The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2541 The Desperate Half-Step to the Peak

The scene that Thain saw undoubtedly marked Duan Po's life experience.

In addition to the Absolute Immortal Sword inserted in this tomb, Thain also learned that the other broken sword inserted with the Absolute Immortal Sword came from another top powerhouse back then.

Unlike the Immortal Sword, which has gradually recovered after being warmed for countless thousands of years.

This broken sword was completely damaged after the battle that year.

The once fierce sword energy has now dissipated extremely powerfully.

However, during the years that it was buried here together with the Immortal Sword, this broken sword that once had a high grade seemed to be calling for the successor of its own will.

However, unlike the Immortal Sword that attracted the attention of all the wanderers, this broken sword... seemed to not attract anyone's attention.

Thain stepped forward and picked up the broken knife.

The power of the Broken Sword is undoubtedly much weaker than that of the Immortal Sword.

And it doesn't have as picky an appetite as Juexianjian.

Juexianjian almost killed Ling Chi on the spot because he found out that there was something wrong with Thain's aura.

But the broken sword is not so "arrogant".

Even sain, a magician who has never learned any "sword skills", after holding the handle of the broken knife.

This "weak" broken sword only had a slight shock. Sensing that Thain had the strength of a desperate person, it regained control of the originally dim light of the sword.

It seems that he has recognized his master?

"So simple?" Thain cut off the knife with his hand, feeling a little incredible.

At its peak, this broken sword was probably a world-class secret treasure of good quality.

Otherwise, he and the Immortal Sword would not have fallen here together.

Although now, the Broken Sword is extremely damaged, and even in Thain's eyes, it is about to fall to the level of a world-class secret treasure.

But the forging craftsmanship contained in the broken knife itself, as well as the spirituality it possesses, are not small.

If Thain was allowed to make it himself, he might be able to restore some of the style of the broken sword to its former glory.

After all, Thain is also a good alchemist.

Other than that... Thane looked around at the surrounding tombs.

He believes that there are many specimen materials for him to collect and study.

The dazzling sword light gradually disappeared from the immortal place.

Ever since Thane took away the Absolute Immortal Sword and the Broken Knife, it officially marked that this dangerous and dangerous place in the Absolute Immortal Land has become history.

In the central area of ​​the tomb, a large number of ancient civilization specimens have also brought great gains and research directions to Thain.

At the end, Thain collected all the valuable specimens he considered.

A burst of white light flashed, and Thain, Gongsun Wudi, Ziyou, and Minghua, who were still staying in this underground space, also disappeared from this space.

Of course, Thain didn't leave the world of despair.

The white light that just flashed from the Immortal Land made Thain look forward to it at first, wondering whether it would teleport them directly to the Immortal Realm.

But the fact is that as the white light dissipated, the unchanging Bone Continent of the desperate world still appeared in front of Thane and others.

This place seems to be quite far away from the regular dangerous situation where Thane and others just obtained the Immortal Sword.

A crystal ball was taken out by Thain, and he tried to locate the approximate coordinates of himself and others.

Fortunately, this place belongs to an area in Thane's crystal ball that has been recorded before.

Therefore, Thain quickly relocated to a specific route back to the City of Machinery.


Caisain had expectations in his mind. It would be great if he could just leave the world of despair and return to the fairyland in the material star realm.

But in fact, the City of Machines still has a large amount of Thain's belongings.

Whether it's the advanced intelligent robots left behind, the results of Thain's experiments, or the wanderers who have become completely attached to Thain.

They all belong to the wealth that Thain accumulated in the desperate world. It would be quite reluctant to just throw it away.

After determining the route back to the Mechanical City, Thain said to Gongsun Wudi and others, "Let's go back."

The loud cry of the phoenix immediately sounded in the mid-air of this bone-white continent.

When a group of three people stepped on Minghua's back.

Ziyou said belatedly, "What happened before really shocked me."

"I thought you were going to die in the light of that incomparable sword."

"Where is that peerless sword you got? Take it out and show it to me."

"I really missed it. I didn't expect it to suddenly burst out with such strong power." Ziyou said to Thain.

After Gongsun Wudi saw that Thain was out of danger, he didn't ask any questions like Ziyou.

She was still so silent, but deep in Gongsun Wudi's eyes, you could see the deep concern when she looked at Thain.

"Go back first. I'll tell you in detail when you get back."

"And the injuries on my body need to be taken good care of this time."

"But judging from the final result, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise." Thain said to Ziyou and others.

More than twenty years later, Thain and his team returned to the City of Machinery.

It’s just that they disappeared for more than fifty years in total. The City of Machinery

During this period, nothing seemed to have happened.

Thain was right, he was truly a blessing in disguise this time.

In addition to getting the Absolute Immortal Sword and a broken knife that temporarily dropped to a low-grade world-class secret treasure.

He also obtained a lot of prehistoric secrets, rare materials, and... the opportunity for desperate people to advance to the half-step peak of the ontological realm.

No wonder not only the knights in the wizarding world, but also many powerful men in the star world, were able to break through the shackles of their original lives and set foot on a higher realm under crisis circumstances.

Thain did not expect that after tens of thousands of years, what really helped him cross the path of despair and enter the half-step peak state was actually the sword that almost killed him.

The potential that exploded at the last moment of life caused Thane's mental power and cell tissue to undergo a certain transformation.

If it were in the material star realm, Thain's transformation and strength growth might become more intuitive.

After all, it will be accompanied by the surge of massive energy elements and the realization of the rules you master.

But in a world of despair, it is enough just to know one's own true state and reach the peak of despair.

Of course, another improvement and breakthrough in realm cannot be entirely attributed to the life and death crisis given to him by the Immortal Sword.

Without the painstaking experiments and tireless research over the past ten thousand years, how could he have collected the original capital to advance to the half-step peak level?

The improvement of his realm will inevitably herald another round of changes in Thain's strength.

Previously, when Thane was driving the combined fortress group, his strength was comparable to that of the Peak Despairers. Not to mention, there are hundreds of advanced intelligent robots under his command, participating in the integration.

Now, as Thain's mental power and cell endurance have been raised to another level, the power that Thain can explode will undoubtedly be stronger!

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