The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 116 Questions and Answers

Mountain dwelling.

The figure flashed, Fang Xian emerged, still sitting facing the pool, watching the water.

It seemed that everything that had happened before was just an illusion.

His face was calm, and in fact, after suppressing the skyrocketing magical powers, he started the comprehension of "Dongxuan Secret Record".

The last time Fang Xian tried to choose a direction for enlightenment, he obtained some fragmentary information.

Now, with the practice of Dharma, continue to follow the path to enlightenment.

The surrounding environment seems to have some inexplicable changes.

A vine next to the pond seemed to move and grow a tentacle.

The soil on the ground swayed, and strangely-shaped flowers and mushrooms appeared...


There was a strange voice in the void, but it was not a demon.

In this area, even the demons dare not descend to the realm!


I don't know how long ago, Fang Xian opened his eyes and waved his hand.

Everything around was back to normal.

"Distracting Mind Possesses the Great Divine Ability of Body Seizure..." He silently gave a name to the method he comprehended.

While thinking about it, he suddenly raised his head and looked outside the mountain residence.

"Why are there so many experts from outside the city?"

Lu Hou stepped on the Fire Dragon Sword and rushed over after realizing it: "I hope Master is all right..."

He dropped the sword light outside the mountain residence, just as he was about to meet him, suddenly he saw a few escape lights falling from the horizon, and it was actually Monk Sanxiao and Erxian Erying.

"But fellow Daoist Lu?"

The monk Sanxiao said with a smile: "Please let your fellow Taoists report, Shushan Sanxiao asks to see you!"

Although he could fly in carelessly, it would be too rude.

This monk will follow the rules step by step, obviously according to the etiquette, to visit a certain senior of the right way.

"Okay, I'll go..."

Lu Hou looked at Gu Daoxian who was waiting with his hands, and suddenly felt a little happy in his heart, and strode into the mountain residence.

When I came to the courtyard, I knelt down to Fang Xian who was sitting cross-legged on the blue stone: "Master, Shushan smiled three times, and asks to see you with your disciples!"

"Let them in."

Fang Xian waved his hand.

Lu Hou went out again, bringing San Xiao and Si Xiao in.

When the monk Sanxiao saw Fang Xian, he immediately put his hands together: "Congratulations to the predecessors for breaking the realm of the law and achieving the position of true monarch from now on!"

Erxian Erying had obviously been reminded before, but their expressions were different.

Zhu Yingzi and Han Yingzhu were both admirable and happy, Zhuge Wenxian was envious and sad, and Gu Daoxian had the most expressive expressions, which made Lu Hou want to laugh.

At this time, they also said: "Congratulations to the seniors."

"Well, I don't know why you came this time?" Fang Xian asked.

"The great calamity of the righteous devil is about to arise, so I have come here to invite the seniors to help with the sword!" Monk Sanxiao said solemnly: "Senior may not know, it is difficult for the devil to ascend, because the number of calamities is huge... There has never been a heavenly devil in this world. If you don’t cultivate good fruits, but if you want to become enlightened, your doom will be heavy… His doom is the doom that he will transform into the world!”

Fang Xian pinched his fingers and sighed: "The sea of ​​blood, the waves, sweep the world, kill all living beings, and prove the devil."

"That's right. It can be said that this old demon has become a doom for all monks and cannot be avoided." Monk Sanxiao nodded again and again.

"That old demon behaves like this, isn't he afraid of heaven?"

Fang Xian was a little puzzled.

"Minghe Daojun has also considered this point, and he has not dared to cross the calamity, but he has been practicing hard for thousands of years under the Jiuyou Magic Spring, and he has also obtained enlightenment and found the 12th grade blood lotus platform. Lipstick Lotus Flying Sword! That Red Lotus Flying Sword is the number one flying sword in the magic way.

Murder is not affected by cause and effect, if you hold this sword, you can try to forcibly cross the calamity. "Three smiles monk said.

"It seems that he has already made the red lotus flying sword in advance..." Fang Xian sighed: "If that's the case, what else is there to say, I will also take action when the time comes to end this doom."

