The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 420 Book hunting

The bald old man in front of him, who obviously had a hint of twilight, was a senior apprentice in Thain's perception.

When a formal magician like Thain came to his shop, the old man didn't even get up to welcome him.

Instead, he continued to sit on the bamboo chair in his shop, staring at Thain as he walked into his shop with a pair of white eyes occupying his entire eye socket. The black pupils were almost invisible.

This bald old man was very interesting, and Thain didn't mind his indifference, but just wandered around his shop.

This small, down-and-out shop in a very poor location in the southwest of the port city of Jimos seems to have little business.

There were obvious dust and stains in every corner of the store.

The old man didn't know whether it was because he was old or because his magic power was in a period of exhaustion, but he had no idea of ​​repairing or cleaning his shop.

However, although the store was a bit shabby, Thain still found a lot of things he was interested in after walking around for a long time.

Thain did not touch the magic materials in the shop. They were all dirty and had an obvious musty smell.

It is estimated that all the elemental power inside has been lost, so what is the use of Thane using them.

However, it was the yellowing books that were obviously of a certain age placed on the cabinet shelves of the store that aroused Thain's interest.

I don’t know where these magic books come from. Some of them are signed, and some don’t even have the author’s name.

And not all of the books are magic books, many of them are even diaries recorded casually by some magicians or magic apprentices.

For example, Thain saw the following content in a small gray book the size of a palm without any introduction:

May 23, the 173rd flesh and blood synthesis experiment...

Today's experimental subject is particularly active, which may be caused by the mixed magic elements No. 3 and No. 7 I injected into it yesterday evening...

Master Apra's corpse training, synthetic zoology and life science are too advanced and obscure. I don't know whether this small sarcoma named "Mystery No. 1" can be counted as a life, a life created by me..., failure...this thing is not life.

It is just a collection of cells that can only divide and reproduce itself, and has no consciousness!

All kinds of information like this are filled up in this small book.

However, this book must be very old, and after such a long time, it has not been well maintained and repaired.

Many of the handwritings have become blurred, so that some contents require Thain to guess.

No wonder the bald old man's shop is not doing well. Magic books like this, which are short in content and even specious, will only be of interest to magic apprentices who have few resources and channels in the Underdark.

In other areas, as long as there are magicians with a certain inheritance history and organizational background, they will not even take a second look.

Because this kind of book has an unknown origin and even the author himself is in a state of partial knowledge. Once it is in-depth, it will undoubtedly lead readers astray.

But Thane himself is quite interested in this kind of magic diary.

What he was interested in was not the diaries and some of the experimental information recorded in these books, but the books on the undead system, life modification, and corpse training that were commonly found in this shop.

Rather than saying this is a down-and-out shop, it's more like a hut for the dead.

The books in the entire store are inextricably linked to undead magic.

So much so that Thain couldn't help but suspect that the owner of this shop was probably related to a certain master of death, or even a holy tower with the attribute of death.

Especially the latter is more likely, because the content of the books here is still very complicated, and it is unlikely that they were written by the same master.

Turning to look at the bald old man again, a pale white shadow suddenly flashed from the roof beam directly above the old man.

The other party seemed a little afraid of Thain and refused to come out.

"Haha, does Jimosi Harbor also allow ghosts to be raised in the city?"

"I heard that this kind of creature and other undead creatures are never allowed to appear in the major human settlements in the Wizarding World." Thain said with a chuckle.

Facing Thain's laughter, the bald old man finally said his first words since Thain entered the shop.

He opened his mouth, revealing the few remaining yellow teeth, and said in a very hoarse and dry voice: "My family has served the Holy Tower of Death for more than ten generations, and my generation has no successors. So I chose to move to this beautiful seaport city.”

"Although my family's status is humble and I have not broken through to the first level, the city lord still gave me a little favor."

"Monasha is just a child who doesn't understand anything. It's not even mentally sound, so of course it can't harm anyone. It's also my only support now. The city lord and the law enforcement team at the harbor know of its existence."

The bald old man's voice was as harsh and harsh as rusty iron pieces rubbing against each other.

After hearing this, Thain nodded. The life level of the old man and the little ghost was less than level one, and the maximum combat power of Jimos Harbor was likely to reach level three.

With such a strong person in charge, they really can't make any trouble.

"You mean, these magic books all come from the Tower of Death?" Thain looked around and asked casually.

The bald old man nodded and replied: "My ancestors and I collected them. They are usually 'junk' that no one wants, but there are always people who will be interested in them."

Thain touched his chin and walked half a circle around the store.

Finally, he seemed to have discovered something. After saying "Huh?", he found a magic book with a black cover and no title in the corner on the bottom of a bookshelf.

Opening the black magic book, Thane saw a line of text: On the compatibility of death and summoning magic - Rogge.

Thain ended up buying about twenty books in total in this gloomy, dark magic shop.

These books are very cheap, and for Thain, they can even be called free gifts.

This bald old man has no descendants, and the only companion around him is the ghost.

It is estimated that all the money earned from selling books was used to feed the ghost. How many magic coins can be used to raise an ordinary ghost below the first level?

Since he doesn't know much about the forces within the Mamet United Alliance, Thain doesn't yet know the weight of the Death Holy Tower in the Mamet United Alliance.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that naming a holy tower after the word "death" is something that ordinary holy towers can do?

Thain himself is quite satisfied with his harvest.

Except for the black magic book that attracted his interest, the other books that Thain found were at least roughly complete in content after he screened them.

These books mainly focus on the death system knowledge, and also include knowledge related to the summoning system and the field of corpse training and synthetic beasts.

Thain has long been interested in these fields. He himself has a certain elemental affinity in negative energy fields such as the dark system.

With these magic books, Thain finally began to embark on the path of learning death and darkness magic.


I was so tired yesterday that I didn’t write at night.

I'll try to write one or two chapters in the afternoon today, and I'll be able to resume normal updates tomorrow.

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