The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 911 A transaction

On the floating ship, Thain, who maintained part of the Balrog transformation, looked at the fat man in front of him with his unhurried eyes.

The situation went more smoothly than Thane imagined. When he arrived at the floating ship, the magicians stationed on the floating ship did not even offer any decent resistance.

A pure academic magician and a senior war magician who has experienced several plane wars are indeed two extremes.

Of course, the reason why this floating ship stopped obediently is also related to the character of Boss, the first-level magician who is responsible for everything on the ship.

"Your name is Boss?" Thain couldn't help but ask again.

His temperament and conversation were not that of a black magician. After discovering that the floating ship had no will to resist, Thain did not show any arrogance or unreasonable side.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ "Yes...yes, Master." Boss replied tremblingly.

I don't know how much stronger Thane is than Boss, because his magic level is really average. Boss can't even see that Thain's life level is still at level two, but thinks that he is a menacing level three magician. .

Also, at the Second Public Magic Academy in France, the two third-level deans whom Boss met only at the opening ceremony by chance were not as strong as Thain in front of him in terms of personal aura.

Facing such a powerful opponent, Bose didn't even have a hint of resistance.

If he really encountered the legendary and notorious black magician, Boss would have no choice but to admit defeat.

This fat man is very aware of current affairs and has a relatively open-minded personality, which can also be said to be decadent.

Bose's non-resistance performance made Thain very satisfied.

But what aroused Thain's interest even more was the other person's name and appearance.

When Thain was an apprentice at the Black Magic Academy in the underground city of Mensobra, he had two companions.

One is Meili, who is currently working at the Holy Tower of Dawn on the south coast and has been promoted to the first level.

There is another one, a little fat guy named Baos.

After the exploration of the yellow sand world ended that year, Thain never saw Bos again.

Later, due to the destruction of the city of Mosobra by the Holy Tower Organization on the surface, an unknown number of people disappeared.

In that level of melee, not even the formal black magicians of level one or above were killed, let alone Boss, who was an apprentice. Thain can still remember the other person’s money-loving character.

Although there was no clear evidence, both Thain and Meili had a hunch that Bose might be dead, and his body was buried in an underground crevice unknown.

The appearance of the first-level magician from the Ebalut Empire named Boss was in front of him. Thain observed him several times, but there was not much similarity with the Boss in his memory.

And Thain also casually asked about the other party's age. Bos, who was only 120 years old, was less than half of Thain's age.

If Boss was still alive back then, he would definitely be over 300 years old like Thain now.

The deceased are gone, and most of the former friends can only remain in their own memories. The path of truth exploration is still lonely after all.

However, the Boss magician in front of him, with his fat figure and round face, still made Thain inevitably have a good impression.

Even if the other person is not the friend in Thain's memory, Thain still can't help but take his place.

Thinking of Bose's money-grubbing side, Thain couldn't help but smile on his face, and asked casually: "What will you do if all these magic apprentices are intercepted by me?"

The absolute disparity in strength, as well as his slight affection for the man in front of him and the magician, made Thain not immediately intercept the boat and leave, but instead asked in a joking manner.

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Thain's question is not meaningless.

At least he has found out the situation clearly, which will make it easier for him to take action next time.

Two hundred magic apprentices were simply not enough. Just to replenish the number of apprentices at Dark Fire Holy Tower Academy to the original level, he would have to bring back at least four thousand apprentices.

Facing Thain's inquiry, Bose's face turned pale.

"Are you really a black magician?" Bos almost cried.

When Thain's eyes turned cold immediately, Boss didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Instead, he answered honestly: "The Second Public Magic Academy in France will not let me go. I may have to work for the academy until I am eight hundred years old to make up for the loss of the academy."

Boss didn't lie, but he thought that in addition to intercepting the magic apprentice, Thain would also intercept the floating ship.

Calculating the overall losses, it is reasonable for Bose to work for the Second Public School of France for another four hundred years to pay off the debt.

"Other than that? If I only take away these apprentices and leave the float to you, how will you explain to the academy?" Thain continued to ask. After finally meeting a weak academic first-level magician, how could Thain let him go?

Boss glanced at Thain quietly and whispered: "I will report the truth. From the perspective of the academy's senior leaders, they will certainly judge that I am not your opponent."

"Maybe the college won't punish me too harshly, but some of the corresponding punishment and losses will definitely be on me." Boss replied.

"What else? From your eyes, I seem to see that you have a backup plan." Thain smiled.

The fat man in front of him was obviously just a junior brother, or he had been in the academy's closed study for too long, and he wasn't even good at hiding his true emotions.

This "nerdy" type of magician is also a relatively common type among academic magicians.


When a first-level magician like him steps into the battlefield of another dimension, even if he has a relatively powerful magical elemental power, his performance in the war may not be better than that of a quasi-knight-level slave cannon fodder with rich war experience.

Every year in the alien wars launched by wizard civilization, a large number of newly promoted first-level knights and magicians fall on the battlefield, especially those who are participating in the war for the first time.

Only those who have experienced at least one plane war can be considered a qualified war mage or war knight.

Level-leap challenges are not exclusive to knights and magicians in the wizarding world.

Every year, a large number of knights and magicians from the wizarding world who have little war experience or are careless die at the hands of indigenous creatures from the alien plane that are far weaker than themselves.

During war, anything can happen.

Facing Thain's questioning again, Fatty Baos didn't dare to hide anything anymore, and directly expressed the little Jiujiu in his heart.

"If we just steal a group of apprentices..." Boss grinned, glanced at Thain in front of him, and whispered: "I will return to those dozen lower-level cities and recruit a new group of apprentices."

"These apprentices have not been registered by the college yet. As long as I match the numbers, the college should not notice any problems."

"The quality of the apprentices is definitely not as good as this batch." Boss said honestly. This was also the last way he could avoid punishment from the academy.

Bos's answer made Thain's eyes light up.

Regardless of whether the fat man agreed or not, Thain said directly: "Little guy, how about we make a deal?!"

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