The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2509: Crushing Battle

There is no doubt that the blue crystal diamond in the hands of Demon Ancestor Yanxia is a civilized treasure.

While the Mosquito Heaven Emperor was still greedy for the high-level world-class secret treasures, the eighth-level peak demon ancestors of the Demon Tide Civilization had already reached the point where each of them had one of the civilization's treasures.

This is the gap!

And judging from the nature of the confinement that the Mosquito Heaven Emperor suffered at this time, this is a space-based civilization treasure.

The cultural treasure in the hands of Demon Ancestor Yanxia comes from the second ninth-level creature born in the history of Demon Tide Civilization.

After all, it is a treasure left behind by our ancestors.

The cultural treasures that come from the hands of ninth-level creatures of the demonic tide civilization in the past are also very consistent with the rules and characteristics of these demonic tide masters.

In contrast, some of the civilization treasures in the hands of the Demon Ancestors were seized from the hands of powerful rival civilizations over the past 100,000 years.

Although those civilizational treasures also possess extremely tyrannical power, in the end, it is easier to use them than the treasures exclusive to the Demonic Tide Civilization.

The powerful enemy appearing in front of him and the great life-threatening pressure caused Emperor Mosquito to suddenly burst out with all his strength.

A large blood-colored waterfall surged from the surface of the Blood Mosquito Emperor's true body.

What surged at the same time as this blood-colored waterfall was the omnipotent soul of domination that Emperor Mosquito was burning regardless of the cost.

Rolling waves of red blood surged into the sky.

Looking from a distance, it seemed as if a bloody sun appeared in the sky.

Under the efforts of Emperor Mosquito, this guy finally broke free from the power of space that imprisoned him!

Emperor Mosquito is undoubtedly a hero who knows how to judge and judge.

Being able to escape many times from the hands of so many powerful people in the star realm shows just how cunning it really is.

Just to break free from the shackles of the civilizational treasure in the hands of the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, the Mosquito Heaven Emperor instantly exploded about one-third of his dominant omnipotent soul.

And after breaking away from the shackles of the crystal diamond in the hands of the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, this guy had no intention of breaking arms with the Yanxia Demon Ancestor in front of him, but just ran away!

about this

The style of running away at the slightest disagreement is somewhat similar to that of the Mosquito Emperor and the Tenth Pharaoh of the Hades Empire.

But Emperor Mosquito is much more shameless than Xiao Shi.

Before Xiao Shi makes a strategic move, he will still make two moves with his opponent.

She will retreat only when she realizes that she is really no match for the opponent, or there are too many enemies.

But the Mosquito Heaven Emperor in front of him was completely frightened by the half-step ninth-level terrifying coercion possessed by the Yanxia Demon Ancestor.

He turned around and ran away without even giving a try to the idea of ​​the Yanxia Demon Ancestor in front of him.

And when Emperor Mosquito fled, he didn't even care about the trophy he had already firmly grasped - the Tail of Shalu.

In addition to transmitting messages to Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​"Is there any misunderstanding between them?"

The Mosquito Heaven Emperor violently erupted into an endless tide of blood mosquitoes, and fled in different directions.

Emperor Mosquito's experience and ability in the field of escape far exceed that of Xiao Shi from the Ming He Empire.

Because every Blood Mosquito clone contains a ray of will of the Mosquito Emperor.

Therefore, as long as one of his blood mosquitoes can escape, the Mosquito Emperor will not be completely defeated.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, Emperor Mosquito relied on this ability to escape the enemy's pursuit time and time again.

The opponent instantly burst out nearly one-third of the Dominant Universal Soul to break free, causing the Yanxia Demon Ancestor's cold face to finally change a little.

However, facing Emperor Mosquito who was trying his best to escape, Demon Ancestor Yanxia did not intend to just let him go.

The huge gray hand of law fell from the sky.

Just one blow wiped out nearly one-fifth of the number of Blood Mosquito clones of the Mosquito Emperor.

Although more blood mosquitoes fled in all directions.

