The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 695: Lenna’s Shoulder Armor

In the hinterland of the Green Leaf Forest, Thain met Natalya and others.

The traces of fierce melee around him were even more exaggerated and brutal than the green leaf world area that Thain had passed through before.

Countless plant and insect corpses covered every area of ​​the Forest of Green Leaves.

In fact, until now, with the death of the guardian Green Ancient Banyan Tree, there are still some indigenous biological forces in the Green Leaf Forest that have not given up resistance.

The last remaining die-hard elements were left to the centaurs to encircle and suppress them.

Because most of the magicians and knights participating in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin have invested in plundering the resources and wealth of the Green Leaf Forest in advance.

As the birthplace of the Guardian, this is also the place where the royal family of Bamboo Leaf Dragonfly finally retreated.

The Forest of Green Leaves is almost the treasure land that accumulates the most wealth in the world of Green Leaves.

Although this war was initiated by the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue, the Holy Tower of Blue Origin could finally occupy and conquer this plane, which was inseparable from the efforts of every participant in the war.

Even the centaurs and Minotaur slaves who were the cannon fodder legion were able to make some money during the Greenleaf World War. How could the Holy Tower of Blue Origin have failed the knights and magicians who participated in the war?

In the final analysis, what Jizhiyuan Holy Tower really values ​​is the untapped resources of this micro-plane.

As for what was seized during the war, whoever grabs it belongs to whom.

Except for those mineral resources, all the personal seizures by knights and magicians during the war belong to themselves.

Not only that, Jizhiyuan Holy Tower will also give each participating knight and magician a reward after the war is over based on their mission completion and overall points.

It is this high-profit return method that makes so many knights and magicians in the wizarding world keen on war.

After all, knights need money to buy potions and magic equipment.

Magicians’ experimental research is also inseparable from money.

Interest is the prerequisite for a war to be initiated, carried out and ended.

When Thane met Natalya and others, these women had gained a lot from the just-concluded war in the Forest of Green Leaves.

Lenna, a second-level female knight, sat down on the trunk of an ancient tree that had been pushed down dozens of meters high. In her hand, she was holding a roasted golden hind leg of a certain creature and chewing it.

Creatures of this size almost do not exist in the green leaf world. No matter how Thain looked at the hind legs, they looked like a thunder beast from the thunder world.

In addition to fighting, eating, and sharpening oneself in the gravity training room.

Lenna's social activities are simple to the extreme.

This is also reflected in her interpersonal relationships.

Apart from Natalya and Thane, it was indeed difficult for her to find another creature of the same level that could be called a "friend".

When seeing Natalya and others, Thane flew to Lenna first.

The hind legs of the giant beast in Lenna's hands didn't know exactly how they were roasted. After smelling the aroma, Thain couldn't help but salivate.

When Thain flew in front of Lenna, the fat woman put down the barbecue in her hand in confusion.

The eight-edged heavy hammer was placed flat at Lenna's feet. This fat woman who still maintained a figure of several meters tall was simply a little giant.

They were all acquaintances. Thain said straight to the point: "I'll give you a gift. You can assist me in a few experiments later."

As soon as Thain said the word "experiment", Lenna was so frightened that the meaty leg in her hand almost dropped to the ground.

Baibai's plump chin was trembling a little, just as Lenna was thinking about how to politely refuse Thain.

As if seeing what Lenna was thinking, Thain directly raised his hand and said, "Don't reject me in a hurry. Let's take a look at the gift first, right?"

After saying that, Thane took out the shoulder armor, one of the five top-quality magic props he made some time ago.

This shoulder armor is the largest and heaviest among the five pieces of magic equipment made by Thane, and it is only suitable for Lenna to use.

The orange shoulder armor is just a shoulder pad when not activated.

The overall appearance is like a lion's head.

However, after the shoulder pads are activated with the power of special earth and metal energy, the original lion head-shaped shoulder pads will instantly transform into a half-length armor, providing the user with defense.

In addition, the shoulder armor itself also has the effects of energy shield and elemental shock.

Thain doesn't have much experience in making equipment for knights. It's really good to be able to make something like this for the first time.

This shoulder armor attracted Lenna's attention the moment it appeared, so much so that the leg she was holding in her hand fell to the ground at some point.

Not only Lenna, but also Natalya, Xia Ya and others next to her looked envious.

Fortunately, that guy Gude is not here for the time being, otherwise he would definitely have shouted that he would have to ask Thain to build a pair of armor for him even if he was very shameless. As for Thain's request for Lenna to assist him in completing the experiment?

What kind of experiment is it? Can I, Old Hei, try it too?

If he only assisted a few experiments and got a piece of top-quality equipment, Good felt that he could do the job in his place.

Lenna herself is a knight who masters the fighting spirit of earth and metal, and this shoulder armor is almost tailor-made for her.

Faced with the naked temptation thrown by Thane, Lenna, whose inner position was wavering, finally touched the shoulder armor that Thain took out by accident.

Thain was not stingy and gave it to Lenna to try.

After Lenna took it, she slapped the shoulder armor on her right shoulder.

A burst of yellow light shone, and the shoulder pads that originally looked like a lion's head were transformed into a set of half-length armor draped on Lenna's body in the rhythm of the elements.

Lenna actually has defensive equipment, including wrist guards, leg guards, and back armor.

But Lenna's size makes it difficult for her to have a full-body armor like Natalya.

It's not that Lenna can't support the heavy full-body armor, but because of her size, if she is supplemented with heavy armor, it will be difficult to maintain her wide-open and wide-open fighting style.

The shoulder armor that Thane took out this time is very suitable for Lenna.

When it is not activated, it is just a shoulder pad. After it is activated, it is just a half-armor that is worn on Lenna's body and does not affect Lenna's activities.

More importantly, due to Thain's intentional design, this shoulder armor feels very simple and domineering.

There is no way, Thain is asking for help.

Of the five pieces of magic equipment he made during this period, the one he put the most thought into in terms of design appearance was the shoulder armor in front of him.

Although Lenna was disgusted with Sean's body-building experiment, she was a fat woman who kept her word.

After getting the shoulder armor that Thane gave her, Lenna solemnly nodded and said, "Okay, then I will assist you in a few more experiments."

"By the way, how many games are they specifically?" Lenna asked hurriedly and concernedly after agreeing.

Seeing this, Thain smiled and replied: "How can I tell the specific experiments? It all depends on the conditions of the experiments."

Sean's smile made Lenna shiver inexplicably.

Suddenly, she felt that the shoulder armor in her hand was so hot.

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