The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 903: Become thinner and more beautiful

After obtaining the temporary badge of the Holy Tower, Thain quickly contacted Natalya and Yuli.

Natalya was also at the fortress main base at this time, but the difference was that she was now lying in the ward in the rest area.

When the Space Fortress launched an indiscriminate coverage attack on the center of the Akale Plain three months ago, Natalya's location at that time was very close to the center of the plain.

So she was unlucky enough to be seriously injured by the energy beam that shot down from the sky.

Because Yuli was in a constructed devil, although her constructed devil was seriously damaged, she herself was not seriously injured.

Like Natalya, there are many knights and magicians lying in the rest area of ​​the main fortress at this time.

It's also thanks to the fact that the indigenous biological legions in the Gumo plane can no longer assemble a decent effective force, and they have completely lost their will to fight.

Otherwise, with the background of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, it will not be able to support a battle comparable to the decisive battle of Akale Plains for the time being.

The moment she saw Thain again, uncontrollable tears welled up in Natalya's eyes.

She thought Thain was dead and was ready to be a widow.

However, before Natalya could express her true feelings to Thain, Lenna followed Thain into the ward, leaving Natalya, who was hugging Thain, stunned for a moment.

"Who are you?" Natalya subconsciously hugged Thain tightly, like a little girl holding on to her favorite toy.

It’s no wonder that Natalya’s eyesight is so stupid that she couldn’t even recognize her best friend.

In fact, after experiencing the double crisis in the underground world, Lenna's appearance has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The person in front of him, except for a tied up braid, was 100% connected to the previous Lenna.

The remaining ninety-nine percent, even if Lenna's parents were brought over, they probably wouldn't recognize her as their daughter.

Lenna's skin has always been white and tender, which is something both Sean and Natalya know.

This kind of fair and tender body, compared to Lenna's previous figure, there was nothing outstanding about her.

But now, placed on Lenna, who is 1.8 meters tall and has a slim figure, it has become a sharp weapon for killing people's eyes, especially for male creatures.

When Thain took Lenna through the rest area, many of the wounded knights who were chatting and spanking couldn't help but enter a state of almost suffocating silence.

Especially those male knights, their eyes almost popped out.

Even Thain, who held each other in the underground world with Lenna and soaked in lava baths for three months, did not expect that after the fat-burning secret burst was over and there was no trace of fat or excess fat in Lenna's body, her appearance and body shape would change. It will become so perfect!

No, Thain actually saw the shadow of perfect evolution in Lenna as early as the first-level magician stage.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Her perfect figure at this time is actually exactly what Thain said about her back then!

Only absolutely perfect passive evolution can evolve such a perfect figure.

Her lordosis was so high that even Natalya, who had always had a broad mind, couldn't help but feel a little inferior after looking down at her own.

As for facial appearance, of course it has little to do with passive evolution.

Why did Lenna still have an almost flawless face after losing weight?

All I can say is...ahem...fat people are all potential please cherish every fat person around you...

Lenna’s face is round, but with her exquisite appearance at this time, Thain, who has always pursued the truth, has to admit that aside from the subjective psychological effects, Lunna’s face at this time‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​ ‏‏‎‎‏‏Na is indeed the most beautiful woman in the wizarding world that Thane has ever seen.

"Well... it may be that my body has undergone some adaptive changes after being promoted to level three, or it may be the sequelae of the explosion of fat-burning secret skills. Not only has my appearance changed, but my height has also shrunk a lot. It didn't scare you, right?" Na touched her head and said.

Appearance and height can change, but temperament and daily living habits cannot.

As soon as Lenna opened her mouth, Natalya recognized her best friend.

So much so that the woman couldn't even care about the excitement of having just reunited with her husband. She grabbed Lenna and leaned closer to ask questions.

Of course, apart from the experience of Sean and Lenna being missing for several months, Natalya’s main question was how did Lenna become thinner and why is her skin so white?

Under the premise of the impact of Lenna becoming thinner and more beautiful, Natalaya was not too surprised to learn that the other party had successfully promoted to level three.

Like Thain, Lenna also received a large number of mission points worth nearly 20,000 magic coins after the war.

After communicating with Natalya, I found that Natalya was the same.

The war wealth totaling 60,000 magic coins marked the outstanding role that Thane and his team played in this plane war.

You know, Thain's entire net worth is now only a little over 50,000 magic coins. He spent a lot of money traveling to many alliance planes and participating in star port auctions.

Both Natalya and Lenna suddenly received such a large sum of money. After experiencing the initial joy of reunion, the two women gradually discussed how to spend the money.

Perhaps stimulated by Lenna's perfect appearance, Nataya was determined to buy a large number of magic potions and cosmetics for skin care.

Even if she can't reach the level of whiteness and tenderness like Lenna in the end, Natalya still wants her skin to be better. It has to be said that among the women who have skin-to-skin contact with Thain, Natalya, who was born as a knight, does have the worst skin quality among them.

Who knows that she is a knight who needs to fight in battle, and when she trains and breaks down her muscle cells, how can she care about protecting her skin.

Although Natalya seemed a bit yellow-faced in the presence of Lenna, after so many years of getting along with her, Thain actually liked and cared about Natalya more than before.

No matter how good-looking the appearance is, it is just a skin. Thain has always paid more attention to inner beauty.

Unknowingly, Natalya has already conquered Thane's heart.

Perhaps this carefree female knight herself did not expect that she would occupy an extremely important position in Thane's heart.

Including Lenna's serious injury this time, it was also caused by her desperate attempt to rescue Thain and the others.

Nataya, who is like a woman, directly discussed with Lenna how to spend the money. She didn't care that Thain, a male, was still here.

Sometimes women are more explicit and bold when talking about certain topics than men.

After all, Natalya is already a wife, she knows basically everything, and sometimes she even has fun with Thain.

But Lenna has never experienced such a battle.

Including the fact that in the past, in order to take care of Lenna's obesity, Natalya almost never mentioned certain sensitive contents in front of her.

But now that the best friends are reunited, and the other party is so beautiful, it is obvious that certain topics in the past can be released.

Lenna couldn't help but blushing, and she didn't know how to answer Natalya's topic.

When asked how she planned to spend the money, the honest Lenna nodded and replied: "I plan to buy more food!"

Nature is easy to change but Lenna is still the same foodie. She did not change her interests and hobbies just because she became thinner and more beautiful.

"It's possible for your body shape and appearance to rebound."

"If the sea-reclamation of food is not checked, there is a high probability that it will return to its previous appearance." Thain touched his chin and muttered.

Sean touched his chin and looked at him with scrutiny, which made Lenna's chin tremble slightly.

Lenna had seen this kind of gaze examining prey and experimental subjects in the laboratory more than once before.

"Then less?" Lenna couldn't help but asked.

"No need, you can also eat more at once."

"This way I can study and judge your physical condition." Thain said with a flash of light in his eyes.

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