The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 109: Forming Pills

Kunlun Magic Palace.

The shrill screams reverberated in the air, as if the demons had seized their souls, and the disciples and servants with lower cultivation had died one after another.

In the end, a great prohibition formation emerged, isolating the great hall where Yamaluo lived.

outside the hall.

Demon Dragon, Shura, Sea of ​​Blood, and Ten Thousand Bones, the Four Demonic Sect Masters, all appeared together, with extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

"Unfortunately, I thought that the four True Monarchs of the Kunlun Devil Palace would become the top five... Now it seems that there are still four..." True Monarch Asura said with a strange smile.

"Just chasing a mere golden pill, how can you do this?" Demon Dragon True Monarch frowned.

The reason for this is still with him.

"This is an injury to the soul of the dharma, it should be the injury of the flying sword... It's just very sinister, it seems to contain the supreme means of righteousness and demons, and the ordinary method of repairing the soul, I'm afraid it won't work."

Wan Gu glanced at the True Monarch of the Sea of ​​Blood next to him: "I heard that this time, all the Seven Great Golden Elixir True Inheritances have died, and only your daughter-in-law survived?"

"The one who shot is obviously a spy, what does it have to do with my apprentice?" True Monarch Blood Sea said indifferently: "Even if there are some small secrets, it's okay, as long as her blood shadow is a great success, the old man will personally take action and take her away. Soul Refinement..."

"Okay, you feel bad for a blood godson, then wait..." True Monarch Ten Thousand Bones looked at True Monarch Shura again: "What can you calculate?"

"The righteous spies who shot this time are hazy. There should be some magic weapon secret to suppress their own secrets, but it has a lot to do with the person who let go of the dragon last time!"

True Monarch Asura glanced at True Monarch Demon Dragon and said indifferently.

"Shushan! It's Shushan again!"

The Demon Dragon True Monarch roared immediately.

On that day, Zhuge Wenxian walked on the dragon, don't be too aggressive, he was recognized early, and the news was placed on the desks of the various demons.

It was only when he hid back to the Shushan Sword Sect that he could do nothing for a while.

At this time, I could only hear Yan Moruo's wailing even more in the hall, and the natal law appeared.

There were countless granulation-like arms on the body of the god and demon, and they flew up the hall, trying to make up for the cracks themselves, but to no avail.

"His divine constantly weakening, and I'm afraid that when the seven-day period arrives, it will be completely destroyed! Even reincarnation is impossible!"

True Monarch Asura exclaimed: "When did such a vicious flying sword come out between heaven and earth?"

The other three true monarchs also had ugly faces and said, "For today's plan, I have to go and invite the ancestors."

Daojun Minghe has been cultivating in the Jiuyou Magic Spring, wanting to break through the last barrier, cross the tribulation to achieve the perfect way of heaven and demons, and open a precedent for the demonic way in this world.

In this world, in the side door, there has never been a true master of the law that can cultivate longevity and break through the master of the primordial spirit.

The Demon Sect is slightly better than the Side Sect, but only by refining the Primordial Spirit, it cannot rise through calamity.

Daojun Minghe is a mana, in fact, even those immortals who are about to ascend in the right way are extremely afraid, but the Dao is hopeless and has been wasted in the mortal world.

I don't know when I will be able to break through that last layer.

After all, the ascension of the demons is unacceptable to the world, and the doom that is brewing is even more terrifying!


Fang Xian didn't know that Yan Moruo was seriously injured and difficult to recover, and he had reached the point of alarming Yuanshen Daojun.

At this time, after escaping from the Kunlun Devil Palace area, he began to prepare to form the pill.

A barren mountain.

Fang Xian called up the attribute bar:


[Talent: Eye of Dongxuan]

[Realm: Divine Ability]

[Nanming Li Huojian Jue: Dacheng]

[Taixu Breaks the Body and Invisible Sword Art: Dacheng]

[Six Paths of Reincarnation: Dacheng]


"No matter how I deduce the Six Paths of Reincarnation,

They are only at the level of spiritual art, and at most the pills are of the middle and low grades, and they have to be supplemented by other things..."

