The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2520: Follow

In addition to the ruins of the Osdia civilization, the ancient ruins of the Source Energy civilization that Thain and others had escaped from before were also very attractive to him.

However, the previous domination melee brought too much fear to Thane.

And after such a magnificent war, the remaining ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization were probably reduced to ruins.

Its development and research value is no longer great.

However, around the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization, there may be other Source Energy ruins and ruins of the Light God Clan, attracting Thane to continue exploring there in the future.

In recent years, Thain has been obsessed with his own experimental research and rarely talks to Ziyou about the creatures in the Demonic Abyss world and the other two civilization ruins they discovered.

Perhaps, as Thain's realm gradually stabilizes and his accumulated knowledge gradually deepens, he can talk to Ziyou again about cooperation in this area.

Thain did not want to reveal too much of his interest in the ruins of the Light God Clan in front of Ziyou.

Because he did not want Ziyou and the civilization forces behind him to use the ruins of the Light God Clan to gain early access to the star field where the wizard civilization was located.

No matter how good his relationship with Ziyou is now, this is still a matter of principle.

And this factor is also another reason why Thain and others have not asked Ziyou about the ruins of the previous ancient civilization in the nearly a thousand years since they arrived in the Mechanical Valley.

After making the decision to leave the Mechanical Valley, the Mechanical Legion under Thain began to relocate many necessary equipment in the Mechanical Valley.

Many of these technological devices will be directly installed into the Rubik's Cube.

Once you arrive at the ruins of the Osdia civilization, you can start using it for the second time.

Of course, there are also some technological buildings that are of low value and have little significance in relocating them, so Thain has no intention of touching them.

After all, I have stayed in this mechanical valley for a thousand years, so it would be nice to leave some souvenirs.

Anyway, with the sinister laws and environment of the desperate world, even the top civilization relics will inevitably turn into ruins. Who knows how long the unmaintained Mechanical Valley can exist in the future?

Perhaps, when Thain arrives here next time, this silver-white Mechanical Valley will have been completely engulfed by the storm.

Regarding leaving the Mechanical Valley, all intelligent robots must of course leave together with Thane and others.

As for the indigenous people living here... considering that the relationship between them has been relatively harmonious for nearly a thousand years, Thain gave them the choice back to themselves.


"You can choose to leave with me, or stay here."

"I'm not a murderous person. In recent years, haven't you also used your own labor or exchanged body tissues to get something from me in equal exchange?" Thain looked at the survivors headed by Chocolate. they said.

The number of survivors in this Mechanical Valley has many more new faces than when Thain first came here a thousand years ago.

Now the total number has reached almost thirty!

Survivors and wanderers in desperate worlds generally have some hidden abilities to communicate with each other or detect situations.

In recent years, Mechanical Valley has been managed by Thain in an orderly manner.

And he often distributes a certain number of energy crystals to these weak survivors according to their work.

For many level four creatures in humble circumstances, this place is undoubtedly paradise.

It will naturally attract more weak wanderers to settle here.

Fortunately, in recent years, no blind creatures have come to challenge Thain's authority.

Even if there are a few individuals who are not afraid of death, there are still three people, Fumila, Ziyou, and Gongsun Wudi, to clean up for him.

Therefore, Mechanical Valley has been Thain's voice for nearly a thousand years.

Of course, Thain and others rarely show up to disturb the peace here.

And those advanced intelligent robots that fully obey Thain's instructions will not do anything similar to bullying.

Therefore, all the survivors who arrived to settle in Mechanical Valley are very satisfied with their current situation.

Nearly thirty creatures of level four or above, this is a powerful force.

Of course Thain himself was willing to take them away.

Because Thane will go to the ruins of the Otis sub-civilization next. If he wants to establish his own order and power, relying solely on his own advanced intelligent robots may not be enough.

In the future, Thain even wants to find a way to bring these desperate world wanderers who can be controlled by him back to the material star realm.

Thain, who has reached the peak level of level six, naturally wants to go one step further.