But when the Yanxia Demon Ancestor re-activated

When the power of the crystal diamond in their hands was activated, the escape movements of these blood mosquitoes were obviously extremely stiff.

When he realized that he couldn't say "good things", the Mosquito Emperor said sternly, "Are you going to be the enemy of our civilization in the Immortal Realm?!"

Pull the tiger's skin and make a big flag.

Not to mention how bad the reputation of the Mosquito Heaven Emperor is in the Immortal Realm Civilization, but at least as a member of the Immortal Realm Civilization, he cannot be fake.

Moreover, the star realm area where Emperor Mosquito has been mainly active in recent years is still around the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, those who do not know much about the internal situation of the Immortal Realm civilization have no idea that Emperor Mosquito and the orthodox forces of the Immortal Realm are completely unrelated forces. 🅆

Faced with the unspoken threat from Emperor Mosquito, Demon Ancestor Yanxia sneered, and the attack at hand did not stop for a moment.

The star world is indeed a dark forest system where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimps.

In the past, the wanderers of the desperate world could not cope with Cell's intensity.

And Shalu was in the hands of the Mosquito Emperor and had little resistance.

Now that there is another Yanxia Demon Ancestor who is more powerful than the Mosquito Emperor, I really don’t know how many horrors there are in this star realm.

However, unlike Shalu, who was beaten and only had a piece of his tail left, Emperor Mosquito is also an eighth-level master after all, and his own strength cannot be underestimated.

No matter how powerful the Yanxia Demon Ancestor is, it has not escaped the category of an eighth-level creature.

Even if Emperor Mosquito cannot defeat the opponent, he may still be able to escape if he tries his best to escape.

After all, before this, Emperor Mosquito had the experience of escaping from the hands of the sage Laozi of Bajing Palace.

That time, the sage Lao Tzu laid out the Four Elephants and Bagua Formation, but failed to keep the cunning mosquito.

As long as a blood mosquito clone escapes, there is a chance to make a comeback.

This ability of the Mosquito Heaven Emperor is somewhat more resilient than the "Blood Nerve" created by the Styx Ancestor from the Nether Sea of ​​Blood in the prehistoric world.


r\u003eOf course, Ancestor Styx will never escape during a confrontation with the enemy.

That was a master of the fairyland who was known for his toughness and cruelty.

The "Mosquito Extermination War" of the Yanxia Demon Clan of the Demonic Tide Civilization has once again made this ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization a dangerous place that is inaccessible to outsiders.

Thane had personally understood how special the plane rules of the world of despair were and how hard the ground was.

But during the battle between Yanxia Demon Ancestor, all this seemed to be no different from the material star realm.

Anyway, the Yanxia Demon Ancestor shows no signs of running out of energy, and the surrounding land of the Despair World has undergone almost earth-changing changes in the face of the unprecedented power possessed by the Yanxia Demon Ancestor.

It was a one-sided battle.

Because the Mosquito Emperor had no intention of fighting the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, he hardly launched any effective resistance.

It's really not interesting to fight with such an opponent.

A special divine domain law space envelopes this place, which is the law domain of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

In the land covered by this domain, the difficulty of the mosquito emperor's escape has doubled exponentially!

However, after a period of fighting, especially after spending a large amount of the Dominant Universal Soul.

Emperor Mosquito finally inspired the space-time passage to the material star realm, and couldn't wait to get into it.

The opponent's abundant Dominant Universal Soul left Demon Ancestor Yanxia with no good solution for a while.

Just when Yanxia Demon Ancestor raised his dark eyebrows, he was about to chase him out of the desperate world and continue to chase the mosquito emperor to death.

A big black hand suddenly grabbed the mosquito leg of the mosquito emperor's true form who wanted to escape from the desperate world!

"Where are you going?" Another legal black hole full of dark and oppressive power appeared in the sky that dominated the battlefield.

The Dark Demon Ancestor, who had just arrived at this battlefield, looked at the Mosquito Emperor with a ferocious sneer.

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