The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 654 Flesh Passage

The demigod-level centaur Maya leads the way. The 150,000 troops she leads are the vanguard towards the green leaf world.

The four third-level knights from the Wizarding World behind her were one step slower than her in charging.

But he obviously plays the role of the mainstay!

In terms of personal strength, these four heavenly knights of the Ernst family are much stronger than those third-level centaurs in the centaur world.

Almost in the middle of the charge, the other three people, like Thain's mother-in-law, activated their blood transformation states one after another, maximizing their strength and momentum.

At the moment when these knights and slave biological legions took action, the magician troops assembled outside the plane of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade also moved.

Nearly a thousand official magicians, headed by five third-level magicians, also joined the charging team.

They were the first to rush in and enter the green leaf world.

After entering the green leaf world, it is these magicians who will arrange the fortress, build fortifications, and open the space passages outside the green leaf world.

Thain is also among the nearly a thousand official magicians. They are the most elite force of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

This kind of dangerous task can only be left to them.

In this Greenleaf World War, the power raised by Jizhiyuan Holy Tower is more than expected before the war.

The number of magicians above level one participating in the battle alone reached 3,271.

There were 700 more magicians than Lu Lianman originally estimated.

These extra magicians are all idle magicians in the Land of Green Source, as well as hired external magicians.

Lu Lianman did not ask for help from her master, nor did she activate her personal connections.

These extra magicians are purely an unexpected gain.

This can also be seen that the foundation of Luyuan Land is not bad.

After all the well-known magician organizations in the Land of Green Origin accepted the "Chaoan" of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin and joined this micro-plane war, those small and medium-sized magician organizations that were still in a state of wavering and waiting and watching also joined in. Join in this gluttonous feast.

Being able to become a mage of the Holy Tower is indeed much better than fighting alone.

In the wizarding world, only the Holy Tower and the Knights' Hall can use the rules to launch legitimate wars with foreign countries.

Those ordinary magician family holy towers still have more advantages than disadvantages.

The success of this war call order also means that after the victory of the Green Leaf Holy Tower in the war in the Green Leaf World, the total number of registered magicians in the Green Leaf Holy Tower will exceed 3,200!

In fact, the number is even higher.

Because to this day, there are still some academic magicians who are not good at fighting and have not joined the Green Leaf World War.

These 3271 people refer to the total number of magicians participating in the war, not the number of registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

Thain is one of the thousands of pioneer magicians. In addition to the magicians who hold up various elemental shields, he is also guarded by hundreds of knights.

These knights are all "old brothers" during the Thunder World War.

Thain did not take the initiative to call them before the Greenleaf World War started.

He only informed the knights of House Ernst.

And these old brothers in front of me were all summoned by Goode and others.

The knights value brotherhood more. These knights had been with Thain through thick and thin during the Thunder World War, and they had gone through many wars.

Thanks to Thain's style of deliberately developing connections in the world of thunder, as well as his excellent alchemy and pharmacy abilities.

Almost every knight who has come into contact with Thane owes him a favor.

Under Gude's loud voice, they all still had the strength to fight, so they all responded to the war employment of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

The green leaf world is just a micro-plane, and it is also a plant-based plane that is not very good at fighting.

The war here couldn't be more intense than in the Thunder World, right?

Knights are not stupid either. They do value brotherhood, but they are also tempted by visible benefits.

During this Green Leaf World War, there were nearly a thousand Knights of the Wizarding World level or above hired by the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

Most of these knights come from the Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist.

Except for those friends that Thain knew and the knights of the Ernst family, the remaining several hundred knights all joined voluntarily.

In Good's words, "The number of damn magicians is almost several times that of knights. Can we lose this war?"

"This is not a dangerous plane war. This is purely to grab money. No fool would not go!"

Although Goode's words are rough, his reasoning is not.

Those knights voluntarily joined the war at Jizhiyuan Holy Tower, and naturally they took a fancy to the interests behind it.

In fact, the fees for the hired knights given by Lu Lianman were not high. She didn't have the spare money to hire a large army of knights.

These first-level and above knights who voluntarily participated in the war valued more the profits they plundered from the green leaf world.

As a disciple of Lu Lianman, Thain saw nearly a thousand knights above the first level of the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall. Just after the Thunder World War ended, he promptly joined the war in the Green Leaf World.

He guessed that there might also be the convenience provided by the fourth-level knight Steel Wall Fist behind this.

Although the fourth-level knight, Steel Wall Fist, was temporarily unable to lead the entire knight hall, he participated in Lu Lianman's initial attack plan on that low-level plane.

But in the miniature plane battle before us, selling favors to Lu Lianman was just a piece of cake.

A layer of light green energy channel soon appeared in Thain's field of vision.

This is a long circular passage across the surface of the barrier that appears in the green leaf world.

The broken fragments of the plane barrier around it, as well as the hurricane sweeping through the high sky of the plane, indicate that this is not a safe place.

Even first-level magicians are at risk of death if they stay here. Their magic shield may not be able to block the fragments of the plane barrier and the sharp hurricane that are squeezed here.

That is to say, a level two or above magician like Thain who has mastered the true form of the elements can better adapt to the surrounding environment.

And that light blue energy channel is very friendly to help Thain and other invading legions, providing a corridor of life into the green leaf world.

In the solid green channel, there are faint leaves appearing.

This is the power that comes from Thain's mentor Lu Lianman. The elemental truth involved in it is still incomprehensible with Thain's current knowledge.

This corridor of life, which leads straight to the interior of the green leaf world, is also a passage of death.

As Thane quickly flew through the passage, the passage beneath his feet was filled with bloody corpses.

The 150,000 centaur army that first rushed into the green leaf world was undoubtedly hit head-on by the indigenous creatures of the green leaf world.

The reaction speed of this micro-plane indigenous creature is quite fast.

In addition to a semi-god-level bamboo-leaf greenfly and nearly a thousand first-level or above bamboo-leaf greenfly and insect creatures, there are also more than 300,000 low-level indigenous biological legions of the green leaf world gathered directly below the dimensional barrier that has broken through. .

They attempt to use their own flesh and blood to resist the impact of the wizard world's vanguard forces.


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