The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 900 The end of the war

When Thain and Lenna dived into the crater against the hot lava that was gushing out, the demigod-level earth dragon, which was beaten by Lenna until his eyes were full of stars and was extremely furious, pounced on them regardless.

With a length of nearly a kilometer, this earth dragon became an almost perfect bottle stopper after drilling into the crater.

In fact, in the middle of the dive, because the intensive energy rays in the sky had already opened fire, the Earth Dragon, who also felt the great crisis, continued to charge towards the crater, not only to chase down the two Thain, but also to protect himself.

The less intelligent a creature is, the more it has an outstanding sense of danger and an instinctive means of survival.

On the contrary, those creatures with higher intelligence, such as the magicians of the Wizarding World on this battlefield, were stunned for a moment and stared blankly at the dense energy rays coming from the fortress in the sky, without giving themselves time ‏‎‏‎ Put on the magic shield when ‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏.

No, in fact, even if they put a magic shield on themselves, with the level of these first- and second-level magicians, it is impossible to block the covering energy attack of the space fortress, and there are still three waves!

An indescribable scene of destruction and horror appeared in the center of the Akale Plain.

Under this unparalleled firepower intensity, not only the indigenous biological legions of the Gumo plane, but also the knights and magician legions of the Wizarding World were all wiped out like fallen straw by the giant space fortress in the sky. .

The one-tenth core area of ​​the Akalie Plain battlefield that was mainly taken care of by the space fortress's firepower was still the core area.

As for the battlefields outside the core area, although they are also radiated by the aftermath of the fortress's energy rays and the power of elemental impact, they are not as exaggerated as the scenes of annihilation in the central area.

The purpose of a wizard civilization to conquer a world is never to destroy it.

But the tragedy that is happening in the center of the Akale Plain before us represents the purest destruction.

Although these beams of dense energy rays helped the fifth-level magician Dark Fire to get out of trouble, the sky-high energy reserves spent behind them and the heavy losses caused to one's own magician army were not known to a mere Gumo position. Can you please add some more?

It probably won't work.

Otherwise, the Master of Dark Fire should have ordered the space fortress to open fire to the maximum extent a few years ago to clear out the living forces in the Gumo plane.

When the 30,000-meter-diameter space fortress released the second wave, and the jet-black giant energy light beam gathered by the fortress's main gun appeared for the second time in this war Jedi, the silver law matrix that originally struggled to trap the dark fire , and finally collapsed with a "bang".

Although the first main cannon of world-destroying death hit the center of the Akale Plain, under the conscious control of Dark Fire, this main cannon was mainly aimed at the fourth-level Gulan Lizard God.

The space fortress in the wizarding world has always been comparable to creatures above level 4, and its main gun is said to have the ability to kill creatures above level 4.

However, after hundreds of thousands of years of civilized war history, there are very few alien level four or above creatures that have died under the muzzle of the wizard's civilized space fortress.

No matter how much the space fortress is upgraded and transformed, it is just a dead thing, a large war platform controlled by countless low-level life forms.

Compared with real creatures above level four, just flexibility is not on the same level.

Unless a level four creature ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ is stupid enough to stay in place and let you hit it, otherwise the space fortress’s main gun needs a certain amount of time to gather energy. This kind of war platform has always been a weapon for slaughtering legions of low-level creatures. I have never seen a powerful person in the wizarding world specifically use it to deal with foreign gods.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some special models of space fortresses and privately customized cutting-edge space fortresses are indeed capable of fighting against gods from other worlds.

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But the current space fortress of Master Dark Fire is definitely not up to that level.

But today, another god from another world fell to the main cannon of the wizard world’s space fortress!

Because the fourth-level Gulan Lizard God had to maintain the silver rune matrix, this alien god remained motionless in the face of the main artillery strikes from the space fortress in the sky.

The final result was a pitch-black energy column of world-destroying death light in the sky, which directly wiped out half of its body!

The annihilation of half of his head and heart made it impossible for the Gulan Lizard God, who was already seriously injured, to hold on any longer.

Following the High Priest of the Mokenu people, this alien god dropped his remaining divine body into the molten earth that had been penetrated underground, completely losing the breath of life!

In a very short period of time, two local gods were lost one after another, and the war in the Gumo plane could actually come to an end here.

The second world-destroying death ray was originally aimed at Golou, the earthworm king who had sneaked into the underground.

But the terrifying power of the world-destroying death light directly frightened the courage of the Earthworm King Golo. It did not have the noble dedication of the Mokenu High Priest and the Gulan Lizard God.

It's evil enough to have two extremely fierce indigenous gods in one plane, but naturally there can't be three.

As long as life forms above level four like this are willing to give up their home plane, the star realm is so vast, where can't they go?

No matter where they go, with their power, they can dominate.

There are so many wandering gods in the star world. Except for a few practitioners who travel by themselves, many of them are actually unlucky people who have lost their mother plane.

However, at this critical moment, Golou Earthworm King's mind still did not move too fast.

It did not choose to take advantage of the weakness of the Dark Fire to break out from the sky and leave this low-level plane.

Instead, he swung his body, his head sank, and went directly into the ground.

The vast and thick earth can bring a sense of security that is extremely familiar to Golou, the Earthworm King.

But it was also this stupid move that made it impossible for the King of Earthworms to escape from this low-level plane.

With the huge loss and strength of the fifth-level magician Dark Fire, he would never let this indigenous god escape.

Even the dead body of Golou Earthworm King was not enough to make up for his losses. He must catch him alive this time!

The King of Earthworms, Golou, was left alone. Faced with the powerful Dark Fire, he could only flee in vain.

Of course, Golou Earthworm King still left half of his body to this central battlefield.

The world-destroying death light with astonishing penetrating power not only penetrated the core of the Gumo plane, but also cut off the second half of the Earthworm King's body.

Only the front half of its body penetrated deep into the ground. As for the second half of the body, which was obviously not very active, it was the Dark Fire Master who had escaped from the trap and quickly surrounded it with the power of the dark fire element.

The elemental energy in the sky is still surging.

The fifth-level magician Dark Fire ordered the third wave of volleys from the space fortress to be stopped.

At the same time, the magic wand in his hand raised a giant light black magic shield that could cover one third of the battlefield.

The appearance of this layer of magic shield blocked part of the energy threat from the sky for the knights and magician legions below the battlefield.

But the matter has come to this, and even with the cold mind of this fifth-level magician, he cannot bear to look at the tragic scene of the two fighting legions below.


Yesterday I went to visit my girlfriend's house in the next county, so I took a day off.

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