The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2582: The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead

As the red special ship was cut off by Thain's sword, the God Crystal inside was also quickly pulled into his hand by Thain with the power of the Rubik's Cube at the moment the ship was torn apart.

At this time, Thain has the Rubik's Cube in his right hand and the God Crystal in his left hand.

Special and suppressed energy law fluctuations are constantly coming from Thain's hands.

Especially the God Crystal located on the left hand. This original color should be a special square crystal that is clear and transparent.

I don't know whether it's because the federal creatures have pressed the activation program just now, or the fierce battle turmoil around them accidentally triggered some of the power of the law.

As a result, the square crystal that was supposed to be in an inert state turned red and hot!

An unimaginable majestic force seemed to be gradually awakened and released from this square crystal.

When I felt that energy that could destroy everything around me was brewing in this crystal.

The Bone Demon Evil Emperor was the first to sense that something was wrong, and immediately broke off the contract summoning treaty with Rogge. Even if he had to pay a huge amount of soul of domination for it, he still wanted to leave here!

Rogge on the other side was shocked, but this fat man, who had many servants of death and seemed to be afraid of death, was still quite calm at this time.

He stretched out his fat palm to Thane and said, "Give me that thing quickly!"

"The activation of God's crystal should only be one-third complete at present."

"If it's fast enough, I might be able to drop it into a relatively empty and safe space!" Rogge said.

But in the face of Rogge's words and the Bone Demon Evil Emperor's attempt to escape from the battlefield.

Thane made an action that was unbelievable to the surrounding creatures.

I saw Thain violently clasping his left and right hands together.

The bright blue light of law possessed by the Rubik's Cube and the suppressed red light possessed by the God Crystal merged at this moment.

An extremely dazzling beam of light burst out from Thain's hand.

In terms of light brightness, it can be said to illuminate the entire surrounding starry sky in an instant.

And with the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand,

Continuously merge with the God Crystal.

The energy fluctuations of the repressive laws that originally gave the master fear and a desire to escape slowly dissipated and cooled down in the process.

"Uh, the activation process of the God Crystal was interrupted?" Rogge said in shock.

The magician he had never known on the battlefield in front of him brought Rogge too much surprise and astonishment in this battle.

Rogge felt that this interruption process should be completed by the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

But if he wants to interrupt a God Crystal that is already in an excited state and is very unstable, Rogge thinks that even if Victor, the seventh-level true spirit mechanic, comes over, it may be difficult to do so!

"What a magician who can create miracles."

"And the sword in his hand, and the giant fortress machine..." Rogge's eyes were constantly scrutinizing the Immortal Sword suspended next to Thain, and the Union Fortress robot not far away.

After the God Crystal was captured by Thane, and the resistance of the surrounding Gallente Federation Legions became weaker and weaker, including the support legions of the Mamet Alliance, they also arrived subsequently.

This war that took place in the outer star field of the wizard civilization has finally come to an end.

It is not entirely a coincidence that Thain and others appear here.

They had just returned from a world of despair, and the coordinates of the material star realm where they came was itself a coordinate node where the power of time and space was extremely active.

And for this federal lurking fleet that has deviated from its original route of advancement, if it wants to successfully reach the hinterland of the wizarding civilization, it must go faster.

Then we can only jump in time and space and look for nearby active wormhole windows.

It was also because of this premise that these two groups of people collided.

Faced with this result, Thain could only lament that things in the world are unpredictable, and even this kind of thing could happen to him.


Master Rogge, the eighth-level true spirit magician, is undoubtedly a very serious magician who studies the truth and mysteries.

The battle in the surrounding star field has not yet been completely eliminated.

Because the biggest threat has been eliminated.

Master Rogge didn't even care to teach the Bone Demon Evil Emperor, who was on the other end of the line and almost ran away.

Then he appeared in front of Thain and conducted research on this mysterious sixth-level peak magician.

Rogge's main research was of course not on Thane's body. He was not interested in men.

What really caught Rogge's attention was the God Crystal that had "cooled down".

"It seems that the God Crystal was unstable just now, not because it has been activated, nor because it was affected by the fluctuations of the surrounding battles."

"It's because of... your sword." Rogge raised the elemental glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose and said to Thane, pointing his finger at the Immortal Sword behind Thain.

"Because of the Immortal Sword?" Thain asked in surprise.

At this time, not much time has passed since the crisis just now, and Thain's main focus is still on some changes that have occurred in his Rubik's Cube.

Rogge has actually found the main source of factors causing instability in the God Crystal.

He is indeed a true spirit level magician!

However, this guy Rogge is obviously not serious.

One moment, he was discussing the secrets of truth with Thain in a conscientious manner, and the next moment, he saw Fumila being released from Thain's combined state.

Astonished, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Thain.

"You rock!"

"This must be a robot, right?"

"The most I can do is deal with the undead, but you can actually do something to a robot."

"As expected of a young man, it seems that I am almost out of date." Rogge said, stroking his fat chin.

Master Rogge's words made Thane's mouth twitch.


Although he has never had direct contact with this true spirit-level magician before, he is a disciple of the other party - Cheney, the master of the Ligu Holy Tower.

When Natalya woke up from soul slumber, Master Cheney, who studied under Rogge, helped Thain a lot.

Therefore, when facing Rogge, the eighth-level true spirit magician, Thain did not feel a little close to him.

Perhaps it's also because this powerful eighth-level true spirit has no airs about him.

He can even make some "jokes" with Thain.

Why is Thane here? Where did these wanderers under him come from?

Master Rogge then also inquired about relevant aspects.

Not only Rogge is curious, I believe other powerful wizards and civilizations who are paying attention to the war in the star field here are also curious.

However, Rogge's interest soon shifted to other aspects.

"Hey! These specimens you brought back, Thain, are very rare."

"Do you mind letting them cooperate with me in some anatomical experiments? I will be very gentle." Rogge said with bright eyes looking at some of the wanderers under Thain's command.

Because the passive evolution energy level is very high, no wonder it arouses the curiosity of Rogge, a true spirit level magician.

It's just that...Master Rogge seems to focus more on female wanderers.

Some of them are not even humanoid creatures.

This true spirit-level magician's quirks are... really unique.

Just when Thain didn't know what to say, a white jade skeleton appeared behind Master Rogge and slapped Rogge on the shoulder.

Thane seemed to hear the sound of broken bones.

After all, he was a true spirit magician with a "weak constitution". The fat Master Rogge, who was three times the size of Thain, was then forcibly pulled away by the white jade skeleton and left in front of Thain.

After watching Master Rogge leave for the time being, Thane sighed belatedly, "We're just dealing with the undead..."

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