The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 922: Level 3 Magician of Xingyang Holy Tower

When Jenny and others controlled the floating ship and returned eastward to the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, until it gradually turned into a black dot.

Thain also left this place, ignoring the seven severely injured Xingyang Holy Tower magicians on the ground.

The direction in which Thane was flying was to the south of the Petrified Forest.

With strong mental power and keen judgment, Thain concluded that the people coming from the west of the Petrified Forest were stronger than those from the south.

The meal had to be eaten one bite at a time. The team of magicians who had crossed the border from Xingyang Holy Tower this time was a hard bun, and he had to break it open and taste it slowly.

Andre, the third-level great magician from the Xingyang Holy Tower, was discussing relevant issues related to the fire element fusion experiment with his fellow third-level magician Adolf.

Andre is a pure fire elemental master. His obsession with fire element magic, especially the research in the field of particle fusion, makes Andre Lie hesitated for a long time three hundred years ago and finally chose to join the Xingyang Holy Tower.

The tower master of Xingyang Holy Tower is a fifth-level magician with profound research in the fields of fire, light and astrology.

In particular, the star system that the other party is involved in is not the esoteric knowledge contained in the galaxy distribution maps studied by astrologers in the wizarding world in the traditional sense.

Instead, the master of the Xingyang Holy Tower ignored the appearance and went directly to study the secret of particle explosion contained in the process of planetary fusion.

This subject also has a certain market in the wizarding world, but not many people have really studied it thoroughly.

The reason is that this type of astrology should be specifically called "planetary fusion science". This is a field of knowledge that many technological civilizations are better at.

It is said that before being promoted to the fifth level, the master of the Xingyang Holy Tower wandered the star world as a fourth-level magician and stayed for a long time in an unknown medium-sized technological civilization that had not joined the Wizards Alliance.

It was also during this period that he advanced his theoretical scholarship to a more complete stage and was promoted to level five.

Regarding the fusion of planetary particles, it is not an area that Andre can study yet.

This thing is the same as the power of law. It is too high-end and cannot be touched by ordinary magicians.

It is estimated that only those who have reached the stage of magician of demigod level or above can attempt contact research.

Master Andre is not the kind of person who aims too high. Planetary particles do not need to be considered for the time being, but the fusion experiment of fire element particles has been his main research topic in the past two hundred years.

With the help of Xingyang Holy Tower's advanced theoretical research in this area, Master Andre has made successive breakthroughs in related experiments in recent years, and even his own strength is increasing day by day.

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This time he came to the Dark Fire Holy Tower area to perform the academy's mission, which was also the result of the tower owner's personal instructions to Andre.

The Dark Fire Holy Tower and the Xingyang Holy Tower are still Holy Tower organizations in the wizarding world, and the Holy Towers are built adjacent to each other.

The master of the Xingyang Holy Tower, who is also at the fifth level of strength, has suffered a lot from the Dark Fire in recent years, but he still has no intention of completely breaking up with the Dark Fire.

For example, this time the Xingyang Holy Tower united with the other three holy towers in the surrounding area to target the Dark Fire Holy Tower. The highest combat power they sent was only the third-level great magician, and no demigod-level magician was sent to cause trouble.

Xingyang Holy Tower also knows that the Dark Fire Holy Tower has been in distress in recent years, and there is currently no demigod-level magician in charge. It does not really mean that the Holy Tower of Dark Fire will not be able to recruit apprentices, so that the inheritance will eventually be cut off.


The tower owner of Xingyang Holy Tower just wants the fire of darkness to bow its head.

Ever since this guy established the Holy Tower in this land of black volcanoes, the degree of harmony among the Holy Tower organizations in the nearby area has significantly decreased.

The owner of the Xingyang Holy Tower doesn't want to waste energy on meaningless internal fighting, but it's a pity that the Dark Fire guy is too annoying.

A few years ago, he even sent magicians to snatch high-quality apprentices in his holy tower area.

No matter from which aspect, the actions of the tower master of Xingyang Holy Tower can be regarded as self-defense and counterattack.

Although there is no intention to send out demigod-level magicians to amplify the conflicts between the Holy Tower organizations in adjacent areas, it does not mean that the Xingyang Holy Tower is a good old man who can be bullied.

Andre, who is in the mid-level third level, is the trump card arranged by the master of Xingyang Holy Tower this time.

Andre is not a veteran third-level magician. He is very young, less than 2,000 years old this year.

Achieving Level 3 at this age is already very impressive.

However, what really stands out about Andre is not his age, but the mysteries of the fire element that he is studying.

Research in the field of planetary particle fusion can be regarded as one of the signatures of the master of the Xingyang Holy Tower.

Although the master of Xingyang Holy Tower did not accept Andre as a disciple, he did impart a lot of true knowledge to him.

With the fire element fusion energy that Andre can explode, the data tested in the last experiment is already close to the level of demigod-level creatures.

With him taking action, at least the owner of the Xingyang Holy Tower does not have to worry about losing his face in the end.

At this time, the third-level great magician Adolf who was traveling with Andre was also one of the registered magicians of Xingyang Holy Tower.

Master Adolf is older than Andre, and is over 7,000 years old this year.

Moreover, the field that this master is good at is also the mysteries of the water system, which is completely unrelated to the mysteries of truth that Andre is exploring.

However, his rich experience and long years have given Master Adolf wisdom and insights into elements far beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, Andre's personal combat effectiveness may be stronger, but in his words, he is extremely respectful to Master Adolf and considers himself a junior.

Some of the experimental conjectures and magical theories told by Adolf really impressed Andre. He could not wait to return to the laboratory of Xingyang Holy Tower immediately to engage in research in related fields.

However, before the excitement in Andre's mind had passed, the big handprints in front of him, as well as seven magicians including Flaman who was seriously injured and weak, made Andre‏‎‏‎‏​ ‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏The others were poured cold water on their heads.

"Who did it?!" Andre asked in a deep voice.

For Andre, this academy mission is related to whether he can obtain another elemental fusion secret from the tower master that is more important to him.

Therefore, he did not tolerate any mistakes.

Before Framan and the others below could respond, "Boom!" Another violent sound and elemental explosion appeared to the south of where they were at this time.

"That seems to be where Master Guinness and the others are." Master Adolf, who had a gray beard but bright eyes, said aloud.

Guinness is also one of the third-level magicians of Xingyang Holy Tower.

Since the Dark Fire Holy Tower is extremely short of personnel at this time, the Xingyang Holy Tower only sent three great magicians to cause trouble and target this time.

It's not like there's an all-out war between the Holy Towers, and if they stumble each other to this extent, it's not out of line.

Although Master Guinness is a woman, she is not weak among the three.

But at this moment, in addition to the sound of elemental explosions, the shouts coming from him also indicated that the other party's situation might not be good at this time.

The elemental mysteries that Master Guinness is good at is the summoning system.

With two third-level summoned beasts with fixed contracts, Master Guinness's strength is something even Andre wouldn't dare to underestimate.

But at this time, the violent environmental turbulence coming from the distance was obviously not an ordinary sparring and petty fight.

Looking at Adolf, Andre hurriedly turned into a pillar of fire and flew straight towards the battlefield in the southern part of the Petrified Forest.

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