"Thank you, senior!" Monk Sanxiao was overjoyed.


Silent night.

On the edge of the pond, Fang Xian said indifferently, "Come out!"

A sword light appeared, and Zhuge Wenxian stood tall and stood upright, and bowed: "I have seen senior!"

"Do you have something to ask me in private?" Fang Xian's mouth twitched, half a smile.

"Yes... My name is Wenxian, I have admired the immortal way since I was a child, and since I entered the Shushan Mountain, it can be considered a meticulous practice, eliminating demons and guarding the way, and helping [UU Kanshu 00kxs] justice... But why is this the more so, the more I feel that this life is hopeless for the immortal way Instead, it's not as good as the predecessors, and the way is sublime?"

Zhuge Wenxian's eyes were faint. In fact, what he wanted to ask was that they were the same three immortals. Why is there such a big gap?

Fang Xian thought for a while and replied, "Three Immortals and Two Heroes, with their own great luck, if they are purely used for self-cultivation, pure cultivation, not sticking to cause and effect, or have the hope of becoming an immortal!"

"However, you only have magical powers. In the past 30 years, how many demon masters have you fought? How many secret realms have you explored? How many opportunities have you sought? How many seniors have you helped?

Zhuge Wenxian shuddered: "But we have done so many good things, don't we have the merits of heaven and earth?"

"Of course there is!" Fang Xian smiled slightly: "But you still haven't paid the favor of the Shushan Sword Sect's preaching and karma? Going down the mountain to do good deeds is the master's order, so 50% of the merits should be attributed to Shushan... In addition, So many seniors sent magic weapons and medicine pills, you still don’t pay this kindness? Oh, I still have one of them, you still don’t pay it back?”

Every time he said a word, Zhuge Wenxian took a step back, his forehead dripping with cold sweat.

"There are so many causes and effects, so many graces, I am afraid that the merits and virtues you have accumulated in this life may not be enough to repay, and it is impossible to say that you need to reincarnate and then repay the debt..."

Before the settlement, do you still want to become immortal and dream?

In contrast, although Fang Xian has taken some opportunities since his debut, he has been working hard to repay, but it is almost settled.

The road of practice is smooth and smooth, and maybe there is a reason for this.

"Actually, it wasn't that Shushan made you, but you made Shushan, but so what?"

Fang Xian asked, "Now that you know the truth, what can you do?"


The muscles on Zhuge Wenxian's face were twitching, and he was obviously struggling inside.

He thought that when he entered the mountain gate, the teachers and teachers treated each other with sincerity, saved him several times in the fire and water, and gave him a lot of treasures and many opportunities... He was speechless for a while.

This is Yang Conspiracy!

Fang Xian sighed in his heart, this is why he has been reluctant to enter Shushan to practice.

In fact, he still has something to say.

Three immortals and two heroes, born with the atmosphere, are the blessings given by the heaven and earth here, and they have only one destiny, and that is to prevent the demons from becoming enlightened!

However, it was calculated by the masters, and he forcibly combined his destiny with Shushan Daxing and commanding the right way, and wanted to use their qi to promote the right way of Shushan.

'So, I took the fate of Yin Qiuxian, and I owe this world a destiny... the destiny of destroying demons! ’

'In addition to the long-term feud with the Kunlun Devil Palace, and the cause and effect of Yu Nishang, it is... I can't help but agree to help the sword. ’

'Of course, as a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect, there is at least ten times the difference between being ordered to eliminate demons and being invited to help the sword! ’

‘Falling into the general trend, how to break the situation? It is to accumulate slowly in the early stage, and suddenly find the flaws in the later stage! ’

'The previous planning has already separated me from the general situation of Shushan. As long as this evil catastrophe has passed, the destiny of the head of the three immortals can be completely ended, free from shackles, and walk out a new path...'

'As for the two immortals and two heroes, even if the demons are destroyed, they can only continue to sink into the general trend of Shushan, unable to extricate themselves! ’

'This is the difference between a chess player and a chess piece! ’

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