The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2535 Graveyard

In the deepest part of the Immortal Land, there is a peerless sword. This is what the middle-aged Qinglong Swordsman told Thain.

After reaching the deepest part of this underground cave, Thain also saw the other party again.

This is a relatively empty underground space.

This space may not be suitable for Thain to use his United Fortress robot.

But for all the desperate people who arrived here, it was enough for them to fight wantonly here.

The battle between the Azure Dragon Swordsman and the sea urchin creature that originally broke out in the middle area of ​​the cave showed great restraint after arriving here.

In this relatively empty underground space, every desperate person who arrived here occupied a direction, and they seemed to be waiting for something.

Yes, a strong man who can sense the true call of the inexplicable sword and arrive here.

All of them are desperate people with at least the sixth level of peak realm!

Desperate people are rare in a desperate world.

Thain's mechanical city has developed for tens of thousands of years, and the number of desperate people in the city has only remained at about a dozen.

And the number of desperate people who appeared in the underground space in front of them was no less than that of Thane's Mechanical City.

And at this time, the rules and dangerous areas of this immortal land are obviously not fully opened yet.

Thain and others are not the last group to arrive. As time goes by, there should be more desperate people involved.

When seeing Thain and others, the Azure Dragon Swordsman not far away held his Azure Dragon Sword in his arms, and then nodded towards Thain and others.

It seems that he also has a certain affection for Thane who gave him a blood essence potion as a gift.

As for other people in the underground space, they couldn't help but frown when they saw Thain and his party.

Most of the strong people walking in a desperate world are alone.

Like Thain and others, it is extremely rare to appear in groups and clearly form a team.

After all, there are few friendships among desperate people. Most of them are

It's tit for tat.

Moreover, the appearance of Thane and others also means that there are more people competing with them for the "peerless sword" in the ruins.

These are all potential competitors.

Thain did not see where the so-called "peerless sword" was at this time. He only saw a pile of earthen mounds resembling tombs directly in front of the space in front of him, with rusty swords scattered around them.

Near the tomb, an old man with a stooped figure and gray hair sat cross-legged.

He was the closest person to the tomb among all the desperate people present.

At the same time, he is also the strongest person present!

Maskless gave Thane an extremely dangerous rating.

The last time the Phaseless Mask gave Thain a similar evaluation was when Cell's test body burst out with the power of dominance.

As for other desperate people, it's not that they don't want to go near the tomb, it's that they can't.

A special and invisible sword energy pressure suppressed everyone around them, making it difficult for them to survive.

After Thain cast his sights on the tomb, he made a decision in an instant.

The sword energy he felt before, which was very similar to the Immortal Trap Sword, came from the depths of the tomb!

In addition, in this relatively empty underground space, Thain also saw many mottled scratches from the sword energy.

He finally realized where those crystal stones containing a hint of sword intent came from.

Just like when the energy storm of the desperate world passes by, it will breed the philosopher's stone in the underground of the desperate world.

The appearance of these Sword Intention Crystals should also follow a similar principle.

It's a pity that Thane has not embarked on the path of swordsmanship, so those sword intention crystals are of little use to him.

Gongsun Wudi can use it a little bit,

But after absorbing and comprehending two swords before, she shook her head and said that the sword intention was different from the path she was taking.

Gongsun Wudi had no interest in absorbing that kind of thing.

The biggest use of these Sword Intent Crystals in the future is for Thain to take them back and give them to Narcisiu, Natalya and others to try to absorb them? Or give them to Duan Po?

Because it is extremely inconsistent with the rules of kendo in this dangerous land.

So when Thain got closer to the tomb, he couldn't get any closer.

The invisible sword energy completely suppressed Thane.

Thain felt that if he wanted to forcefully break this suppression, he would not be able to do it with his own body power alone.

I'm afraid I have to activate my own combined fortress group and let the advanced robots in the Rubik's Cube merge with me.

But if he really does that, at that time, Thain will definitely attract the full strength of the peerless sword in the tomb!

Therefore, after realizing that he could not take another half step forward, Thain consciously stopped.

Thain's approach was very wise.

He didn't know that when Duan Po's Zhenxian Sword was detected by his master's aura.

In order to return to his master, he did not care and even scratched the hands of Duobao Taoist, an early stage saint of the eighth level of the Immortal Realm.

No matter how strong Thain is, can he be stronger than Dao Bao Dao Zun?

Like Thain, Minghua Phoenix was also restricted in place.

This guy was half a step back than Thain. When she realized that she couldn't move forward, she blinked at Thain.

Unlike the two of them, Gongsun Wudi and Ming seemed to be unaffected for the time being.

Under the suggestion from Thane's eyes, Gongsun Wudi continued to walk deeper into the tomb.

In the end, she even crossed the straight line distance between Qinglong Swordsman and the tomb, and reached the innermost ring of the tomb.


Here, there are only three people closer to the tomb than Gongsun Wudi.

The sloppy old man who posed a great threat to Thane was one of them.

Ming's performance in this process was far better than that of Thain and Minghua.

He finally reached the middle distance near the tomb, only half a step behind the Qinglong Swordsman.

The occurrence of this situation made Thain think deeply.

Everyone present then ignored the "disabled combination" of Thain and Minghua, and turned their main attention to Gongsun Wudi.

Perhaps for them, Gongsun Wudi will be their biggest competitor and... collaborator.

over time.

More and more desperate people are arriving here.

After they arrived, they all took a very curious look at Thain and Minghua, who were on the outermost edge among the crowd.

It seems that he is thinking about why there are two "disabled" people here.

As expected by Thane, all the desperate people who appeared here, without exception, used weapons related to swords and tyrannical creatures.

And when the true meaning of the sword in this underground space gradually rose to its peak.

The total number of desperate people present has reached more than thirty!

This is a very scary number.

Almost all large plane worlds cannot have so many peak level six creatures within their civilization.

It is estimated that only a top civilization similar to the wizarding world can have so many peak individuals under the dominance.

And as the last strong man arrived.

A special force of suppression was immediately generated.

This underground space seems to have been closed.

A special subspace isolated secret realm similar to mechanical space was formed.

At the same time, a dazzling sword light gradually came from the tomb...

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