The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2523 The top civilization of the ocean system

After staying in the dangerous place of Spark Rules for more than ten years, Thain and his team continued on their way.

Before leaving, Thain made another deal with the local snake in this settlement, the Barefoot Centipede.

At the cost of three precious blood essence potions, Thain exchanged a large amount of its demonic blood and a wisp of poisonous fire from the original law from the Redfoot Centipede.

In addition to being the raw material for refining blood essence potions, the demon blood also has great scientific research value.

For example, Thain has plans to use this toxin-containing demon blood as the main material to refine some special potions for body refining.

As for the wisp of poisonous fire from the Barefoot Centipede, it is also an effective tonic that can be absorbed by Thane's Ember Flame.

At this stage, it is difficult for Thain to achieve any transformational breakthrough.

But Thain's path to progress has not stopped.

All the achievements that Thain has achieved and the secrets of the laws he has mastered were all accumulated bit by bit like this.

After leaving the dangerous place of Spark Rules, the team of Thain and his team has grown a lot.

After communicating with survivors such as Chocolate, more than a dozen wanderers from the dangerous areas of the Spark Rules actually obtained some precious energy crystals from Thain and others in exchange for equal value.

So they also decided to follow His Majesty the "Machine God Emperor".

In terms of loyalty and reliability, these new wanderers are definitely not as good as Chocolate and other old people in Mechanical Valley.

Maybe after following him for a while, he would voluntarily leave again.

But Thain doesn't mind if his team expands.

During this period, some new members couldn't help but ask the elders in the team, why does Thane have the title of "Machine God Emperor"?

In the previous dangerous situation of the Spark Rules, Thane was more exposed to his achievements in the field of fire element magic.

Regarding these issues, all the survivors were prompted by Chocolate and did not say much.

He just gave the other person a meaningful look.

As a result, Thain's sense of mystery became even stronger.

Everyone is curious, why is it that Thain, who seems to have a weaker aura, can command the stronger Gongsun Wudi and Ziyou? Where did he get the energy crystals and rare potions he had?

The mysterious sense of mystery and powerful strength can save Thain a lot of troubles, and at the same time attract more wanderers to get closer to Thain.

Thain's current principle is that he will not accept the refuge of pseudo-desperate people above level six for the time being.

Because Thain doesn't want to place some unstable factors around him.

Of course, I believe that ordinary sixth-level creatures will not take the initiative to move closer to Thain.

On the contrary, they are also afraid that they will be noticed by the stronger Thane gang!

On the contrary, the weaker fourth- and fifth-level wanderers, because they are far inferior to Thain and others, do not have much psychological burden on joining Thain's command.

If Thane really wanted to target them deliberately, why would he do so much?

After leaving the dangerous area of ​​​​the Spark Rules, Thane and his party embarked on the road to the ruins of the Osdia civilization.

According to Thain's estimation, it would take about seventy years before they finally arrived at the ruins of the Osdia civilization.

However, during this period, a medium-sized energy storm struck, which delayed the final arrival of Thain and others.

And after that, another small settlement discovered along the way made Thain stop for a while again.

Because, this is the ruins of another top civilization!

And it was something that neither Thain nor Ziyou had ever come into contact with before.

Judging from the type of ruins, the ruins seem to come from a marine biological civilization.

A large spiral shell building appeared in Thain's field of vision.

Because of the passage of time, the world of despair often

The erosion of the energy storm that occurred in 2006 made these giant spiral shells that should have had a colorful appearance now look like just gray broken buildings.

This is the first top-level civilization composed of marine creatures that Thane has come into contact with.

So Thain is quite curious about it.

Thain himself has studied many sea tribes in the wizarding world and the Wizarding Alliance.

Unlike the Sea Tribe in the Wizarding World, whose status in the mother plane is relatively low, the Sea Tribe creatures in this top-level technological civilization now occupied the supreme dominance of their own civilization.

Whether they are land creatures or birds in the sky, they are all dependent minions of these sea tribes.

Even while conducting in-depth excavation and exploration of this ancient ruins, Thain also saw many remains that were obviously the remains of other creatures from the other world.

This shows that this top marine civilization also had its own vassal civilization back then.

It's just that this ruins has existed for too long and the damage is too serious.

After entering this small settlement named "Land of Hailan" by the wanderers, Thain spent a while, but could not get the name of this top marine civilization.

Even some of the information obtained from the ruins is seriously flawed.

Nothing valuable was unearthed.

It is also a sad thing to say that the marine life in these ancient ruins created a brilliant and top-notch civilization.

But after the passage of time and the baptism of despair in the world war, they did not even leave their own civilization's name behind.

Only some incomplete remains of marine life and shell ruins are left here, proving traces of their existence back then.

Is this a coincidence, or is it a cyclical pattern of history?

Thain doesn't know what the future development of wizard civilization will be.

When Thain couldn't help but sigh with emotion at this ancient civilization ruins.

He noticed that Ziyou had also become much quieter.

There are only more than twenty wanderers in the Sea Blue Land settlement.

Not as good as the subordinates brought over by Thane.

The sparse number of survivors also proves from the side that there are actually no valuable objects to be discovered in this ancient civilization ruins.

Those mutilated remains of marine creatures may be no different from the skeletons that can be seen everywhere on the Bone Continent in the world of despair.

However, Thain still stayed here for a while with the mentality of a researcher.

At the same time, we also learned from the mouths of wanderers in these settlements that every nearly a thousand years, some special water flow elements would be produced deep in this ancient ruins.

These water elements, which contain certain trace components, are also the basis for these wanderers to gather here to survive.

Hard work pays off.

Thain ordered his followers to excavate the ruins of this ancient civilization.

And also released more than ten powerful and advanced intelligent robots to assist them.

After decades, Thain finally excavated a white shell fragment with some research value at a depth of nearly 10,000 meters underground in this ruins.

"This seems to be some kind of prop that stores information. I tried to activate it." Thain said.

At the same time, a sea pearl obtained from the tourmaline dowry appeared in Thain's hands.

As the sea pearl approaches, the rich power of water vapor emanates from the pearl.

The white shell fragment held in Thain's hand finally emitted bursts of light.

Some fine white lines gradually appeared on the surface of the shell.

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