart of the lightwei civilization were sealed. The leader of civilization, the king of lightwei, and his wife sadly died in battle. The lightwei planet was completely demonized. Beria and a group of lightwei warriors were completely destroyed. Become a pawn of the demonic civilization.

Even if there are still a few master-level light-dimensional warriors, they lead the civilization survivors to retreat into the distance.

But the threat they can bring to the Demonic Tide Civilization is far from enough!

In addition to the destruction of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, another top civilization in the star realm that was destroyed was the fallen leaf civilization that was destroyed three thousand years ago.

The Dark Demon Ancestor himself had just killed the last eighth-level master of the Fallen Leaf Civilization, and successfully snatched one of the fallen leaf civilization's most valuable cultural treasures - Desolation Roots from the other party.

In addition, the work of eliminating the remnants of the Fallen Leaf Civilization has been almost completed in the past few thousand years.

After all, the fallen leaf civilization is more unlucky than the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Those plant creatures do not have allies like the wizard civilization to support them.

There is no "good neighbor" like the Minghe Empire to block the next main force of the Demonic Tide Civilization for him.

And it is difficult for most plant creatures to leave their home plane.

This makes it difficult for even if some fallen leaf survivors flee to the star realm with their weak strength.

In terms of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, there is still one Remgio alive among the eighth-level light-dimensional giants.

Including the Plasma Spark Tower, a civilization treasure, they were escorted by Taptro, the son of the King of Light, and went to the Wizarding Civilization with other Light-dimensional survivors.

Furthermore, a few light-dimensional masters such as Diersga and Seth Levin are not dead either.

They are just sealed in the light dimension star field.

There, accompanying them, was the Lord of the Demonic Tide who turned into hundreds of stone statues...

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