After Thain's contact and observation over the years, he has gradually become involved in the upper circles of wizard civilization.

Thain discovered that if you want to dominate the realm and gain a foothold in the wizarding civilization, you must have your own power!

Any large force of wizard civilization with a true spirit master-level power sitting at its command is a complex combination of interests both internally and externally.

Thain has grown rapidly in recent years, which is his advantage, but it is also his disadvantage.

Even though Thane has been in the world of despair for thousands of years, at the speed of time in the material star realm, only a few decades have passed...

In other words, Thain's true age in the material star world is still just over 10,000 years old.

The extremely short growth experience prevented Thain from forming an overly powerful power group.

After all, Thain's master, Cuillis, still has an Elemental Gate organization.

Thane himself... based on the construction progress of his Land of Ashes in recent years, although he is a rising star in the southern region of the Wizarding World, it is obviously not enough when compared to the level of dominance level power.

It is difficult for the forces of the Land of Ashes within the wizarding world to become fat in one bite.

Therefore, Thain had to seek the blessing of external forces.

The Huyans, Kryptonians, Black Bat Civilization, Wonderful Planes, Cybertron, Blue Purple Star, etc. are all alliance planes that Thane has strived to conquer in recent years, but this... is not enough.

Bringing a group of survivors and wanderers from a desperate world back to the material star realm, and pushing them to join the Wizards Alliance as loyal supporters of his own, in Thain's opinion, is a highly feasible idea.

And during the current war with the Gallente Federation, the wizarding civilization is still facing threats from the Hades Empire in the direction of the star field battlefield in the world.

Thain believes that it is still very feasible for these desperate world creatures to join the Wizards Alliance.

The wizarding civilization should open this green door wide.

And these desperate world creatures don't know how far away and remote the world group comes from. They estimate that they will never be able to return to their home star field.

In the general environment of the Wizards Alliance, if they want to do better as newcomers, they can only rely on the mountain of Thane.

Any rational magician has an extremely farsighted and forward-looking vision.

Just like before Thain was promoted to the fourth level, he began to consciously make friends with some magic families and knight families, and laid the foundation for the prosperity of his Ashland.

Thain, who had reached the peak level of Level 6 at this time, also began to make plans in advance for his next promotion to master and the establishment of the True Spirit Tower.

Although, Thain has not yet found a stable way to return to the wizard civilization.

Faced with the choice that Thain gave to himself and others, almost all the survivors in the Mechanical Valley, after a moment of silence, chose to continue to follow Thain to a dangerous place with unknown rules.

Because Thane promised them that after arriving in the new settlement, he would give them the energy crystals they needed to survive.

And members with outstanding performance and greater contributions can also receive magic potions refined by Thain himself.

For these humble wanderers who have lived a hard life and suddenly ushered in a peaceful life for nearly a thousand years, the conditions offered by Thain are very tempting!

More importantly, they no longer want to go hungry and live in darkness.

Of course, there are also very few creatures among them who are not willing to follow Thain out of here.

Regarding these creatures, Thane smiled on the surface and expressed his willingness to respect their choices.

Behind his back, he secretly ordered Fumila and other intelligent robots, "After we leave here, you will come back and kill them!"

In the past thousand years, Thane has exposed many secrets in this mechanical valley settlement.

At least such a huge group of fortresses suddenly disappeared, and where did Thane's energy crystals come from? I believe that many survivors will express doubts.

Thain didn't want to leave some inexplicable hidden dangers for himself.

He is indeed not bloodthirsty, but if any creature threatens him, Thane will never show mercy!

The migration took place quickly.

Those present are all creatures of level four or above, and they have all done well in recent years.

So the next journey to the ruins of the Osdia civilization was relatively smooth.

Under the premise that Thain was deliberately in a hurry and did not want to waste too much energy on the road.

The gift of some energy crystals allowed these survivors to follow Thain closely by flying.

in this process.

Twenty years later, the ruins of the Osdia civilization have not yet been reached.

But another dangerous place with rules appeared in front of Thain and others.

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