Fang Xian closed his eyes, his mana surged, and in his dantian, the magical talisman formed by the Six Paths of Reincarnation suddenly rose and began to form elixir.

Black and white light emerged, with six phantoms.

Suddenly, the six-layer phantom merged in the middle and turned into a somewhat mixed illusory core.

The sky was turbulent, the clouds were dense, and the spiritual energy swept through, turning into a vortex.

Even if it's just a magical power, Cheng Dan's momentum is not inferior to those of the top three!

If you condense solid pills in this way, I am afraid that there is a hope that pills will become the fourth grade.

Fang Xian took out the eternal fire of good fortune and absorbed this fire into his dantian.

This fire has been burning for thousands of years, and it is immortal.

Under the scorching fire of good fortune, the illusory pill suddenly became smaller, and the impurities in the pill suddenly decreased.

[UU Reading 00ks] Seeing this, Fang Xian Changlong was absorbing water, and he swallowed the water from the Styx River in the Nine Nether Springs.

This Styx River's true water is the hard work of Daojun Minghe, which can refine the negative qualities of the law and enhance the Taoism of the true master of the law.

Used here, I saw that under the attack of water and fire, the illusory core kept shrinking, but the inside was gradually purified.


Seeing this, Fang Xian made another trick, to completely absorb the fire of good fortune and the water of the Ming River into the virtual core, so that the dragon and tiger meet, and the golden core is complete!

But the virtual core trembled, unexpectedly unstable for a while.

The vortex of spiritual energy surging outside slowly slowed down, and there was a tendency to disintegrate!

"Is it so difficult to reincarnate into a pill?"

"But my secret method is already based on the blood hexagram of the turtle and the blood, and I have achieved it with the attributes column.

Fang Xian frowned.

If Cheng Dan delays for too long, the doom will become stronger, and it will be easier to fail.

If nothing else, with such a huge momentum, monks from thousands of miles nearby might be attracted.

He looked at the virtual core in his body, and his mind was in a trance for a while, thinking of the previous life, the previous life...

"The first two generations were confused, and the third generation beat the contemporary, but due to the limitations of the world, they could not live forever..."

Those scenes of joys and sorrows emerged in Fang Xian's heart.

His heart has long been tempered and unmoved by foreign objects.

"I understand... If you want to be reincarnated into a pill, in addition to the endless fire of good fortune and the water of the nine secluded yellow springs... you also need a reincarnation heart!"

"In this world, there is no monk who is more suitable for practicing the way of reincarnation than me!"

Fang Xian put a bit of Samsara's thoughts into the virtual core, and even the invisible attribute bar seemed to be shaking slightly.

After this little thought, the illusory core immediately stabilized, black and white intertwined, expanding and collapsing continuously, and finally completely stabilized, condensing into a round golden core!

Unparalleled quality - the nine-turn life and death reincarnation pill!

"Shangqiongbi falls to Huangquan, and the two rivers reincarnate!"

Fang Xian let out a long whistle, and the electric snake danced wildly in the sky, as if it was about to descend an infinite thunder.

But the next moment, a roulette shadow appeared.

Small round plate!

This cycle of reincarnation traverses the heavens and the earth, and with a slight rotation, the thunder tribulations in the sky will be completely eliminated.

The vision of Dancheng - reincarnation!

"Jindan has the vision of the Dharma. I achieved the ninth round of life and death reincarnation pill, and I really grasped the fate of this innate spiritual treasure!"

Fang Xian smiled slightly, and saw the reincarnation disc turning, a trace of reincarnation power fell on his golden core.

This is his special golden core, which inspired a trace of the power of reincarnation and completely disrupted his own secret.

Even Yuanshen Daojun can't count him!

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